Why this game is not all 1st POV?
I don't really get it. Why survivors dont have a 1st person POV while the killer does? It would be WAY better that way.
In what way would it be better?
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This is most likely to enable survivors to better hide from killers, as this game was intended to be more like hide and seek, now though, it remains because looping would be almost impossible without it.
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It would be more tense. With the survivors being able to see everywhere, it's not tense or scary or anything, as they know the location of the killer all the time
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i wish they'd make a vr mode for survivor that would be amazing.
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Both survivor and killer in first person
Yeah I'll pass
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Bhvr could give the option but I personally would always play third person as survivor.
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Because noone would play, everyone would just....die.
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sounds like skill issue to me... As it is right now survivor is boring af when you can see your back when fixing a generator. Like, where's the part where survivors struggle?
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Ah yeah can't wait for the fun engaging gameplay of staring at a low resolution generator model for 80 seconds.
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Struggle while fixing a generator?
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It might work with a different mode where you can press c for example to look behind you like in GTA games and killers are slower to give survivors a chance.
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God please no, Imagine like DBD in VR and just having to look around, and Mikey would be EVEN MORE scary.
No thanks ;-;
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The same reason why survivors are allowed to pick the same character and the same costume: Literally any change to improve immersive gameplay constitutes a 'Survivor Nerf' and would make them all rise up in outrage.
Consider the much improved survivor movement animations they tried to put into the game. Survivors models actually turned and took natural movements. But because not being able to jolt instantly left to right like a flipped mirror let the killers read their movements slightly, it was seen as a Survivor Nerf and the Devs had to throw away all their hard work because of all the Survivor Outrage.
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I like the POV as is.
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Well killers would dominate and win every game easily so nobody would play survivor and looping is the most fun thing to do as survivor which would not be possible in 1st pov. That would not be dbd anymore and also killers powers would need huge nerfs and they would have to have lot slower movement speed. Maps would probably have to be lot darker and there should be more hiding spot.
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Because as with other games it wasn’t meant to have first person view for survivors.
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A survivor needs more awareness of their surroundings. So third person is better.
A killer needs a more detailed vision of their immediate area, so better in first person.
Playing survivor in first person would be atrocious - here have a face full of generator for ages and nothing else. Dead Hard pass.
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I mean if you have seen the Halloween movies 50 times then it stops becoming scary. Same thing with dbd. You won’t be able to loop at all.
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It would be scarier but honestly with how it feels playing with killer FOV I wouldn't wish it on more people
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games change, movies don't.
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Yeah, of course it would need changes. But I don't think it has to be massive. I mean, you already know the killer is nearby by its terror radius. What would actually need to change would be the gen repair, making it more entertaining. Someone mentioned a button to look back, that can be easily done and implemented... Idk... But it seems survivors don't want the slightest challenge so... yeah...
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They did try it in Alpha but didn't like it. I can't remember the reasons they gave.
I wouldn't mind trying it as a Halloween event, but even then, some things would have to change, like no bloodlust or scratch marks. Some type of Corrupt Intervention basekit. Maybe give an extra health state or even a weapon. Hell, sand would be fine. Even moris could be in first person. Up close with Mike? That would be pretty cool... all while my teammates are throwing sand at me.
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Didn't throw away all the hard work when Billy was sent to hell tho. Nobody and I mean NOBODY asked for that!
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There is youtube video someone trying the 1st pov and it was not possible to loop. I would quit survivor and just be full killer main if they would change it. I already 3-4K most of my games so I would probably win every match then. So big nerfs would be nerfed for survivors to have any chanse the game is balanced around that survivors has that 3st pov. Not every killer has terror radius always and there is perks which make killers undetectable too.
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noo you can’t add immersive gameplay to a horror game, I want to look at my 40 of $30 feng cosmetics every game
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It is very rarely a good principle of game design to sacrifice utility for immersion and maximising consumer utility is the best way to ensure they remain repeat customers which, for a firm in a position of monopoly power, is exactly what you want to happen but go off.
Let's bore the survivor playerbase into quitting because of gen times where you can stare at the same 3 pixels constantly and do nothing else!
Your name applies here- try harder with your posts.
(also try harder with knowing who you're replying to- I don't play Feng)
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They could unlock the camera so that survivors can look around freely while they are working on a gen. Not that i think first person for survivors will ever be implemented.
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Do you know how jarring it would be for survivors to constantly swap between the first and third person?
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might as well let survivors instant escape and teabag killers because who cares about immersion, it’s all about how to get survivors to consume more product lol. No wonder the only popular people playing this game are paid by the devs lol.
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Wouldn't be able to sell as much cosmetics if survivor was first-person.
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They have a point. You would literally be staring at a generator for 80 seconds. I don't get what Feng cosmetics have to do with that.
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If you care about immersion play a real horror game, like Alien: Isolation, Amnesia, or Outlast. The developers have made it clear this is an action game with horror elements. I think the new killer is pretty scary, so that can be an example of them implementing horror elements. But I see it more as a fun game than a scary experience. Kind of like the "slasher" movies they're based on? Halloween, F13 weren't ever scary to me, it just has horror elements and is entertaining to watch with others.
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People modded first person view on surv and it was okay they did fine
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Sorry if i wasnt clear, i dont mean swapping to third person. I mean the camera unlocking so you can freely look around while working the gen. It would also allow you to face the direction you want to run in when you release the gen, hypothetically.
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Survivors would never win if they had first person perspective. I mean imagine it, really. Looking all around while working on a gen? Nope. Looking around while behind a wall or in cover? Not anymore. Imagine if looking behind you while running meant you couldn't watch where you were going, and how that would work in loops. Virtually every chase would result in a quick down.
OTOH, a few surv players might get jump scared to death, which would make DBD more of a proper horror game, I suppose.
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Most asymmetrical games have survivors in 3rd person,like Friday the 13th,VHS,Evil Dead and probably the upcoming Texas Chainsaw massacre game too.
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so, like it should happen if it was you living the experience? oh no, immersion, who wants that? -.-
Also, most people mentioning loops... How is looping funny or entertaining in any way? When I'm a killer and a survivor keeps running around the same thing over and over again is the most boring part of being a killer. I just let them run and go for something else to do... As a survivor, running around the same thing over and over again is boring, and I rathrr have the killer catch me than waste my time on that...
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You know people play DBD to have fun right? Not to give every killer a win because "immersion". Immersion isn't a good excuse for absolutely boring and diabolical game play.
Do you genuinely think survivors losing every game would be enjoyable? Lol
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Consumer utility means every consumer, not four consumers. Maximising overall utility involves an opportunity cost of some people for the greater utility of them all.
This discussion was around first person survivor. Hence I talked about survivors, as it is all that is relevant. You're bringing in a topic that has no importance to the conversation at hand and trying to use it as a 'gotcha' moment when nothing I said directly supports or goes against it since it isn't relevant.
You're really not good at this, are you? You're trying so so hard and it just isn't working.
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Surv in 1st person and killer in 3rd one
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Ah but you see that isn't immersive enough because in real like while buried neck-deep into a generator you couldn't then look behind yourself /s
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The games been dying since it first released you need a better argument.
Also Evil Dead has already dropped... and dropped it's playerbase too 🕳️👩🏻🦯
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Let's be honest, if it could be an option It would be really much appreciated
I would love to try the game on first person, I've wanted that for ages
You could choose between first and third person if you wish
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Because survivors like easy mode. Should have options for both. 1st person would be really fun and definitely harder.
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It was never balanced around it, if you changed the POV to first person tomorrow the best loopers would have no chance against even the most basic mindgame, and I don't think they'd ever become as powerful as they are in 3rd person. Also I think half the survivor playerbase would quit, which wouldn't be very good.
That being said, I would absolutely love an option, or even a "meme perk" like No Mither that makes your FOV first person. Making it a teachable to a survivor would be hilarious because people would need to use it for the Adept. That would make for some good content. And honestly it would promote a fun alternate playstyle that would make you rely more on stealth than looping.
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The camera view is one of the most glaring factors that prove the game is imbalanced against one side more than the other. Window tech and such are all things that exploit the killers FOV.
The FOV is limited in such a way that gives survivors a clear advantage.
inb4 the fan bois come running, we all know it is because its too difficult for them to play in First Person the way a killer does
So many survival games are first person you can run and look back, I mean Outlast...
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But that would be easy mode for killer
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There’s actually videos out there people made somehow on private servers of sample games of survivors playing in first person perspective. It’s kind of entertaining to watch, and it definitely does look like it makes things tenser for the survivors during chases and when hiding!
On a related note I think a killer whose ability includes that they force survivors to play in first person perspective would be interesting. The main problem implementing would be it might require them to adjust animations and camera angles for all existing and future survivors so their hands appear in the proper positions during all possible actions (versus just disappearing entirely when running or doing gens or something.) But if it could be implemented as a unique killer it would probably be a fun one to go against.
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I think with just the way the mechanics of killer is, it requires survivors to need to be able to see more within their radius. If survivors were also put in 1st person they would be at a major disadvantage against killers. If killer was put in 3rd person then killer would have a major advantage against survivors, as that's just the way the game has been made and all killer powers and survivor and killer perks have been made to accommodate 3rd person survivors and 1st person killers.
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Also, why dont survivors have weapons while the killer does? It would be WAY better that way. And a way different game.
The question always is: better for whom?