Can we just play how we want and let others do the same?

Shaped Member Posts: 5,923

Why is it so hard for us to accept this? I know some stuff is frustrating but if we expect others to play how we want them to so we can have "fun", we will rarely enjoy this game if at all.

Even the bm honestly which I very much dislike.

And before someone says, of course hacking/exploits should be complained about. Complaining about things we dislike is perfectly fine as well but attacking others for their playstyle is so pointless.

Wish we could just stop with this nonsense and hate.


  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    Exactly people take this game way to serious sometimes throwing insults or just harassing those players just for the way they play.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Oh man you take this non salty don't take it too seriously crap out to the street... this is DBD...

    In all seriousness though I couldn't agree more.

    There is plenty about this game I don't find fun but that is 100% a me issue, its not worth getting angry over and its certainly not worth abusing others about it.

    When the game meets expectations then enjoy it, when it doesn't play it out and move on. After all its only a game it doesn't matter.

    Yeah there is nothing wrong with complaining but people need to understand that "X is mechanically broken because of this..." is not the same as "I hate X get rid of it"... These two topics are often interchangeable for a lot of people and they take it unnecessarily personally and seriously.

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited May 2022

    Mostly agree.

    Just for BM, I would like people to advocate against BM more than for it because "muh fun at your expense" and saying "whatever its just a part of the game". Just because it doesn't bother you or me, doesn't make it ok for everyone.

    Sportsmanship is still a thing and "fun" is no excuse to be a jerk to others just because. To be clear I mean things like T-bag and hook hitting that have no direct benefit and are basically just a middle finger.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited May 2022

    Hook hitting never really got to me because it always struck me as thematically appropriate for leatherface et al to start carving me up after hanging me on the meat hook.

    As for crouch BM'ing survivors its just silly, it only irks me because it can be immersion breaking and I play DBD for the horror theme nothing else.

    Maybe you could just imagine they are pooping their pants at how scared they are of you?

    But as a taunt its really silly, a stranger mashes buttons on their equipment adding wear and tear to it and RSI to their hands and I'm supposed to feel bad. Why not just smash their own keyboard and punch themselves in the face it'd have the same effect on me. EDIT : My point is its inconsequential so why let it upset you.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    No point in getting mad at ppl you'll forget exist in under an hour or smth like that

    Not worth the energy, just click continue and move on. It's sometimes nice to have a discussion in EGC when there's no insults being hurled but yeah

  • MrPenguin
    MrPenguin Member Posts: 2,426
    edited May 2022

    It doesn't bother me when its done to me unless its at the gate because at that point you're actually wasting my time. However like I said "Just because it doesn't bother you or me, doesn't make it ok for everyone."

    Being empathetic is something this community needs more of, saying being a jerk for no reason isn't ok would be a nice start.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited May 2022

    I agree, but even empathy won't stop it as its empowered by the social perception that it will have this negative effect.

    The solution is to disempower it as an offensive action.

    That starts with people realizing that the BM only influences you if you let it.

    I stated why it can irk me but I don't let that influence my fun.

    People will always be jerks for no reason but if the tools they use to be jerks have no real consequence, then their capacity to be jerks is largely impotent and that starts with people collectively saying "meh BM who cares."

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    It’s all MMRs fault. Bad players get to the same MMR as actual smart and good players because all they need to do is escape. Or they’re getting carried by a swf.

  • Sakurra
    Sakurra Member Posts: 1,046
    edited May 2022

    Well, if you are playing a game to annoy people, to get angry reactions for your "satisfaction" then you have a problem.

    In others case, yes, play how you want.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,842
  • Elessar93
    Elessar93 Member Posts: 92

    Well yes but actually no. I stopped playing the game daily and just turn it on once a week. I start a match playing normally just to get genrushed and bullied by survivors. My next 3 matches before closing the game are Bubba proxy camping build and it just works fine. The game is made to be played in a total unfair way. I give them what they want. In all seriousnes I'm just getting tired of this bs Mmr and tryharder swat teams gen rushing and escaping in 3 minutes with 100 second chance perks. I played fair for years even when I got bullied the whole match. I guess it's time to leave the game to itself until they decide to do a real rework on meta perks and those hellish add ons (great idea, let's make add ons to insta heal and to accelerate gens because the game is so killer sided).

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684
    edited May 2022

    3 good survivors take 1 friend to play with them. the 1 friend escapes multiple times but only because the 3 friends are doing everything to keep the 1 friend alive.

    Then the 1 friend queues up in solo q and gets matched with high mmr players. Imagine what’s gonna happen. They will play like a baby survivor. The others will complain about how he plays.
