If BT would became basekit

Prex91 Member Posts: 764

In the case that happen (I hope so, and I still support a corrupt basekit idea to compensate and mitigate cheap tactics from both sides, only because boring and unfan, so bad for game health), should forced penanance became too to prevent unfair toxic bodyblocks epidemy?

If BT would became basekit 20 votes

Yes, Forced Penance base kit
AurelleJonathanByersObeltqnyun 4 votes
No, Forced Penance no base kit
BenOfMilamn00binatiSsajbambusaDredgenWar237Chaellooo 5 votes
Maybe corrupt or dead lock is better base kit
SacrilegeGGmusstang62TaigaAdjathaThr_ustTheArbiterGuiltiiFauldstyantlmumagjiaonuhaBothSidesEnjoyerHitari 11 votes


  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496
    No, Forced Penance no base kit

    If BT was to be basekit, the equivalent should be either noed or make your choice.

    Noed so survivors must do the secondary objective, or myc to reward killer who actually play agressively and dynamically.

    Forced Penance? You sir, are a joke.

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    I mean nice ideas, but I think noed however should be rework. Too inconsistent.

  • Ssajbambusa
    Ssajbambusa Member Posts: 496
    No, Forced Penance no base kit

    @Prex91 Noed was already nerfed twice. If survivors are too busy genrushing or abusing boons I don't feel sorry for anyone who fell to this trash of a perk slot. We are going off tracks of the thread though

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    Calm man, you miundestand me. If something I want a noed buff. Because like an hex is too fragile, but also too much gratis without no activation condition for killer (no, only survivors complete gens is not good... Afk killers with noed and basement camping killers are a thing). I play both sides, and mostra killers. So no accuse please.

  • Faulds
    Faulds Member Posts: 903
    Maybe corrupt or dead lock is better base kit

    I think making BT and Corrupt base kit would make the game more enjoyable for both sides. I definitely wouldn't see it as something that would drive me away from the game. On the contrary.