Using Boons as an Advantage as Killer

Wylrin Member Posts: 98

I'd like to preface that this is quite situational and there are absolutely times where, as the killer, that boon totem needs to kindly go away as soon as possible.

But there are other scenarios where I actually choose to leave a boon totem up. I feel like simply knowing the location of a boon totem can be more effective than simply snuffing it on sight.

This is mostly in reference to Circle of Healing, specifically. If I see a boon totem that I can guess is Circle of Healing, in some scenarios, I'll leave it there. If I snuff it out, yeah, people can't heal more quickly for a duration of the game, but that boon totem is probably going right back up in a part of the map I might not be aware of.

For Circle of Healing, I tend to sometimes use that as a means of herding survivors. A bunch of survivors are injured? Well, I can guess where they might be going to heal.

And yeah, there are absolutely times when this backfires spectacularly, but there are other times when a boon totem acts like what is basically a beacon that says, "Come to me," for survivors and if I know that location as the killer, that can be pretty deadly.

I just wanted to bring this up because I haven't seen anyone talking about this aspect of boon totems, though Circle of Healing specifically. I was curious as to others' thoughts on this. :3


  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,714

    I have seen streamers do exactly what you’re describing where they leave a Boon up as a sort of bait. I’m too lazy to do all that though and I like smashing stuff so I’ll just get rid of it and take the prize that if they want it back it’ll take them another 14 seconds to place.

    On a tangent the one minor thing I don’t like about Boons is how fiddly it can be positioning yourself to snuff them sometimes. It’s like you have to be looking directly at the Boon and be in just the right spot next to it to get it to give you the option to snuff it, and especially when it’s nestled in a tight corner or something it can be kind of annoying. I wish the system was a bit more forgiving.

  • Wylrin
    Wylrin Member Posts: 98

    Oh, I 100% agree with how finicky it can be to snuff certain totems. Some boon totems you just walk up to and stomp on it. Others you have to spend a good five seconds meticulously positioning yourself before being able to snuff it. That doesn't sound terrible on paper, but when every moment counts as a killer, wasting time on anything - especially something that should be consistent in the amount of effort it takes regardless of said totem's position - can be devastating.