Do you use bloody partystreamers or anniversary cakes?
I personally dislike them, I rarey ever have any pleasant memories of bringing them into a trial as a killer. Usually the survivors are the ones who profit off them which makes me feel cheated after burning such an offering.
I've been prestiging characters lately in preparation of the upcoming rewards promised by BHVR and I had no remorse when it came to forfeiting multiple stacks of anniversary cakes from the last 3 years. They're better off in the depths of the void if you ask me.
That's a really weird mindset to have. The whole point of them is that they give points to everyone. If you only care about yourself, then just burn survivor puddings instead.
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I use every single BP booster I have at all times, always. Puddings and streamers are the first to go. And then I never use any offerings after that. The only thing I have memories of with these addons is more BP.
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Not trying to be rude, but this sounds like one of those times where the phrase "Sounds like a skill issue," genuinely applies.
I bring streamers and cakes all the time. Sometimes I win, sometimes I lose. I don't expect the survivors to grovel at my feet just because I brought a double bp offering. I just go into the match and try to have a nice, fun, fair game. If you can't go into a trial with that mindset, even when you use a double bp offering, maybe you need a break.
This is a game. The point is to have fun. If you're not, then you're either burnt out or this isn't the game for you.
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On killer if I have them, I use them. On survivor I only bring them if I am playing in a full 4man SWF.
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I use whatever BP Offering I have
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I only use those offerings when I'm playing Killer and feel confident that I can make some use out of it. But as a survivor? ######### the killer, 9 out of 10 times he'll just tunnel/facecamp and deny any and all possible BP gains. Green envelope is where it's at, giving my rando teammates just a little extra incentive not to DC simply because he went down first.
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I stockpile them for 1.5/2x BP events, but yes - I bring them. Every so often though I'll just go 'no, no more nice things for other people today'.
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As Solo Survivor they're usually a death sentence so I only bring them in SWF.
As Killer all the time.
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I treat them as Survivor Puddings.
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When I bring cake or party streamer I tunnel someone out if need to im not there to play nice but to get good amount bp. Very rarely I get under 50K in those matches. Usually 60-90K debending on if they bring cake as well.
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Of course, they double your bloodpoints after the match. Why wouldn’t you use them?
And who cares if the survivors get more extra bloodpoints to spend than you do out of it? You’re still getting bonus bloodpoints no matter what they get.
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I like to bring BPS/Cakes for survivors I've played with before as Killer and were good sports
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My strategy when it comes to cakes is hoard as many as you can then use them whenever a chapter comes out. Same thing with BPS.
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Alright so in addition to bringing cakes, bloody party streamers, survivor puddings or a hollowed shell I will also run bbq and chilli. By doing both you'll be constantly getting even more blood points than without bbq.
If you cant catch the 3rd or 4th survivor you need for the last stacks don't throw the game to get them. Go after the first survivors you hooked. You'll get more bloodpoints that way and feel more rewarded, especially if you sacrifice them.
This will be a time of a bit more stress when playing killer as other survivors will want to try to last as long as possible so just try to understand it's a game, they want bp too and see who is the weak link or if you can swing the match in your favor.
Example: go after only 2 survivors only over and over (if you can get an easy down on the 3rd or 4th one great) but also run no way out and dead lock to help ensure they are not going to do gens and leave asap. Even 2 stacks of no way out is better than nothing. During this time if the first 2 survivors are dead you can get the 3rd one and maybe the 4th will come for a rescue and if not that's okay because you got a 3k.
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Not sure to be honest.
After they announced the changes to the Grind, I am not really in need for Bloodpoints anymore. All Survivors are P3-50 with all Perks and all Killers are P3-50 with all Perks, EXCEPT for Sadako and Hag (she is missing Sadakos Perks).
And I dont really see me putting so many points in Sadako for Perks I will get for free once they roll in the changes. So currently, I dont know what to do with my Bloodpoints, except for stockpiling some Add Ons or Items.
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I just bring Survivor Puddings because they often suicide on hook , DC by getting outplayed , or they just genrush , making PARTYSTREAMERS OR ANNIVERSARY CAKES not worth running in my opinion.
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Yeah if I'm playing with friends. Usually they're wasted on randoms. On killer yeah once in a while I will. Especially if I get people I know.
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Nah, waste of an item.
Everytime I bring a bloody party streamer I get tunneled out , camped, or my teammates are brain dead.
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I bring them a lot both as survivor and Killer. I play differently though; when I first started DbD and had played my first streamer I spawned right next to a Killer who almost immediately downed me and facecamped me to death. As a result, when I see them as Killer I farm. Maximum two hooks on one survivor if I bring them; one hook if they bring them.
As Survivor, I bring them as it's there and a bit more BP anyway.
For the Bloodhunt I'll use any I haven't gotten around to using yet.
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I use cakes because whenever I bring bloody party, people seem to sweat just too much.
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I use everytime I have them in my inventory but I must admit it's in a selfish way, don't care if others are gonna make a lot of points.
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I used all my cakes and party streamers in the PTB. Because I couldn't really lose them there.
In live, I never use them. I've had the experience (even in the PTB where people are actually a bit more chilled) as soon as someone brings BPS, the other side plays extremely sweaty. And in live it´s even worse.
I don't waste my BPS in live anymore, where I'm pretty sure going to be tunneled out of the match and using the offering isn't worth it at all for me.
I don't know how many cakes and BPS I've already collected on my main survivor, but I know that they will stay safe in my inventory ...until the next PTB, where it doesn't matter if I use them or not.
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Not really when i play survivor. It's probably my imagination but it feels like every time I burn one as a survivor, the universe decides to give me the middle finger and I have a terrible game
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I use BPS, but I only use cakes during the Anniversary Events.
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I have 53 cakes on my Deathslinger. I do not like playing Deathslinger but I am doing it anyway. Believe in yourself and do your best.
Nothing is guaranteed but if you fear defeat before the trial has begun, you have already lost.
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I don't bring my streamers cause I'm a hoarder.
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I don't use either of them. Whenever I do bring them the survivors get extremely sweaty.
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I bring them whenever as killer, but as survivor, I usually save them for the special occasions I play with friends - solo queue games are so unreliable and there's few things more annoying than burning streamers and getting yeeted with 4k points.
It's fair enough when people feel like they're cursed and herald bad games, but I've got nothing but bemusement and a bit of scorn for people who won't use them because they're more determined not to give their opponents extra bloodpoints than they are to give themselves extra bloodpoints.
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I like to hoard my cakes because I know I won't get any more. BPS though I have no problem burning if I have them. Even if you're losing as killer you still get roughly about the same amount of bp the survivors do. At least I do. No reason not to burn them as you'll just get more.
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I do. On survivor and killer. Why not? It’s double blood points.
Sure Aw survivor you could have a bad game, but you might not.
As a killer just pair with BBQ and all you have to do is hook everyone once and do chases and even if everyone escapes you’re looking at around 75k easy and if you get some sacrifices then close to 100k per match.
Or just be Legion and go fast.
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Adding to this - decided to burn a BPS and got a facecamping Bubba on Lerys (my least fave map) lol the universe hates my BPS
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I try to save up my BP offerings like those, but there's almost never a point in bringing them. I do well as survivor the majority of the time, but anytime I bring an offering like that, I get facecamped/immediately tunneled off of the hook. It's been happening more and more lately to the point where it feels like it's a waste of an offering and I barely get to play the matches in the first place.
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As survivor I bring them if I'm SWF or I know my teammates-- never for randoms. As killer, I bring them whenever I'm grinding or if I know the survivors.
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using streamers i've had 3 matches and made 450k blood points and hopefully they got a good amount too.
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This is what happens if you bring an anniversary cake: survivors who will abuse infinite loops, Dead Hard and genrushing. Not a single hook, no BBQ stacks, simply nothing. Just plain suffering and humiliation. Anyone wanna tell me why I shouldn't camp every single survivor for the rest of the day as retaliation for this disgrace?