REDUCE damn long 4 min slug-to-death time

priere Member Posts: 34
edited May 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Why shoud I waste god damn 4 min, when only 2 survivors left, killer slugg one surv and never hook until he finds me?

and even on situation that big asslug keeps crawling to me, wants to kamikaze together?

what, not to slug til death? it's about slugging play itself, not how-fast-slug-dies.

too many holes in the game. too many.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    You should be able to speed up the timer if you have been on the ground for 60 seconds or longer imo.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    Slugging is fine. Killer killed two and has one slugger and the last person is hiding. They deserve that chance to find the last person since the survivors essentially lost at that point.

    If you don’t want to wait the 4 minutes for your teammate to bleed out, you have the option to surrender by walking up to the killer and ending the game sooner.

  • Hilidaris
    Hilidaris Member Posts: 164

    It might be the only moment when dead by daylight become what it originaly was, a hide and seek game

    depending on the map slugging might as well be just a waste of time, if the map is too big, you'll hide easily until your mate die

  • BenOfMilam
    BenOfMilam Member Posts: 911

    It would be really nice to have a "give up" or "concede" option. Like I get it, you downed the last two survivors, can I go please?

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,466
    edited May 2022

    Or better yet don't crawl anywhere at all. Maybe somewhere more visible if you landed in tall grass. And don't use Iron Will. Now you won't get bled out unless the killer wants to do it out of spite.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    I wouldn't mind reduce it to 3 min timer. But I don't think 2 min would be good idea.

  • Hilidaris
    Hilidaris Member Posts: 164

    It's like asking for survivors who crushed the killer and are about to escape to sacrifice one of them to at least give the killer some point, you could but you've earned your win so you'll leave anyway (it's very rare when it happens).

    A killer going for the 4k is a bit the same, they worked for it so either you hide and let your friend die, try to heal him or give up and offer yourself.

    after a hard game it's satisfying to have 4 kills, and killer slugging for the 4k is not that common (maybe a bit more during the event), but you can't blame people because they want more point considering how the game is grindy.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    They should make bleed out take 2 minutes max, same max amount of time as being on hook. It will put pressure on both the killer to hook the survivor instead of wasting their time doing nothing laying on the ground and put pressure on the other survivors to go pick up that survivor if it's early in the game and they don't want to be down a player quickly.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited May 2022

    PLay killer more, the only way you pip at high mmr and in Red Iri grades is 4k.

    I often let the 4th get hatch and I will not pip. Survs seem to not understand as killer 4k is the only way to pip up. The old emblem system would pip us up with 2k, now 2k is a 0 progress. Now its 4k or no pip most of the time. We arent doing it to be mean, we want that red Iri 1 BP bonus every month

    play killer to red Iri 1 and you will see what I am saying

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Huge lie. Pipping on killer doesn't require a 4k at all even at iri grades. Pipping is killer dependant only because pips are heavily affected by a killer's power, but saying that you're 'required' to 4k is a huge damn lie

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    As a killer I do think that when two survivors are already dead, and a third is slugged, the bleedout timer should speed up to twice normal speed to help move the match along if there’s a stalemate where the killer can’t find or can’t catch the fourth survivor so the dying player isn’t stuck on the ground up to four minutes waiting to die. Similarly speeding up the bleedout with only two left would also help move the game along when you have only a slugged survivor or two left but the killer has lost track of where they were and can’t find them to hook them.

    I don’t think bleed out timers when there are three or four survivors alive should be sped up because it would be more noticeably hurting survivors’ chances at making a comeback later and escaping. It does sometimes happen that a killer can have two or three survivors slugged at one point in a match and they manage to eventually get back up and some or all of them escape. Reducing the timer to two minutes in those cases would make that much harder than it needs to be.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited May 2022

    Nope, you are incorrect and obviously dont play killer at high mmr where you are NOT getting a 12 hook match.

    I am not gonna argue about it, because I record my matches and have countless videos of 3ks with no pip. The classic 10 hooks, 24k match no pip is common

    More often than not if you get a minimum 3k you wont even pip. I have matches like that every single day.... your opinion or calling me a liar doesnt change my personal experience. Play twins then come talk to me

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    I split my time between killer and survivor evenly. I will tell you that getting to IRI 1 killer is way easier than getting to IRI 1 survivor (solo q). You do not need to get a 4k every match to get pips at iri grade. If you want to double pip then yeah you kind of have to, but to just get one pip, you do not need a 4k always. If you split time between chase, gatekeeper, and making sure you get enough hooks throughout the game, you can get 1 pip games. I will say sometimes if you don't get enough hook states because the game went too fast (you just played too well) then yeah, that last hook of the survivor does matter to get a pip. That's just a flaw in their emblem system where quick games that killers dominate they don't get a 1 pip guarantee. I don't think you should assume that other people only play one side unless they say they play only one side. If anything, it seems that you don't change up how you play killer if you think that the only way to pip up at high ranks is getting the 4k.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,513
    edited May 2022

    This kinda confuses me. Why should a killer not go for what they earned? The match still will eventually end with the bleedout timer. (Im not sayin i do this as a 50/50 of course i don't. I also don't have the time to look for someone for 3 minutes at the end of every game). I just don't see why people get mad at killers for it. Also on survivor side gives my power struggle flip flop build some funny value. So maybe i am a little biased. The biggest comparison i can think of this for the survivors is when everyone hookbombs at end game to snatch my 1 kill on hook from me. "You already have 3 escaping why go for a 4th?". Both sides are just drawing out the match for a chance to "win more".

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    I said nothing about easy or not, both sides are easy imo but to pretend killers pip every3k is silly.

    that is not true

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    Can we have the same option to speed up ecg for idiots standing at the gate?

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,154

    Yeah i lose nearly 4 minutes every game when i have to wait for the survivors to ready up (yeah, yeah, "i have to check my loadout" or "i do my bloodweb during lobby and not the 5-10 queue before") and then another 3 when i don't want to feed the egos of 3-4 people that need an audience to leave.

    Another reason why nice or casual killer become more and more of a rarity and the "all killer camp and tunnel" complains get more, survivor attitude, at least in my case.

    And I am talking about situations with all remaining survivor alive and healthy in the exit. Not the "i am waiting for all my teammates to be save" and so on situations, there i have something to chase or interact with.

    No, the "Nananananah, we are all safe in the exit, let's dance and if the killer pushes us out let's deny them any last hits" bullshit that is sadly not uncommon.

    Best way to handle that ######### is by getting a drink, taking a leak or watching on YouTube. Btw also all options for the hiding, bleeding out survivors out there.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    Oh yeah definitely. A killer won't pip every 3k and they won't pip every 4k either. The emblem system is highly flawed in the idea that quick dominating game means pips. Sadly, it literally means balancing and maxing out all the categories (which is why adepts can be so annoying at time). Even with some killers who's powers either don't start a chase (Wraith, Twins, even Huntress cause she's slow) or insta down killers (Bubba) can have problems because they inherently don't get progress towards emblems easily. The only problem I had with what you said was you accused me of being only one sided and you said that "the only way you pip at high mmr and in Red Iri grades is 4k." That statement is simply not true, it's not the "only" way. It probably is the way most killers have to play, but if the killer had good progress in every other emblem, a survivor getting through hatch isn't a deal breaker for a pip. I've had plenty of games where things snowballed and ended quickly where I get no pips and barely any blood points.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited May 2022

    ok, I should not have used the word "only" I meant more often than not. I also should not have assumed you dont play killer, my bad. But it seems many surv mains think if you go for 4k, you evil hateful killer main who just wants to grief. When really, I just want pips.

    I go for the 4k when climbing grades, but after I hit Iri I stop LOL

    And yes, I run Lethal Pursuer and can have two on hook in the first minute ;) Its why I stopped playing billy and bubba so much, chases over so quick and 3k would often no pip me. And on Twins Vic gets no chase pts LOL

    I often let them get unhooks just to get more hooks ;)

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    Yeah, I usually let up on the gas when I hit iri 1 for both survivor and killer. It's a grind to get up there, but once there you can coast.

    When I've gone for adepts, I've literally "lost" survivors so they could unhook their teammate so I could get more hooks. So silly.

    Whenever I play killer at night, if I see that I'm in a good position, I'll probably try to 2 hook everyone so I can get more points. I generally don't tunnel ever anyway, but when I get games that survivors struggle, it's so nice to get lots of bp and pips.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,165

    If all the remaining survivors are in the exit and killer isn't around to down them I think it's fair for EGC to speed up.

  • Tiufal
    Tiufal Member Posts: 1,252

    Here we go again. Killer defending slugging even though its common sense that its a serious gameflaw.

    We just need a basekit that allows to fully recover after 45s being in dying state tp prevent such stupid situation as well as 4man slugging at 5 gens.

  • noctis129
    noctis129 Member Posts: 967

    They need to add a perk that makes the slug time even longer.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    What do you do if you're on the ground? That's simple, you fill up your health bar in order to be picked up. You crawl away in hopes of losing the killer. If being slugged is such a detriment to your fun, you have perks like Unbreakable that will let you pick yourself up once, No Mither (is only good if you're not bad and prefer a challenge) which will prevent killers from letting you get slugged, and finally Soul Guard will allow unlimited chances to pick yourself up if the killer has a hex active.

    Not everything in a video game is supposed to provide you with pleasure. You're supposed to face adversity and try to over come it.

    Also, newsflash, video games are all a waste of time. If you cant handle being patient for four minutes, you shouldn't be playing them in the first place.

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    That was my thought. Slugging is annoying, but that's why I run Desperate Measures. It gets people up quicker, especially if more are hurt. If you don't want to lay there, you can crawl to killer so they can find you. Or be vindicative like me and crawl to a corner so if they want to play that way, the killer has to wait too. =)

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    Whats wrong with killers wanting a 4k? Do you whine about survivors wanting a 4 man escape? If the killer played well enough to get the survivors in the described situation, why should they settle for a 3k? Wouldn't that be that essentially be the same as giving up at that point?

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    Tenacity is really fun for that too. Just have to be sneaky with it. Killers will pick up immediately once they see Tenacity

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,307

    There is nothing rude about it, the killer is doing the only thing they can do in order to secure their objective. If you take it personally, that is a problem with you, not the killer. I think it is just pure entitlement that you expect the killer to not slug. Just look at your reasoning, its bad for the hiding survivor because it will make them feel guilty?! So basically, its okay to shame the killer and try to make them feel guilty for slugging but its not okay to do the same to the hiding survivor?

    Just take your loss and reveal yourself. You already lost at that point anyways.

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,019


    More killers will start to slug as a legitimate strategy to win games. It would be boring.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,466

    Slugging for the 4k would be less common if hatch automatically closed 60 seconds after it opened. No killer wants a good match to end with the clicker sitting and waiting for you at hatch to tbag.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933
  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    If I play Survivor, yes, I dislike Survivors who want to go for a 4 man escape. Because most of the time it is a trade at best and often enough the Killer gets another Kill. Especially if people try to get their teammates out of the Basement against Killers like Bubba, Huntress or Trickster.

    If I am hooked in Endgame, I just suicide, because otherwise the Killer will just get more Kills.

    As Killer, I dont mind if they go for a 4 man Escape, as I said, most of the time it is in my favor.

    But slugging for the 4K just wastes the time of 3 players, because one player thinks that they did not win enough with a 3K and Hatch Escape (especially if the Survivors did not even get close to finishing all Gens).

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,466

    Lots of people dislike tbagging and flashlight clicking. Do you play killer and "not care bro" or do you just not play much killer at all?

    Another thing that would be good about hatch auto closing is the killer couldn't sit on it, forcing the last surv to do all the gens.

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    That is a good perk, but it's like one I'd just as like a fifth so it never make it on the team. I like Desperate because I can heal myself, unhook and get people up faster.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696
    edited May 2022

    If the last survivor just ran towards the killer after the 3rd survivor was downed, those three players would save even more time!

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,089

    Sure. If the Killer goes into a corner when 5 Gens are done, we have a Deal.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,696
  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 643

    And this wonderful comeback would work if it weren't that I play killer as much as I play survivor and am therefore unbiased towards either side. I play the way I preach.

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 643

    My reasoning is based on who makes the first move in this scenario.

    It is the killer who decides other people's time is less important than his own because he wants a 4th kill even though everyone in the game already knows he's won, with or without a hatch escape. It is the killer who imposes that same choice upon the hiding survivor, who now has to decide if the slug's time is less important than his own for a small chance at the hatch.

    I think in an ideal world it is up to the killer to respect the other two people's time rather than up to the hiding survivor to give themselves up to someone who's being greedy. And this is a philosophy I stand by when I play killer myself.