Ghostface build help

Used to play a fair bit of ghostface before taking a near year long break from the game. Not been doing as well as I used to on him, especially against swf teams.
Just want to know what builds people are running on GF these days. Any tips will also be appreciated
I was gonna post a build but lets be real...
As a killer you will most likely complain and start camping and tunneling.
and then you will come back to the Forums to make another post about your experience.
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You can't make this stuff up smh.
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Uh, what?
What does this have to do with anything I was talking about?
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I play my share of Ghostface and I like to use Enduring, Spirit Fury, Whispers, and either Nurse's or sloppy. For add-ons I use night shroud recovery and exhaustion infliction.
Basically I just use his power to gain free hits and play super aggressively downing survivors very quickly with the help of enduring fury and the add-ons.
Also because Ghostface can sneak up on survivors so easily it's wise for them to heal otherwise he can get free downs too. Nurse's or sloppy comes into play here.
And then whispers is just an amazing tracking perk. Always useful from early game all the way to endgame.
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Just...ignore it.
That's just disgustingly rude.
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My build is BBQ (bloodpoints), Ruin, Pain Resonance (slowdown and info), and I’m All Ears.
IAEs is so good on killers like Ghostface. You know exactly where the survivor is and they don’t know where you are (Night Shroud); instantly the king of mind games.
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BHVR nerfed his night shroud power. They basically made it easier for survivors to break him out of stealth. I would recommend a anti loop build on him so you can quickly catch up to survivors and down them once you’ve marked them. Try Enduring, Spirit Fury, Bamboozle, and the last could be anything you want. I love running rancor on him just for the mori and insta down.
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thanks for the help, much appreciated
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The build I like using for Ghostface is Bamboozle, A Nurse's Calling, Sloppy Butcher, and Jolt (or Pain Resonance) with the "Philly" and Drop-Leg Knife Sheath addons. You could also replace A Nurse's Calling with Lethal Pursuer or Barbecue & Chili. Imo, try finding the build that works best for you and you'll do well either way normally.
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I don't even remember what my build with him was before I changed it up to be a little funny...
But that funny build is Devour, Thrilling, Pursuer, and BBQ.
I want the perk thrill of the hunt, but we can't all get the perks we want for a funny build 😞
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He gets hard countered by competent SWFs so not much you can do about that. A build I've been enjoying lately is his crouch movement speed addon, his addon that gives haste when you mark, agitation, play with your food, BBq and a 4th perk of your choosing. You can crouch move at like 125% and it's a blast.
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Bamboozle and 3 passive slowdowns. No need to re-invent the wheel. Corrupt, deadlock, ruin, no way out. That kind of stuff. You can sub noed for one of those.
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couple chase perks ( stbfl - enduring - brutal - bamboozle) couple gen slowdown perks ( corrupt - deadlock - jolt) with a cooldown addon and you should be fine
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My build is BBQ, (lets me know who to go after next after hooking someone and how to do it) Discordance, (Helps to find groups of people working on gens and makes it easier to pick off people who might be going for hook rescues) Corrupt (To have time to 99 a bunch of people to allow for a snowball later) and a slowdown perk, usually Ruin. Philly and Walleye's matchbook are probably his best addons, ever since they were reworked.
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Use one anti-chase perk, Bamm is best option for m1 killers.
And use 3 slowdown perks or 2 slowdown + 1 info.
Make your choice.
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Alright mate, i played GF quite a bit before switching to Demo as my main.
When i do play GF i slap on corrupt, pop, lethal pursuer (to see ppl and get quick first down or couple 99d) and bbq to know where 99d ppl are on map.
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I don't run anything special on him and win most of the time.
Corrupt/PGTW/No Way Out/Bamboozle
The big thing is to use his stalk mechanic. I'm usually mystified when I see players say they can't make use of his one shot ability. 99 your stalks when you can. Make a judgement call on exposing and chasing. If your M1 killer skills aren't good, your Ghostface won't be good, so it might be helpful to refresh how to run each tile efficiently as killer.