Some small Ideas for Legion
I really love the new killers Design and animation in my eyes the devs outdid themselves again, but the Killer feels gameplay wise.. let's say "odd". Using his ability feels very smooth and makes a lot of fun I also really like the heartbeat when somebody is in your T-radius while frenzeing and giving someone the Deep-wound effekt, it gives off a nice hunter-type feel. I've always wanted a killer that play with high mobility but takes a few more extra hits, but his current state feels a bit odd during mid-chase mostly because you are unsure of what you should do after you hit the survivor for the first time it's like an awkward pause in the otherwise very great flow of his playstyle.
The double-stun:
My biggest problem with him/her, this part is the main thing that disrupts legions fluidity. This definetly needs to go it feels exactly like the nurse double stun we had as a bug for some time. It can definetly hurt you alot especially mid-chase.
Power-Depletion on Deep-wounded target:
My idea is changing the way his mid-chase works, by allowing you to hit twice even if the target allready has deepwounds. Every second hit will still give you the stun but it makes the chase a little less awkward by allowing you to down the survivor with 3 uses of the ability instead of 5(or 4 if you let the survivor go) this would definetly require an add-on change.
Deep-wound Mending and Bleedout time:
I understand that it should be more of an encouragement to do something else than gens but Deep-wound seems a bit weak right now, mostly because of these two reasons:
It barely takes time to get off
It takes a very long time to actually be threatening.
Other than that the effect is a cool new Idea I always love new ways to waste time but it is not threatening enough to pose as a real danger it doesn't need to big of a buff in my eyes but some love would be nice.
I still really love the DLC and it's tho and I appreciate all the work and effort put into it, you guys just keep outdoing yourself and just keep on making one great DLC after another I hope the community can give you guys the right feedback for this DLC to bring it to it's deserved glory!