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Residue Manifest vs Pharmacy

Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
edited May 2022 in Polls

I got into a discussion with another forum user, @KhamuraTal, about which perk was better: Residue Manifest or Pharmacy.

I'm curious as to what everyone things.

  1. Residue Manifest - After a successful Killer Blind, the Killer suffers from the Blindness Status Effect for 30 Seconds. Residual Manifest grants the ability to rummage through an opened Chest once per Trial and will guarantee a basic Flashlight.
  2. Pharmacy - Unlocking Chests is 80% Percent faster. Unlocking your first Chest guarantees an Emergency Med-Kit. Pharmacy reduces the audible range of your Chest-unlocking noises by 8 meters


I think I'm going to come back in 2 months and post which perk survivors prefer, based on usage stats.

***If either of these perks changes significantly from what they currently are, I won't bother.

Residue Manifest vs Pharmacy 28 votes

Residue Manifest (Is Better)
musstang62ThatOneDemoPlayerPlsfix369DredgenWar237JonathanByersKhamuraTal 6 votes
Pharmacy (Is Better)
Seiko300VolantConch1719NecromoniconSkeletalEliteMunqaxusBlazelskiFeryGENAhoyWolfSebaOutbreakLordRegalrandonlyTatariuGreyBigfootTeabaggingGhostfaceFobboCheeseAntonTurboTOneBennett_They1ThemjesterkindXendritch 22 votes
Post edited by Munqaxus on


  • DaddyMyers_Mori
    DaddyMyers_Mori Member Posts: 2,205
    Pharmacy (Is Better)

    Pharmacy is better because medkit -> flashlight.

    Residue manifest might be used more, because it is more interesting perk.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,612
    Pharmacy (Is Better)

    Not voting, but commenting, because I think they break out even.

    A green medkit is inarguably better than a flashlight, but Residual Manifest imparts a relatively useful status effect on the killer so long as you can blind them, which isn't that hard to do if you're actively trying.

    They both make searching chests actually worth doing, and provide roughly equal value in different areas, at least in my opinion. If pushed I'd say Pharmacy is probably slightly better, but Pharmacy is already not in the top tier for healing-build perks so it's only very slightly.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
    Pharmacy (Is Better)

    I definitely think they will be really close to each other, so I think it's perfectly find to vote for one over the other. So please vote. :)

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,612
    Pharmacy (Is Better)

    I'll vote for Pharmacy, then, for the slim lead.

    Regarding your plan, though, that's not going to prove which one is better. It's going to prove which one is used more often, and doing it close to Residual Manifest's release date means it'll be overrepresented due to novelty.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
    edited May 2022
    Pharmacy (Is Better)

    I think after about 2 months from release, all the hype will have died down. And yes, you are right, I should have worded that slightly different. I should have say 'which ones survivors prefer'.

    I went and changed the wording a bit.

  • KhamuraTal
    KhamuraTal Member Posts: 42
    edited May 2022
    Residue Manifest (Is Better)

    So, if we're going to make this a thread, I think it's worth making a breakdown of my argument and why I think Residual Manifest is an infinitely better perk then Pharmacy. To start off: I do not think that is ever worth it to search a chest unless you are actually very desperate for something either due to injury and unable to reach your teammates, which means they are probably hooked, downed, dead, or on the other end of the map. But if we are basing it on the chest searching then yes, the medkit is usually better. Granted it's worth noting that this is a green medkit without add on's by itself, which equates to one self heal that's above average in speed and then the perk effectively deactivates unless you have other perks to support it.

    In the idea scenario for Pharmacy what happens is you take a green medkit, get one self heal off(Or one faster heal on a teammate) and maybe get some value opening other chests a bit faster then usual. Though honestly, I think if you're using Pharmacy or Residual to go chest hunting then you're basically throwing the match. But if you're taking Residual Manifest with you chances are you aren't taking Manifest by itself, you're taking it with a good flashlight on your person and maybe a perk like Blast Mine to support it. You COULD take perks like Ace in the Hole and Built to Last to support Pharmacy, but at that point I think it becomes more of an investment sink and you're giving up better perks for it. If you get one blind off that keeps the killer from seeing a Nurses Calling while chasing you around you've already gotten the same value as Pharmacy imo, potentially twice as good because if they're healing someone else then you're preventing another potential injury or worse.

    This also applies to other killer perks as well: Surveillance, Floods of Rage, to a lesser extent Discordance, BBQ and Chili, I'm All Ears, etc. if it reaches the low bar of preventing ONE injury by blocking aura reading for thirty seconds with a flashlight you probably brought with you, or blast mine. then in many ways it's already better then Pharmacy, way better if it stops a down.

    Maybe it won't be used much, but Built to Last also isn't used much and I would think you're actively insane if you don't think that's a strong perk.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
    Pharmacy (Is Better)

    When you and I were discussing it, I got kind of interested to see what other people's opinions where, hence the thread. Plus I think it's an interesting idea for a poll.

    I agree with you on chest searching, I think you are actively throwing the match. For one, chests are less than 25% likely to give you something to help you win the match (Toolbox). Number two, the chest searching perks are so bad, that you can't justify using them, for what you get out of the chest.

    My reasoning for liking Pharmacy is 2 reasons. One is the green medkit and medkits are the best item in the game. Second and maybe more important, it increases chest searching times by 80%. So you really aren't losing gen-time as bad.

    My reasoning for Residue Manifest being worse. You have to search a chest twice, so that's multiple times worse than Pharmacy for gen-time wasted. Two, flashlights usually result in you throwing the match, there's very few times its useful. Three, and I know you disagree with me on this, which is fine, but I just think there are very few situations where Blindness will effect Killers in a chase.

    BTW, I did see where Residue Manifest does work on any blindness effect, so that does make it a tad bit better, but not as good as Pharmacy.

    Plus, both are really bad, to be honest.

  • KhamuraTal
    KhamuraTal Member Posts: 42
    Residue Manifest (Is Better)

    I mean yes, but also consider this: Green medkits are the best items in the game mainly because of how they combo with add ons and perks. A baseline green medkit is one self heal that's fast, but I would struggle to say one fast self heal is worth a perk slot. They become much better when you equip bandages or gels to increase the amount of charges and stack that with things like Botany Knowledge for even better efficiency or heal inside a Boon. Just the medkit on it's own is nonthreatening, especially with the new Hemorrhage because if you get hit with bleeding and are interrupted for any reason it undoes all your progress because you don't have the charges to complete the heal.

    Residual Manifest is better not because searching a chest for a flashlight is good, but because you don't have to search a chest at all. You can just bring the flashlight with you and Residual Manifest will do something. Pharmacy only gets value in searching a chest, it does nothing to enhance a medkit you already have. As a consequence there's not really a good reason to bring it over Built to Last, Streetwise, or Botany Knowledge which will basically give you the same value on a good medkit without the search time.

    Like ultimately that in and of itself is the chasm that divides Pharmacy and Residual Manifest. Pharmacy is JUST a looting perk, it has no other synergies outside of other loot perks. Residual Manifest synergies with looting perks, any items you bring with you, and other blinding perks.

  • GreyBigfoot
    GreyBigfoot Member Posts: 954
    Pharmacy (Is Better)

    I've always wanted a Pharmacy for flashlights, and I'm glad that there's finally something like that.

    The rummage vs initial search isn't what matters, though it's cool that both can be used at once bc of that. Pharmacy will be better because it's a green medkit.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108
    Pharmacy (Is Better)

    Pharmacy is integral to the santa build

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623
    edited May 2022
    Residue Manifest (Is Better)

    I think Residual Manifest is better than Pharmacy because of 4 reason:

    1. You can just bring an Emergency Med-Kit to get a quick heal, no need to waste time searching a Chest
    2. Emergency Med-Kits without Add-Ons aren't that good
    3. CoH does Pharmacy's job of being a quick heal better, and can be used by all Survivors
    4. Blindness is a strong effect to use against the Killer, as they won't be able to see Generator/Survivor Auras, which are needed to play Killer effectively
  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566
    Residue Manifest (Is Better)

    I use to think farming green medkits was a good idea, until i run out of charges, I only use Plunderers now cause Flashlights are better in escaping a chase than a medkit.

  • SebaOutbreak
    SebaOutbreak Member Posts: 399
    Pharmacy (Is Better)

    I have close to 2k hours and I've never bothered with bringing flashlights to my matches. I suck at using them for saves and if you don't know what you're doing: it's a waste of time, you give the killer a free hit/down, and you hurt your team. Applying blindness is as useful as when a Killer does it: You never know if you're actually getting value out of it or not. So getting a flashy that can apply blindness after rummaging (so if you're the one opening the chest, you'll be there for a while) is not that big of a deal for me.

    Getting a green medkit is never a bad thing. Unless you're playing against a Plague. And you get to do it pretty fast.

    While I do prefer Pharmacy, none of these perks are meta, super strong or anything. You're better off bringing your own items, and swap a chest perk with a more useful one.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752
    Pharmacy (Is Better)

    I honestly think chest perks should be buffed. They've turned into a dead-strategy that smart survivors don't use, if they want to win the game.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,612
    Pharmacy (Is Better)

    Not the perks. Searching chests needs to be less of a gigantic waste of time to begin with, and then the chest perks will be perfectly acceptable/

    An overhaul for items that make them all worth using would be the best way to do that, imo.

  • KhamuraTal
    KhamuraTal Member Posts: 42
    Residue Manifest (Is Better)

    This is something I can actually agree with. I always felt the chest perks should produce better items to make them worth using. Medkits should probably be nerfed to only apply their healing bonus when used on another survivor, but I wouldn't mind if Pharmacy guaranteed some good add ons with it in exchange and some perks like Botany Knowledge got an efficiency boost to compensate and flashlights got a buff in general. The only item i'm leery of buffing aside from that is the Toolkit as gens already go pretty fast as it is and we'd be getting Built to Last for gen jockeys every other match if there was some kind of equivalent perk for them.

    It would also give me a reason to actually run Hoarders on some killers, and encourage survivors to go after side objectives.