Super fun hacker time?

Just had an interesting with.....satan?!? Idk, but dude was definitely possessed lol Pretty average Legion match goin, except for this one Ace. Any time i tried to hit him...he just wasnt there. Like he phased out of existence. I check, dudes ping is flutterin well over 200 ms. Ingore him. Towards the end of the match i find him during frenzy, chase him up the stairs, swing....ghost. Go back to the bottom of the 1 way stairs on Dead Dog, hes sittin there like he never moved. Give him a regular smack and suddenly im stuck in mid-frenzy animation. All i could do was strafe back n forth. No camera movement. No attacks. Nothin. Spent the rest of the match like that, then had to watch all 4 survs casually open the gate and stroll out....butt dancin the whole way like they had omega plays. Gotta love when that happens. (Thankfully, this was a first for me. Feel sorry for the next batch of survs i run into tho lol)