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Will I still get P3 cosmetics after the Prestige system overhaul?


I'm worried that if I don't prestige all of my survivors/killers to P3 now that I will miss out on their bloodied P3 outfits after the Prestige system overhaul.

Should I get them all to P3 now to make sure I don't miss out, or can I relax and still get them after the update?


Best Answer

  • JonathanByers
    JonathanByers Member Posts: 167
    Answer ✓

    You will still be able to get prestige cosmetics after the prestige overhaul update, so there is no need to worry about P3’ing all your characters now.

    But if you want the reward the devs are talking about before the prestige overhaul update then get as many characters as you can P3.