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Rebalancing perks

Elan Member Posts: 83

Killers - Devs talked about changing pain resonance, which sounds weird to me as it's one of most healthy perk in the game rewarding killers by doing their objectvives. Corrupt isn't meta for no reason. In higher mmr 1 minute chase means 2 or three gens done, that's why people run corrupt 24/7. Pop received nerf and yet is complain about, however as pain resonance again rewards killers for doing their objectvives, if you tunnel or camp, you won't get that much use out of it, do you? My biggest problem which should be adressed is noed, that rewards killers for bad play and turn 0k to at least one kill by just camping hook and need to be changed, let's say you get 30s noed effect for each unique hooked survivor, that would be fine, feeling that killer deserves it's help in late game.

Survivors - DS was nerfed so you can no longer doing objectives and keep it active which is in my opinion absolutely ok and again survivors run it just because killers tunnel and camp to win. Borrowed time is what it is, my only problem with this perk is that unhooked survivor can block killer, later on can stun by ds. So let's say that taking protection hit with BT ignores endurance status effect, that would be fair. You take a chance to ignore hit or die. With new antiboon perks I feel that old circle of healing would be also fine as it would be once per totem per match. Self care... i don't get it, why? It takes over 30s to heal self and in solo you can't really relly on your team. Dead hard is same kind as noed, it's absolutely game changing and doen't reward player for playing well. Might be good chance if dead hard would be activated upon safe unhook or healing teammate from dying state.

So my opinion, I would not touch scourge hooks, along with no way out and grim embrace those are most balanced and healthy perks for killers. Self care also should stay as it is as it's just a need in solo q. DS should stay as it is or being disabled in endgame however again it's anti unhealthy gameplay perk. Borrowed time is good supportive perk that can be abused though so let's say it may be changed somehow but remain as "help your teammate leave the hook" perk. If dead hard and noed will be changed, i believe those two perks will change the core of stale game the most. Right now not running meta means lose as killer or get tunneled as survivor. And those problems should be addressed.
