Thanks for the Pig nerfs

Stupid afk pig strategy terrorised %50 of the games. She is still annoying and not weak like most of the M1 killers. Thank devs for the listening commumity
Not weak? Pig's one of the weakest killers in the game, are you kidding me? All three aspects of her power are either clunky or unreliable.
AFK Pig had to go, nobody should be rewarded with kills for doing literally nothing (and nobody should load into the game already dead, for that matter), but let's not pretend Pig is in a good spot now.
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what nerf?
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It was more like a buff honestly but Pig is definitely pretty weak.
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there is an extra box, but maximum attempts is still 4.
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not really
you can't patrol your boxes that well
escape on first attempt will be less likely, but your time wasted on multiple attempts will be lower, because distance you have to travel is lower.
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The first three searches now are less likely to give a key. So survivors will end up searching boxes more on aveverage.
At worst this will neutralize itself with survivors spending more time searching but making it up with less distance traveled.
There's only a couple of maps where this might be a full on nerf like rpd and midwich since those are the only maps where it might be impossible to check all 4 boxes.
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You are less likely to escape fast, but you are also way less likely to die to it.
It's not as bad a nerf as some people try to say tho.
I respect boops with pig so she was never a serious killer for me, so I don't really care. I wish they would buff her crouch, so she feels better to play as.
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It's a buff, not a nerf.
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it's both.
more time wasted but less likely to kill
Pig has it harder to patrol boxes too.
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It‘s a buff and a nerf.
Her strength doesn’t matter though, it needed to change regardless.
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I literally never saw AFK pig. 50% of games? You had a pig in 50% of your matches? I don't think I've seen her but once this month.
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50% of your matches were against afk Pigs?
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Either the Survivor can search the four closest boxes and gives the Pig a smaller area to find the Survivor in, or the Survivor can avoid that to stay away from the Pig and wastes the time they could have saved with the shorter walk distance. They can't have it both ways.
Meanwhile, said Survivor now has a 40% chance of needing to search four boxes vs. 25% chance previously, and if the Pig can catch the Survivor after they have failed three searches, that Survivor is likely finished anyways even if the Pig can't just hover around the last box like before. I won't say that the shorter travel distance means absolutely nothing, but I would confidently call this a net buff.
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the Survivor can avoid that to stay away from the Pig and wastes the time they could have saved with the shorter walk distance.
alternative is having to deal with Pig patroling your last box and dying to it.
There used to be an issue with some big maps that unless you started to search boxes asap you didn't have time to search all 4, that is not an issue anymore.
You are just less likely to kill with your power and if you want to kill with it, it's harder to do.
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So can you actually traverse all of RPD now with the extra box in play? And get the trap off?
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alternative is having to deal with Pig patroling your last box and dying to it.
That's still doable. You can harass the Survivor if they've been at the boxes for a while. Once you have them in your crosshairs, it's basically an inevitability as long as you don't let up.
You are just less likely to kill with your power and if you want to kill with it, it's harder to do.
I don't see it that way. You are almost never going to kill with the RBT unless they have to search four boxes, which is now 15% more likely under the new system.
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I only played AFK Pig BECAUSE of the nerf, so for the 45 games I ruined, blame Behavior. Not me. I would have literally never done it if they weren't gutting Pig... Again.
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most likely and they are going to change RPD anyway
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You know, it could actually be possible. With AFK Pig getting nerfed, maybe there's a big influx of AFK Pigs now.
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Its ridiculous. They existed, but where no where near as frequent as some people claimed.
But yeah...
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this was a exploit so am glad its gone.
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No one said they would change it for the better, lol
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1st Freddy 5 snares, Ghost Face easy to spot now Pig are all licensed killers getting nerfed?
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50%? That can not be. I never played against other killers, only AFK pig in years of playing.