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Pipping at Iridescent Grades is Hard

Member Posts: 264
edited August 2022 in General Discussions

Change my mind....please?

No matter how hard i try, I always seem to to either things to little or too much of 1 thing. I try to do gens, chases, safe unhooking and balancing it out but its always just not enough somehow for me.

Any advice is welcome on pipping.

Post edited by Rizzo on

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  • Member Posts: 1,224

    You have to be a hero

  • Member Posts: 264

    was wondering how it is for killer on the red ranks.....

    maybe im just an bad-average survivor main at best that needs to git gud...

    maybe mmr is just still trash, no matter how much you get sacrificed you still get the sweaty killers on your heels. especially after peak-hours

    maybe i just need to play killer more to git gud with survivor...(which i try to do more since i get tired of getting no pips anyways)

    maybe my mmr is just too high (which i highly doubt kekw)

    was just wondering how other people feel about this

  • Member Posts: 685

    I capped out at Iri III last month. The last week I was just stalled there. I just take it as "do better"

  • Member Posts: 2,557

    yeah killer can get 24k 10 hooks and 3k and still no pip.

    So easy

  • Member Posts: 570
    edited May 2022

    Body is 1 character too short.

  • Member Posts: 500
    edited May 2022

    As a Killer, I have reached Iridescent rank 1 every single month since SBMM and didn't even try that incredibly hard (at rank 3 atm). As a Survivor, I'm always stuck at Iri 4 (one time I got to 3), high MMR SoloQ lobbies are just too chaotic not to constantly depip between actually good matches. Depip needs to go.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Depipping at Iri as solo survivor is hellish. I find this helps me though.

    Short Term:

    (a) Start worrying about if you're going to pip when you hit three pips. It's too stressful otherwise.

    (b) Play map offerings non stop at three pips until you grade up. RPD, Lery's, Badham, Coldwind, the Eyrie and the Swamp work for me. They're harder to depip on.

    Oddly enough, Midwich does as well but that's probably because I play a lot of killer so I know how to avoid killers

    (c) Actively avoid the killer as much as possible in the beginning until the killer has found someone else. Tunneling and facecamping is the bane to pipping up so avoid being found.

    (d) Generally, your objectives are do 3.5 gens, 2 safe unhooks and heal two health states, 45 seconds of being chased and surviving 9 minutes. Keep that in mind.

    (e) Escaping but after being downed gives you 3 points. Surviving for nine minutes but not escaping gives you two points. It's not a big difference and surviving 9 minutes is a lot easier. If, in the end game, you can get 2 teammates off hook but have to sacrifice yourself to the killer that could get you a pip.

    In the long term, if you struggle with a killer play that killer. Learn their mechanics and, when a survivor does something that messes you up, do that when playing survivor. Even learning the limitations of the field of vision of killers will help you a lot.

    Also, if you haven't done this before, don't run exhaustion perks. It'll force you to loop and evade better and then when you run exhaustion perks you'll be just that much better at it.

  • Member Posts: 286

    Iri I with SoloQ? - Near impossible if you don't sink all your time into it and don't use a full meta build.

    I managed to get to Iri I survivor every month since I started (which isn't all that long ago: December 2021) - though it was a very close call two times - and more importantly: I only ever consistently pipped through the Iri Grades with an swf. SoloQ it's get to 4/5 - then go back to 0/5 or 1/5. It's soul crushing 😬

    As for killer... I don't play too seriously 90% of the time - and also just a fraction of the time. But as killer you usually have pretty good control over which emblem you want to score in if you don't get super gen-rushed and/or overcommit to the wrong survivor. -- Plus: Killer has the advantage of having separate MMR. So if I find it waaaay too hard to pip on a killer I do pretty well with (and consequently find myself gen-rushed or confronted with people who loop really, really well quite frequently) I could always just switch to a killer that I usually just meme around with and cheese my iri-emblems if I really wanted them. Haven't done that before - but tbh, if I was just one pip away from the next grade and matches had been frustrating and I really wanted those extra BP I'd probably do it every now and again for the last one or two pips of a grade.

  • Member Posts: 264
    edited May 2022

    jeez thanks for all the input guys/galls/apache helicpters!

    looks like for me its just a case on git gud with chases. running no exhaustion perk sounds interesting...what about resilience and spine chill for chasing? will it be too much of a cruch combo or not? it did help me already alot in chases though.

    i hate going against trickster since im mostly clueless on what to do so deff gonna get that killer in the future!

  • Member Posts: 537

    It is hard to pip at red ranks as survivor, you have to do a lot. Specially playing solo. This month I'm already at rank one but just because I had help from friends where they would let me do all unhooks and tell me when they found totems, and basically protecting me the whole match until I got those last 5 pips.

  • Member Posts: 2,617

    Totally up to you for Spine Chill and Resilience. After you get used to it without exhaustion perks you'll just be that much better with. For myself, I generally run meme builds until I hit Iri grade and then the more effective builds come out. Pipping up at Iri as solo queue is hard!

  • Member Posts: 1,060

    Try this build:


    Prove Thyself/Auto-Didact

    Any Means Necessary


    It is BP and pip heaven with that build on.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Never had that kind of problem did you the end match quickly? I usually try to make match bit longer if possible so I get 30K+ Bp and 3-4K. But what I notice that it is very hard to at least depip. Some matches where I AFK long time or search for glypths I don't lose pips and still get brutal killer...

  • Member Posts: 264

    Heres a build that seemed to work for me! (pentimento gamers pls look away ^^) FInally after so many struggles ive done it once again kekw (mostly SoloQ too!)

    Borrowed Time

    Small Game

    Inner Strength


    Makes totem cleansing alot easier and beneficial when you feel like you have done too little gens and need more objective points while also knowing when you can safely unhook or not with kindred and borrowed time. Kindred really is my meta perk for SoloQ, its amazing!

    But the main factor for me is chases. Just chases. If you are good with chases pipping should be alot easier.

    Dont know how to be a good chaser? Play as killer and see how other people do it or with a somekind of swf and also see what they do.

  • Member Posts: 264

    another build i stumbled across solo / duoing is (thank you random nancy):

    Prove Thyself

    Borrowed Time

    Well Make it

    Sprint Burst

    with a brown toolbox

    not a bad combo on getting altruism and objectives done efficientlier

  • Member Posts: 2,557

    I wish we could turn off the grade icon.

    Notice everyone says "ah your grade means nothing"

    Well then why is it the largest icon on the screen? You think thats by accident?

    Also giving grade/rewards makes it very much mean something.

    I wish I could just turn off the icon and never see it tbh

  • Member Posts: 5,762

    Even for killers it's seriously stupid as you need to bring best of best killers with best of best addons as you have to consistently win till you get to rank up.

    And don't let me start talking about survivors...

  • Member Posts: 9,417

    I agree with survivor because even if you escape you may not have enough emblem points to pip. This is based around how interactive the killer is.

  • Member Posts: 264

    Lord help me this SoloQ ain't gonna cut it no mo for getting pips. 2 days ago I was in a SWF with coms and even though our espace weren't high, alteast i got pips, more than I could dream of actually haha! But as soon as I went back to SoloQ it was bye bye pips

  • Member Posts: 702

    I have much harder time pipping through irid ranks on killer than survivor. I can pip on survivor and not escape. But killer, the game has to absolutely go your way to get a pip. If they survivors do gens too fast, you won’t pip. If you can’t end chases quickly, but not too fast, you won’t pip. If the survivors bring boons and Medkits (healing quickly), you won’t pip. It’s honestly so frustrating sometimes. You can literally have a 4k and not pip because the game either went to fast. I hit a 4k slug with oni off my first power at 5 gens, and didn’t pip because it went too quickly. 😂 so irritating.

  • Member Posts: 1,218

    I haven't played a whole lot solo since the midchapter dropped so I can't say that it's still easy to get to Iri 1 in solo queue. It seems to feel the same. I think it depends on your MMR. It helps if you know your region so you can log in when good players are on. For me, it's late night or afternoon. no prime time, no weekends, and with crossplay off. Essentially you want to cut out all the casuals... even though this is a casual game. :|

    SWF is where it's at because even if you don't pip/win, you generally have more fun anyway.

  • Member Posts: 181

    It was easy before patch. Now I'm stuck going up and down at Iri 3.

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    I hit Iri 1 as a strictly solo queue survivor every month, and I am not all that great. Yes, that push from Iri 4 to Iri 1 will take a disproportionately long time relative to the rest, but it's not horrible. It's certainly easier than the old rank system.

    But it's supposed to be harder; the whole point is that each level is progressively harder to progress through than the rest. You need more pips, and they are harder to get. So if it's taking you longer to get through Iri than it did to get through Ash+Bronze+Silver together, that's by design.

  • Member Posts: 377
    edited August 2022

    If you don't care about your MMR, you'll pip to iri 1 super easy by playing the "I gotchu fam build." (Guardian, Big BT and We'll make it) Literally go for every unhook and heal and knock out 1 gen. It's a pip pretty much every time. You're gonna hook trade alot. I went from playing with people who have 1500-3000 hours to 550 hour andys though. Its either hilarious or painful. But you're iri 1. wew.

    Case in point, 4 people sick, 3 of them slapping out one gen (PTS) with a fountain next to us. The meg runs up and cleanses right next to us. Meg noooooooooo. We scatter, two people blow up the gen pleg comes downs two of them.

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    Isn’t that the idea?

    pipping in red tanks is hard, we’ll yeah that’s why it’s red ranks. It’s hard.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    For Survivors it's pretty hard. Sometimes even gold grades aren't easy, since you have to have: decent chase, some healing, unhooks and do decent ammout of gens while not being tunneled or camped to death and in ideal world even escape if you want Iri rank.

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