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So a killer just bullied me... for not farming!

KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

Well this certainly is a first for me. You sure do get some interesting matches when you turn cross play off. So I got into a match against the Artist and early on she gives the hint that they're farming. Ok. Boring match time but I've played this game long enough to never trust the killer. I focused on doing my totem challenge from the tome and worked on gens while the killer did their thing with the other survivors. They also hooked me twice and after that I was ready to move on. So the doors get powered and I open the exit gate and run out while the rest of the team stays behind and farms with the killer for the remainder of the collapse time. When the match was over, the killer seemed pretty upset that I opened the door and left. I honestly felt like everyone got their "farm" in even though I was more interested in actually playing. Well, the killer let me know that the next time they see me in a match I was going to be focused out for not farming. I told them I was sorry for not doing more but I felt like I stayed long enough in the match and I wanted to go. They went on and talked about how I "disrespected my team" for not helping them get more points too. I didn't know I was obligated to do that? Well I figured I probably wouldn't see them again so I didn't think much of it and moved on.

Then, the next match happened! It was short and sweet. Surprisingly enough it was the same survivor team and the same killer from the previous match. This time they played the cannibal with a mori and quickly found me in the match. I ran to a locker to avoid the chainsaw to which they stood there and tried to fake me out of the locker (they knew I had head on). After a couple minutes and a mistimed head on play, the killer got me on a hook and proceeded to hit me over and over again, letting me know it was them from the previous match even though I already assumed it was them. The killer ignored the other survivors and let one of them pull me off the hook after I went into 2nd stage so they could get the mori on me. I don't appreciate being singled out and threatened for not doing what the killer wanted me to do, which in this case was farm for their benefit, so a 5 minute leaver penalty didn't seem like a bad idea at the time. After the match the killer said "thats what you get, toxic time." Letting me know for sure it was them (same name too) and that I got what I deserved for playing the game like you're supposed to. I never thought I'd be considered toxic for not farming with the killer. 😂

Anyway, has anyone else ever had something crazy like this happen where the killer (or survivors) got upset with you for not playing the game like they wanted you to? Story time if you have any to share!


  • RisingTron
    RisingTron Member Posts: 508

    Nope. The survivors I go against are usually always open to farm, but if they aren't I just play as normal, 2 hook them then go about my day. And killers are usually too busy sweating their balls off to farm so I never get those kinds of games as survivor.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I've gotten a few farm matches tonight and they're boring as hell. I remember awhile back when I first got matches like this I didn't know what was going on for awhile. I had never heard of farm matches and I always had that fear of the killer. At first these matches can seem fun or perhaps a relief from sweaty killer matches but I've been in so many now to where I wish the killer would at least pretend to play if they're farming. Now I'm worried if I don't farm with everyone I'm going to get "toxic time" again. 🤣

  • Plsfix369
    Plsfix369 Member Posts: 566

    Oddly specific and not that terrrible, I get OP Nurses who slugs with knockout whole match, horrible experience and makes you want to dc, like this guy just camps the downed person and we have to find and pick up the guy from across the map, while playing in SoloQ, No comms, No Meta perks and Zero teamwork. I was using a Plunderer's and Ace in the hole that match(farming items), What a sad and sorry state SoloQ is in right now.

  • Kaitsja
    Kaitsja Member Posts: 1,833

    Personally I'm grateful for farm matches. They're a great way to just kick back and relax for a bit despite being boring.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    FYI, you can report the Killer for intentionally griefing you across matches because you didn't want to farm. You'd need video evidence, though, which I doubt you have.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077

    That sucks - yeah, there are a lot of very nasty people that play this game, sadly.

    I generally don't farm. What I'll do is just play in a way that reasonably ensures everyone gets a good amount of BP.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    Literally had a farming match yesterday with a trapper who pulled me off a hook I was saboing and then hooked me and straight up hooked me again right after I got unhooked. Then in end game he hooks me and kills me by "accident." I understand because I guess he just forgot, but really dude, the only other hook he had in that game was one on my teammate and he decides to "accidentally" three hook me. We were all unique survivors as well. I felt betrayed a little bit.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    if all of this was caught on tape and screenshots it'd make a hell of a report.

  • Lycidas
    Lycidas Member Posts: 1,170

    And THAT, everyone, is a real example of a situation in which tunneling is bannable

    The killer went out of their way to ruin YOUR SPECIFIC game, so yeah, it should fall under the rare category of "bannable tunneling", other than being a childish and petty behaviour, ofc

  • Sherry
    Sherry Member Posts: 227

    I had a killer get mad at me once, because I didn't know he was trying to give me the hatch. He'd pick me up, I'd struggle and get off. He'd down me again and I'd struggle and get off. This happened multiple times and then he hooked me. He called me filthy names in the end game chat, because I struggled. I was new to the game and had no idea I wasn't supposed to struggle so he'd give me the hatch. What a jerk.

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,063

    I usually don't outright farm unless someone proves a One-Down Wuss and disconnects within the first few minutes or the moment they go down.

    Otherwise my rule is play seriously until I've gotten everyone hooked 1-2 times and go from there. I'll be more farmy of there's cakes or Streamers, or if I was just doing a daily I just got.

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Sometimes they don't get the memo and just DC when you hook them for the second time, lol

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Well I mean we wouldn't have that problem and an excuse if BHVR just let killers see hook stages

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    If I want to make it clear that I want you to get the unhook, I yeet myself to the opposite side of the map, and even then, so many survivors leave their teammates, and it's not like they have a reason because I was playing a stealth killer...I was playing Doc

  • RisingTron
    RisingTron Member Posts: 508

    Yeah I've had ppl DC or give up on hook cuz I've hooked everyone twice at 3-4 gens. Big sad.

    Cause they assume I'm just a sweaty killer, but in reality I am chill and am just a fiend for BP.

  • pettyhalwa
    pettyhalwa Member Posts: 8

    I've definitely had matches with folks who are upset that I'm not farming the way they want me to - I've been like, body blocked in places by survivors, and the killer will just put me in the dying state and make it super annoying for me.

    Also, I wouldn't say I like to farm. But I dislike disconnecting because I don't know if everyone is trying to farm and don't want to leave anyone hanging in case they're actually trying to play, so I end up just toughing it out through annoying farm trials. 😥