Give killer a visual signal, that tunnel and camping ain´t the way to get better
A killer hooks all survivors twice. End up with all gens done, and survivors T-bagging in exits gates. Maybe even a chat filled with GG ez.
This killer leaves the match. Feeling annoyed. That he got bullied. And nothing is showing him, that he had a good performance in game. The killer now continue playing. But is now tunneling and camping. Kills 2 survivors on their first hook. Because that looks better on the endgame screen.
If you use the system below. The killer, in the first game, would have a Silver I in front of his name. And survivors would a Bronze I, in front of their name. Showing killer, his in game performance was pretty good. Giving the killer a feeling of doing something right. And able to tell survivors writing GG ez. That he don't care. as he is better than them.
In the second game. Killer would only receive Ash I. And survivors would end up with Gold I. Showing killer, his in game performance was bad.
This system should NOT replace current Emblems and MMR systems. Only be used as a visual system. To show killers camping and tunneling. Ain´t a way. To be a better chaser.
Game start:
Killer has 5 points.
Survivors has 28 points.
How killer loose a point, which is given to survivors:
- Every time a generator is repaired.
How killer gains a point, which is removed from survivors:
- When a survivor is hooked.
- The first time a survivor is hooked.
- If the latest survivor hooked. Is not the previous survivor hooked.
- If a survivor struggle more than once on hook stage 1.
- If a survivor fail more than one skill check. At hook stage 2.
- Mori a survivor.
Killer not getting point.
- Survivors going from hook stage 1 to hook stage 2, or from hook stage 2 to hook stage 3.
What to show at score screen:
- 0 points: empty
- 1 point: Ash IV
- 3 points: Ash III
- 4 points: Ash II
- 6 points: Ash I
- 8 points: Bonze IV
- 9 points: Bronze III
- 11 points: Bronze II
- 13 points: Bronze I
- 14 points: Silver IV
- 16 points: Silver III
- 18 points: Silver II
- 19 points: Silver I
- 21 points: Gold IV
- 23 points: Gold III
- 24 points: Gold II
- 26 points: Gold I
- 28 points: Iridescent IV
- 29 points: Iridescent III
- 31 points: Iridescent II
- 33 points: Iridescent I
Game Examples:
Killer is AFK. Survivors do all gens, and exit.
- Killer 0 points. Shown: Empty Fireplace
- Survivors 33 points. Shown: Iridescent I
Normal Game:
Killer hooks first survivor. Killer gets 3 points from survivors.
Killer hooks second survivor. Killer gets 3 points from survivors.
Survivors finish two gens. Killer looses 2 points to survivors.
Killer hooks second survivor again. Killer gets 1 point from survivors.
Survivors finish one gen. Killer loose 1 point to survivors.
Killer hooks third survivor. Killer gets 3 points from survivors.
Killer hooks second survivor last time. Killer gets 2 points from survivors.
Survivors finish two gens. Killer looses two points to survivors.
Killer hooks first survivor. Killer gets 2 points from survivors.
Killer hooks third survivor. Killer gets 2 points form survivors.
2 survivors escape through exit gates.
- Killer 16 points. Shown: Silver III
- survivors 17 points. Shown: Silver III
Killer Camping Game:
Killer hooks first survivor. Killer gets 3 points from survivors.
Survivors finish 4 gens. Killer looses 4 points to survivors.
Killer hooks second survivor. Killer gets 3 points from survivors.
Survivors finish last gen and exit. Killer losses 1 point to survivors.
- Killer 6 points. Shown: Ash I
- Survivors 27 points. Shown: Gold I
Killer hooks 3 survivors twice. No tunneling or camping.
1 survivor killed.
5 gens repaired.
- Killer 22 points. Shown: Gold IV
- Survivors 11 points. Shown: Bronze II