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General Discussions

Why this game is not all 1st POV?



  • Member Posts: 897

    exactly, so far as a survivor you can only lose the game if you play reckless or if you fail your skill checks, which is really boring and the reason why I only play survivor for the daily challenges... On 1st POV I would have to play smart, hide, and be really aware of everything around me, which would be a fun change and a challenge... Having the game so easy as a survivor is just boring.

  • Member Posts: 3,167
    edited May 2022

    This whole thread is the same old "Hello fellow Survivor mains, Im a Survivor main myself and I think I speak for everyone out there, we would totally love this unbiased change™ absolutely nobody asked and Im sure it will improve the gameplay experience of Survivors mains, such as myself" then it mutated into the "This makes 0 real world logic, unlike a woman who can teleport around and a guy with third degree burns and slashes 2 cm deep into his flesh, which is totally normal and realistic and I see at least 3 of each every day I go to work, AND ITS A 10 MINUTE WALK!!".

    Honestly this kind of threads should just get deleted on the spot, they have no purpose except baiting/trolling.

  • Member Posts: 601

    Predators have eyes facing forward so they can track & pursue prey more effectively. Prey have eyes on the sides of their head so they can monitor their surroundings and detect predators more easily.

    DBD imitates this relationship by giving killers a focused (punitively narrow) 1st-person perspective, while survivors get the more radar-like prey treatment.

    We find being hunted particularly terrifying because our vision is specifically not well suited for handling it.

    Limiting it to videogame experiences - try out the game Dark Deception. It's a first person maze game with AI monsters that hunt you down - it's effective, but you'll also find that the audio tells have to be EXTREMELY distinct because you have so little visual information to work off of.

  • Member Posts: 897

    oh, the autority appeared :)

    I'm also not a survivor main. I hate playing as survivor, it's the most boring experience ever. That's why I want a change to make it entertaining.

  • Member Posts: 506

    And how exactly does this "know the location of the killer all the time" work?

    Especially in a game that has fog (which limits the view distance) and line of sight breakers (trees, hedges, big rocks, houses, cars, school buses, hills, trucks and lots more) and where generators usually are put next to these line of sight breakers (which can be so high that you can not look over them).

  • Member Posts: 173

    Good at what exactly? Shilling for a dead game lol. Of course it’s all about survivors, they’re the majority= more money. Gotta make sure the 10 year olds can guarantee escape onryo and other weak m1 killers so they can steal mommy wallet

  • Member Posts: 22,850


    Yeah in the short term maximising supernormal profits by catering to only 4 works but any hope of retaining long run market share flies out the window. And, shockingly, profit maximisation isn't always the only business objective.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Can you explain that statement? because even weak m1 killers have killrates above 50%, so how is it all about survivors and garanteed escapes? Shouldn´t the kill rate then be at 0%? Please, add the facts about killrates and escape rates, and then explain it to me, because in my understanding your statement doesnt fit the facts. But maybe i am wrong.

  • Member Posts: 173

    Afk, dc, suicide on hook, griefing their own teammates, wanting to lower their rank for easier matchmaking? Lots of reasons killer data is so warped

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    Considering how default FOV is in this game, we should be glad its not forced on more players than it is now

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    When the game is designed for escapes anyway, as was the claim, how much easier could it become? Why cd or hook suicide, when the game is basicly won from the beginning? While the reasons are good for explaining warped killer data, they dont make any sense with the original statement.

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