We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Survivors Need to Stop Complaining About Camping



  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @MegaWaffle said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @MegaWaffle said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Laddy said:

    @ReneAensland said:
    You can try to justify your camping all you want but,
    If you camp, you're [BAD WORD] trash.

    Exactly the type of snarky attitude that most survivors have. Nothing you said was a constructive rebuttal of my OP. Deep down you know I'm right.

    I'm not a survivor.

    I. Am. Not. A. Survivor.
    I'm a killer, I'm a casual survivor.

    I'm a Killer main.

    You forgot this.

    yeah you cant main both you know

    Nah I just like to "poke the bear" when it comes to people trying to use "main" as a way to somehow validate their side of the argument. I also just like the picture.

    i like the picture 2 pretty great i agree with you point on mains though thats something morepeople need to agree on

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    I camp gens until they are done and that allows me to find and hook survivors. If they save in my face then they are fair game but my main goal is to earn as many blood points as possible. Going after survivors on generators works for me. BBQ makes playing killer worth it. If they did not introduce that perk I would have likely quit already. Gates open then guard away but otherwise, you are likely just hurting yourself by camping and for sure people are blocking you with MLGA.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    @borna_lk said:
    You have the right logic and you shouldn’t care what survivors say about your play style. But you can’t say your a good killer, becuase I don’t tunnel or camp (rarely patrol) and still manage 4ks with ease. That’s called skill. Camping around a hook just makes good survivors go straight to gens and 2-3 end up escaping a long and boring game with low bloodpoints. Play however you like but don’t try and justify camping as a skill becuase the game allows you to do it. It’s your right to play how you want, but it’s my right to inform you skill requires a bit more movement.

    To be fair "skill" doesn't need to involve more movement. If the survivors play into your camping "strategy" then that is their fault. It can be skillful to find the most optimal way to win the game such as playing to your opponents weakness. In fact in these cases less movement can yield the same results. I may not camp myself unless I'm patrolling some scratch marks but I won't hate on killer for doing so if its yielding results.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    @JanTheMan said:
    ReneAensland said:

    @Laddy said:

     @ReneAensland said:
    You can try to justify your camping all you want but, 

    If you camp, you're [BAD WORD] trash.

    Exactly the type of snarky attitude that most survivors have. Nothing you said was a constructive rebuttal of my OP. Deep down you know I'm right.

    I'm not a survivor.

    I. Am. Not. A. Survivor.

    I'm a killer, I'm a casual survivor.

    I'm a Killer main.

    Insert "killer main BTW" meme here

    here you go ^^

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i think this would fit the main threat pretty well:

    all in all you got some grerat arguments there and i agree on pretty much everything you said, @Laddy.
    keep it up!

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    Avariku said:
    the only thing I have to say to this is that while I'm about 60/40 as a "killer main" ... Even as a survivor I have NO issue with patrols... hell, that just makes sense...  the problem I have is with killers who decide their first victim has no right to play the game at all for the duration of the round. 

    and yet, the community seems to expect that person should now dangle from the hook for 2 minutes of absolute boredom or completely screw the remaining survivors over. 

    just seems like a bad game mechanic to me.
    Haaaaave you seen the intro video? Where exactly that happens? Ones hooked ones caught and the other is sol. Almost because they swarmed him!

    Yeah it sucks to be first caught, but if you're first caught, and even halfway decent at running, your team can do 2/3 gens before you're even on the hook. If not, you being chased, downed, walked, hooked, and CAMPED, gives then plenty of time to basically get all the work done. 

    Someone has to get caught first. If you, and they camp, then all you can do is buy your teammates time to make them learn from their camping. Period.

    But when survivors rush a camping LF, it makes it hard to argue that camping ISNT viable for 3/4k. Stupid survivors make stupid tactics stupid easy to use. And I play both sides.
  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited November 2018
  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666
    There needs to be a definitive definition for both camping and hook defending. Killer should complain about Ds,looping SC, gen rushing, and bt. As much as I hate tea bagger it's my own fault for letting them get away just like it is the fault of the survior who I hook and I am now defending thhat hooked survior. The other can go do gens and get out they don't have to save you it's there choice not mine. It's funny how much hate messages I get because i am defending a hook with 3 gens left and 3 survivors are trying to unhook the one survior.
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    Laddy said: 

    @Peanits said:

    Not to undermine your points, but it's still a valid complaint. If you down a guy once and camp him until he's sacrificed, he's not going to have barrels of fun sitting there on the hook. You're absolutely within your rights to do so, but you still have to acknowledge that when all is said and done, you're making the game less fun for them. Sames goes for what is essentially the survivor equivalent; pallet looping. If you play in a way that makes the game less fun for the other side (even if it is within the rules), you can't be surprised if they're not happy about it.

    I will totally disagree about adapting and overcoming, though. There is no way for that hooked survivor to do so. The other survivors can ignore the hook and rush the generators, but that still doesn't change anything for the guy getting camped. He can't just adapt and unhook himself.

    Good points. I can see that for some people who have a more casual approach to the game camping could be annoying, especially at low ranks. However my response to your first point is that, in my opinion, from the way I view the game mechanics, when a survivor is hooked he is essentially eliminated. A hook rescue is skillful and commendable, but nothing more than a risky bonus. The aim of the game as Survivor first and foremost is not to be detected. As for pallet looping, it can be adapted to by the Killer by optimizing his chase routes and anticipating Survivor movements. It's all in the way the game is played.

    As for the second paragraph, my first point holds. When a survivor is hooked he is essentially eliminated. Survivors have no entitlement to a hook rescue. If you get rescued great, if not it's back to the lobby to try again. The player adapts by not being hooked in the first place.

    @twistedmonkey said:
    While some of your points are correct in some ways you have to remember its a game played for fun, games are played in down time and some people may only have 30m a day to play, while legit its certianly not fun for the survivor and as a killer I can tell you its boring and not fun to do.

    Take into account this game is not just about rank, kills, escapes, imo its more about blood points, some do play for those though so I am not discounting them, its just the grind in this game is so emmense and camping rewards you with less blood points and also the one on the hook can get very little, by design its a bad play style to adopt apart from certain circumstances.

    Survivors have to take some of the blame at times by not doing gens and getting out of dodge, more often than not they reward the action, this has landed at a bit of a slight fault on the devs with the emblem system, survivors need benevolent points and if a killer camps well it not only screws over the person on the hook but everyone else, this is one reason why the devs actively are looking at ways to try and stop it from happening.

    Camping as a strat has its place, it is never going away and with everyone standing around the hook why would they leave? they are gifting you the kills, gates are powered again why leave? they are securing their last one, the only time I think to myself its a bit scummy is when there are 5 gens and the killer is standing next to the hook refusing to leave.

    As I've stated earlier in the thread, camping isn't something that's optimal 100% of the time for every killer. For instance, the Trapper benefits from setting traps and leaving his hook to harass nearby generators. Another example is that camping is more beneficial late game than it is early game. With the varied mechanics of every Killer, it is up to the player to figure out the optimal Camp/Hunt ratio at different stages of the game. What bothers me is how Survivors get very hostile and toxic about something that is actually their fault, and worse, this attitude is widely accepted and encouraged. I'm merely attempting to re-balance the community's attitude and remind people of the way the game is meant to be played.

    As for the boring part, I have to disagree with both of you. I think it makes the game more interesting. By encouraging all playstyles, it encourages the full utilization of the depth of game mechanics intended by the devs. Killers Camp or Hunt, and Survivors can be Altruistic or Solitary. It's a constant balancing act between both sides, and the most skillful and tactful side wins.

    Thanks for the good replies.

    Your first point @Laddy is actually really good: Even if a survivor is camped for the full two minutes, they die and move on the the next game. It ends up costing them 2 mins, not a bad price to pay for being hooked. That's not much time, even for casual players.

    If the survivor is consistently the first one hooked and camped (which means they probably won't earn many blood points) then, in a competitive game, they probably should "adapt" their playstyle because their strategy clearly isn't working.

  • borna_lk
    borna_lk Member Posts: 124
    At the end of the day it doesn’t rlly matter to me how you play. But for reference, camping in call of duty can be a great strategy too. But strategy and skill are two different things. They can be the same thing but not in this case and I’m not saying run so far from the hook after
    hooking. I use BBQ n CHILI, once I hook, I move and repeat the cycle. That’s just me tho, up to you to follow it or not
  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    @ReneAensland said:
    You can try to justify your camping all you want but,
    If you camp, you're [BAD WORD] trash.

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Laddy said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Laddy said:

    @ReneAensland said:
    You can try to justify your camping all you want but,
    If you camp, you're [BAD WORD] trash.

    Exactly the type of snarky attitude that most survivors have. Nothing you said was a constructive rebuttal of my OP. Deep down you know I'm right.

    I'm not a survivor.

    I. Am. Not. A. Survivor.
    I'm a killer, I'm a casual survivor.

    I'm a Killer main.

    Then you have been letting the opinions of others sway the way you play your game. I still have not heard a constructive rebuttal to my OP.

    No one influences how I play, I'm a hunter not a camper.
    I do not need to explain why camping is pathetic. You're waiting, for someone to walk by, to get a free grab, or a free kill.
    Might as well play Call of Duty, or why not bring a tent for that camping.

    O.o camping didn’t start in cod it started in final fantasy 11. were u kill normal monsters from 2- 18 hours after death for a chance at a respawn as only 1 spawns people would camp for it as only 1 has a chance at a drop.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    But yea u all cry over 2 mins go camp something for 16 hours and then tell me 2 mins is honestly comparable.

  • ReneAensland
    ReneAensland Member Posts: 838

    @Cardgrey said:

    @ReneAensland said:
    You can try to justify your camping all you want but,
    If you camp, you're [BAD WORD] trash.

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Laddy said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Laddy said:

    @ReneAensland said:
    You can try to justify your camping all you want but,
    If you camp, you're [BAD WORD] trash.

    Exactly the type of snarky attitude that most survivors have. Nothing you said was a constructive rebuttal of my OP. Deep down you know I'm right.

    I'm not a survivor.

    I. Am. Not. A. Survivor.
    I'm a killer, I'm a casual survivor.

    I'm a Killer main.

    Then you have been letting the opinions of others sway the way you play your game. I still have not heard a constructive rebuttal to my OP.

    No one influences how I play, I'm a hunter not a camper.
    I do not need to explain why camping is pathetic. You're waiting, for someone to walk by, to get a free grab, or a free kill.
    Might as well play Call of Duty, or why not bring a tent for that camping.

    O.o camping didn’t start in cod it started in final fantasy 11. were u kill normal monsters from 2- 18 hours after death for a chance at a respawn as only 1 spawns people would camp for it as only 1 has a chance at a drop.

    I never said it started in Call of Duty.
    I was giving an example. =]

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141
    Some gamers are going to catch, and make sure the survivor dies on hook.  Doesn’t matter the survivor, the day or time.  

    I don’t care about Killing.  I also don’t let people go for free.. Unless there are 2x Party Streamers and I’ll consider it.

    Take it as a compliment.  If someone is camping you to death, they’re afraid they won’t catch you again.

    My favorite games are when people hard camp, they get 1 kill and 7.5k points.  Meanwhile everyone else escapes.  Then they say you’re noob gen rushers L u L 🙂
  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Cardgrey said:

    @ReneAensland said:
    You can try to justify your camping all you want but,
    If you camp, you're [BAD WORD] trash.

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Laddy said:

    @ReneAensland said:

    @Laddy said:

    @ReneAensland said:
    You can try to justify your camping all you want but,
    If you camp, you're [BAD WORD] trash.

    Exactly the type of snarky attitude that most survivors have. Nothing you said was a constructive rebuttal of my OP. Deep down you know I'm right.

    I'm not a survivor.

    I. Am. Not. A. Survivor.
    I'm a killer, I'm a casual survivor.

    I'm a Killer main.

    Then you have been letting the opinions of others sway the way you play your game. I still have not heard a constructive rebuttal to my OP.

    No one influences how I play, I'm a hunter not a camper.
    I do not need to explain why camping is pathetic. You're waiting, for someone to walk by, to get a free grab, or a free kill.
    Might as well play Call of Duty, or why not bring a tent for that camping.

    O.o camping didn’t start in cod it started in final fantasy 11. were u kill normal monsters from 2- 18 hours after death for a chance at a respawn as only 1 spawns people would camp for it as only 1 has a chance at a drop.

    That started well before FF11. I remember camping back in EQ.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    @lasombra1979 said:
    That started well before FF11. I remember camping back in EQ.

    "Stormfeather" >:}

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661

    @altruistic said:
    Some gamers are going to catch, and make sure the survivor dies on hook.  Doesn’t matter the survivor, the day or time.  

    I don’t care about Killing.  I also don’t let people go for free.. Unless there are 2x Party Streamers and I’ll consider it.

    Take it as a compliment.  If someone is camping you to death, they’re afraid they won’t catch you again.

    My favorite games are when people hard camp, they get 1 kill and 7.5k points.  Meanwhile everyone else escapes.  Then they say you’re noob gen rushers L u L 🙂

    Which is why campers are trash players. They can't get someone more than once. If I max bold points in a single chase and go down, I'm 90% sure the trash is going to camp. It's epidemic from rank 20-8 and honestly needs to be addressed. It's the reason for most of the DC's and hook suicides in the game.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @purebalance said:

    @altruistic said:
    Some gamers are going to catch, and make sure the survivor dies on hook.  Doesn’t matter the survivor, the day or time.  

    I don’t care about Killing.  I also don’t let people go for free.. Unless there are 2x Party Streamers and I’ll consider it.

    Take it as a compliment.  If someone is camping you to death, they’re afraid they won’t catch you again.

    My favorite games are when people hard camp, they get 1 kill and 7.5k points.  Meanwhile everyone else escapes.  Then they say you’re noob gen rushers L u L 🙂

    Which is why campers are trash players. They can't get someone more than once. If I max bold points in a single chase and go down, I'm 90% sure the trash is going to camp. It's epidemic from rank 20-8 and honestly needs to be addressed. It's the reason for most of the DC's and hook suicides in the game.

    So trash that you're the one who lost.

  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    I'm genuinely curious how you can "have fun" staring at someone hanging on a hook for 2 minutes.
  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661
    edited November 2018

    @Orion said:

    @purebalance said:

    @altruistic said:
    Some gamers are going to catch, and make sure the survivor dies on hook.  Doesn’t matter the survivor, the day or time.  

    I don’t care about Killing.  I also don’t let people go for free.. Unless there are 2x Party Streamers and I’ll consider it.

    Take it as a compliment.  If someone is camping you to death, they’re afraid they won’t catch you again.

    My favorite games are when people hard camp, they get 1 kill and 7.5k points.  Meanwhile everyone else escapes.  Then they say you’re noob gen rushers L u L 🙂

    Which is why campers are trash players. They can't get someone more than once. If I max bold points in a single chase and go down, I'm 90% sure the trash is going to camp. It's epidemic from rank 20-8 and honestly needs to be addressed. It's the reason for most of the DC's and hook suicides in the game.

    So trash that you're the one who lost.

    Lost? lol ok if that's what you call taking 10 minutes to down 1 survivor. Yeah that is THE definition of trash. Rank 1 killer and I never take long enough to fill a survivor's boldness points. But hey be aggressive because you're always wrong. Gotta insult people because you're just a sad malicious person.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited November 2018

    @purebalance said:

    @Orion said:

    @purebalance said:

    @altruistic said:
    Some gamers are going to catch, and make sure the survivor dies on hook.  Doesn’t matter the survivor, the day or time.  

    I don’t care about Killing.  I also don’t let people go for free.. Unless there are 2x Party Streamers and I’ll consider it.

    Take it as a compliment.  If someone is camping you to death, they’re afraid they won’t catch you again.

    My favorite games are when people hard camp, they get 1 kill and 7.5k points.  Meanwhile everyone else escapes.  Then they say you’re noob gen rushers L u L 🙂

    Which is why campers are trash players. They can't get someone more than once. If I max bold points in a single chase and go down, I'm 90% sure the trash is going to camp. It's epidemic from rank 20-8 and honestly needs to be addressed. It's the reason for most of the DC's and hook suicides in the game.

    So trash that you're the one who lost.

    Lost? lol ok if that's what you call taking 10 minutes to down 1 survivor. Yeah that is THE definition of trash. Rank 1 killer and I never take long enough to fill a survivor's boldness points. But hey be aggressive trash because you're always wrong.

    You died, so yeah, you lost. You couldn't even win the chase and failed at stealth.

  • purebalance
    purebalance Member Posts: 661
    edited November 2018

    @Avariku said:
    I'm genuinely curious how you can "have fun" staring at someone hanging on a hook for 2 minutes.

    It makes them feel good like they're powerful when they sit there and hit them 50 times. I make it a point to tell them to look at their points and emblems and look at mine at the end of the game(not that they can see my emblems but you get the idea)

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Know what's not fun? A game where the only direction is a straight line. Let people have a choice in how they play the game. Face camping sucks but its not every game and i have yet to see a camper go uncountered. Mandatory play styles will hurt in the long run. You can't have an engaging experience if the action only takes place when its the least threatening. I don't want game mechanics to hold my hand.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @DemonDaddy said:
    Know what's not fun? A game where the only direction is a straight line. Let people have a choice in how they play the game. Face camping sucks but its not every game and i have yet to see a camper go uncountered. Mandatory play styles will hurt in the long run. You can't have an engaging experience if the action only takes place when its the least threatening. I don't want game mechanics to hold my hand.

    Agreed. That's why games that are too easy (where the strategy you employ is irrelevant because you're virtually guaranteed a win) or too restrictive (only a handful of strategies can be used if you intend to win) are boring.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134
    edited November 2018

    @CrowS said:
    I want a "lawn chair & six-pack" Add-On.

    It would be even better if I could actually have my Killer sit and chug a cold one while I watched the Survivor die.

    Sometimes I do exactly that...irl.

    If I camp, I don't have to put my beer OR crunchwrap supreme down.

    AND I get a kil!?

    Honestly...why WOULDN'T someone camp?

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,798
    Laddy said:

    That's a nice video. You did well in that game. But you still aren't replying constructively to the topic at hand.

    You're not entitled to a response. If you don't like what they have to say, ignore it and move on.
  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,703

    I can't wait until Campfest goes live!

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,798
    Orion said:

    @purebalance said:

    @Orion said:

    @purebalance said:

    @altruistic said:
    Some gamers are going to catch, and make sure the survivor dies on hook.  Doesn’t matter the survivor, the day or time.  

    I don’t care about Killing.  I also don’t let people go for free.. Unless there are 2x Party Streamers and I’ll consider it.

    Take it as a compliment.  If someone is camping you to death, they’re afraid they won’t catch you again.

    My favorite games are when people hard camp, they get 1 kill and 7.5k points.  Meanwhile everyone else escapes.  Then they say you’re noob gen rushers L u L 🙂

    Which is why campers are trash players. They can't get someone more than once. If I max bold points in a single chase and go down, I'm 90% sure the trash is going to camp. It's epidemic from rank 20-8 and honestly needs to be addressed. It's the reason for most of the DC's and hook suicides in the game.

    So trash that you're the one who lost.

    Lost? lol ok if that's what you call taking 10 minutes to down 1 survivor. Yeah that is THE definition of trash. Rank 1 killer and I never take long enough to fill a survivor's boldness points. But hey be aggressive trash because you're always wrong.

    You died, so yeah, you lost. You couldn't even win the chase and failed at stealth.

    No. If you take several minutes to down a survivor then you lost that chase. Only a brand new or terrible killer wouldn't be able to eventually down a survivor in a chase. Survivors can't block, they can't hit back, they're slower. There's a reason that the longer a chase goes on without a hit or down the more points the survivor gets and the less the killer gets.

    Win conditions are different in this game more so than most. If you don't know that then you don't really understand the game.
  • Avariku
    Avariku Member Posts: 608
    love how this discussion has followed the same death as so many others of the same topic. 
    the inevitable devolution into nothing more than a bunch of campers circle-jerking eachother about how awesome they are. 
    RIP civil conversations and constructive feedback.
  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    @CrowS said:

    @Attackfrog said:

    @CrowS said:
    I want a "lawn chair & six-pack" Add-On.

    It would be even better if I could actually have my Killer sit and chug a cold one while I watched the Survivor die.

    Sometimes I do exactly that...irl.

    If I camp, I don't have to put my beer OR crunchwrap supreme down.

    AND I get a kil!?

    Honestly...why WOULDN'T someone camp?

    I wasn't joking.

    Camping can be perfectly valid.

    And something showing my Killer chillin' would be hilarious.

    Honestly, I wasn't joking either. Sometimes I very literally have my killer stand in front of the hook while I eat my crunchwrap supreme and drink my beer.

    What am I gonna do? Let it get cold?

    It's sort of a win-win.

    Plus the guy on the hook gets killed and gets to pop into another match. Meanwhile his teammates get to gen rush, rack up bps and escape.

    It's actually a win-win-win-win-win!

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    Avariku said:
    love how this discussion has followed the same death as so many others of the same topic. 
    the inevitable devolution into nothing more than a bunch of campers circle-jerking eachother about how awesome they are. 
    RIP civil conversations and constructive feedback.
    But this has also turned it worse. By name calling and being us vs them instead of trying to have a conversation about camping. 

    Like, is it a smores or can of beans kinda night?
  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    Just in response to the "Do you think survivors enjoy being camped" I play about 70/30 to surv. And they way I see it when I get camped is, what's the point complaining, the killer deosn't care about how I feel, He's just trying to have his own fun.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946
    Peanits said:

    Not to undermine your points, but it's still a valid complaint. If you down a guy once and camp him until he's sacrificed, he's not going to have barrels of fun sitting there on the hook. You're absolutely within your rights to do so, but you still have to acknowledge that when all is said and done, you're making the game less fun for them. Sames goes for what is essentially the survivor equivalent; pallet looping. If you play in a way that makes the game less fun for the other side (even if it is within the rules), you can't be surprised if they're not happy about it.

    I will totally disagree about adapting and overcoming, though. There is no way for that hooked survivor to do so. The other survivors can ignore the hook and rush the generators, but that still doesn't change anything for the guy getting camped. He can't just adapt and unhook himself.

    The biggest issue I see is the lack of viable alternatives for the killer.
    Hooking someone, using the survivor as bait to get at least another one and you have cut down their power in half. Removing one player from the game is too much rewarding. 
    Not from a BP point, but from a gameplay point.
    If the killer would have other good ways to disrupt the progress of the survivors, we all would love to do so.

    Right now a killer have 3 options.

    1. Chase. You occupy one survivor from doing gens, but also preventing yourself to halt the progress of the other 3 survivors.
    2. Hooking a survivor, you basically occupy at least 2 survivors. One on the hook, one to the rescue. 3 if one is distracting you in the chase. Only one left for gens. Plus after the rescue healing also prevents progress on the gens.
    3. Kick a gen. This action feels the least rewarding and feels like a miniscule influence on he game without specific perks.

    No wonder a killer is so obsessed with hooking and slugging someone, because those are the most effective way to influence the game.
    The only reasonable way to counteract this, is not to punish the behavior, but put a greater reward on an other task. (Buffs over Nerfs)

    Declining points for camping and tunneling only strenghen the incentive to do so. 
    Some as protest and others even see them as a hidden reward, so they do not pip, derank and get easier/funnier games.

    Without a leader board your rank means nothing. It just makes the average game harder and more toxic.

    So if you at Bhvr want your player to let the survivor get of the hook, give the killer something more rewarding!
    Right now hooking/slugging is the only viable way to progress the game as a killer.
    Everything else just stalls the game. And elongated games are also unfun.

    So please implement more meaningful and exciting interactions between killer and survivors.

    (As a survivor you can do gens, cleanse totems, loot chest for goodies, sabo hooks, loop the killer, drop pallets, bodyblock for your fellow survivor, unhook, healing yourself and each other, flashlight blind and safe, even your perks are more interactive and rewarding like DH, SB, DS you actively can do something)
  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @Avariku said:
    I'm genuinely curious how you can "have fun" staring at someone hanging on a hook for 2 minutes.

    That's not really funny but let me hit you with the reality: You won't be looking at the hook for 2 minutes, you'll be looking at 3 survivors that desperately try to help their friend. And that's incredibly funny sometimes ;-)

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @PiiFree said:

    @Avariku said:
    I'm genuinely curious how you can "have fun" staring at someone hanging on a hook for 2 minutes.

    That's not really funny but let me hit you with the reality: You won't be looking at the hook for 2 minutes, you'll be looking at 3 survivors that desperately try to help their friend. And that's incredibly funny sometimes ;-)

    Indeed it is.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    @PiiFree said:

    @Avariku said:
    I'm genuinely curious how you can "have fun" staring at someone hanging on a hook for 2 minutes.

    That's not really funny but let me hit you with the reality: You won't be looking at the hook for 2 minutes, you'll be looking at 3 survivors that desperately try to help their friend. And that's incredibly funny sometimes ;-)

    Have to punish behavior when it's called for. Gee Gee :)

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @altruistic said:

    @PiiFree said:

    @Avariku said:
    I'm genuinely curious how you can "have fun" staring at someone hanging on a hook for 2 minutes.

    That's not really funny but let me hit you with the reality: You won't be looking at the hook for 2 minutes, you'll be looking at 3 survivors that desperately try to help their friend. And that's incredibly funny sometimes ;-)

    Have to punish behavior when it's called for. Gee Gee :)

    Wow, you're part of the 1/10 Survivors who don't reward camping.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Attackfrog said:

    It's actually a win-win-win-win-win!

    Technically speaking that's incorrect, it'd be win/loss, win, win, win, win since the 1st person wouldn't get very many points so they'd lose. But because they can requeue up quicker they sort of win as well provided they don't get camped at start of next match.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @altruistic said:

    @PiiFree said:

    @Avariku said:
    I'm genuinely curious how you can "have fun" staring at someone hanging on a hook for 2 minutes.

    That's not really funny but let me hit you with the reality: You won't be looking at the hook for 2 minutes, you'll be looking at 3 survivors that desperately try to help their friend. And that's incredibly funny sometimes ;-)

    Have to punish behavior when it's called for. Gee Gee :)

    That screenshot is funny for two reasons:
    1) You didn't censor the chat
    2) It's ALWAYS a Huntress with Iridescent Head and Ebony Mori that gets completly rekt.

    Is this a coincidence? Huntress & IH & Ebony Mori = Epic failure most of the time. Is it because they never play Huntress and thus go fully tryhard without knowing how to land hatchets? Or maybe because survivors start to rush gens like crazy the moment she downs the first survivor?

    Whatever it is, those add-ons/offerings seem tojust make it worse for her lol

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154
    edited December 2018

    Good job punishing her though, always funny to get a 3-4man escape and then you see an ebony mori.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @PiiFree said:
    Is this a coincidence? Huntress & IH & Ebony Mori = Epic failure most of the time. Is it because they never play Huntress and thus go fully tryhard without knowing how to land hatchets? Or maybe because survivors start to rush gens like crazy the moment she downs the first survivor?

    It's the latter. When the trial is made harder, Survivors start to play better. It's proof that Killers need buffs, to get rid of ######### teammates who goof around and get everyone killed.

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    @Orion said:

    @PiiFree said:
    Is this a coincidence? Huntress & IH & Ebony Mori = Epic failure most of the time. Is it because they never play Huntress and thus go fully tryhard without knowing how to land hatchets? Or maybe because survivors start to rush gens like crazy the moment she downs the first survivor?

    It's the latter. When the trial is made harder, Survivors start to play better. It's proof that Killers need buffs, to get rid of ######### teammates who goof around and get everyone killed.

    Yea, I noticed that when I played Nurse a lot. They hear a blink = everyone focuses on gens. Huntress with instadown probably has a similar effect, or a Myers with suspiciously long stalking times.

    Makes you realize how efficient Survivors could be if they stop messing around. Imagine if players would be that dedicated by default? Game would be pretty damn hard as Killer but eh, glad that's not the case most of the time :)

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @PiiFree said:

    @Orion said:

    @PiiFree said:
    Is this a coincidence? Huntress & IH & Ebony Mori = Epic failure most of the time. Is it because they never play Huntress and thus go fully tryhard without knowing how to land hatchets? Or maybe because survivors start to rush gens like crazy the moment she downs the first survivor?

    It's the latter. When the trial is made harder, Survivors start to play better. It's proof that Killers need buffs, to get rid of ######### teammates who goof around and get everyone killed.

    Yea, I noticed that when I played Nurse a lot. They hear a blink = everyone focuses on gens. Huntress with instadown probably has a similar effect, or a Myers with suspiciously long stalking times.

    Makes you realize how efficient Survivors could be if they stop messing around. Imagine if players would be that dedicated by default? Game would be pretty damn hard as Killer but eh, glad that's not the case most of the time :)

    The depip squad proved that when Survivors play efficiently, Killers have no chance of winning.

  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    edited December 2018
    I can understand why survivors hate to be camped. It IS unfun to spend quality game time staring at a killer from the hook. However, this is really only the case if it happens every single match, in which case the survivor probably egged it on. 

    Everyone has a different playstyle. Some killers want to continue hunting after a hook, some want to facecamp with Insidious, and some want to patrol. Same goes for survivors... Some want to utilize stealth, some loop, some infinite, etc. Just because you don't like somebody's playstyle doesn't give you the right to berate them and tell them how to play.

    We all paid to play. Nobody spent their money to listen to some brat tell them not to camp or loop. If you want to play a certain way, you have the right to. However there will always be "that guy" that tells you that you play the game incorrectly.

    A few nights ago I played against a person who got angry because I didn't ignore them after they got unhooked and they were the only one I seen. 
    They said "I emailed the other survivors and we are going to report you for being an unfair player and camper"
  • redsopine01
    redsopine01 Member Posts: 1,269
    Peanits said:

    Not to undermine your points, but it's still a valid complaint. If you down a guy once and camp him until he's sacrificed, he's not going to have barrels of fun sitting there on the hook. You're absolutely within your rights to do so, but you still have to acknowledge that when all is said and done, you're making the game less fun for them. Sames goes for what is essentially the survivor equivalent; pallet looping. If you play in a way that makes the game less fun for the other side (even if it is within the rules), you can't be surprised if they're not happy about it.

    I will totally disagree about adapting and overcoming, though. There is no way for that hooked survivor to do so. The other survivors can ignore the hook and rush the generators, but that still doesn't change anything for the guy getting camped. He can't just adapt and unhook himself.

    Don't forget the people who rage quit so the killer can't score a kill or try to do so during pickups and animations or see teams that just all quit because they can't get a unhook while hook rushing the killer
  • Laddy
    Laddy Member Posts: 20
    edited May 2019

    Gonna revive my thread because I STILL see people crying about "camping", i.e. guarding hooks. It is completely within my right as killer to guard a hook. If you cannot adapt and capture gens to punish the time used to guard a hook, it is your fault. If you PREDICTABLY use altruistic strategies and attempt a hook rescue every time, it is only logical for the killer to hang around a hook because HE KNOWS YOU WILL SHOW UP.

    Now, I don't guard my hooks nearly as much if I'm playing, say, the Trapper. Trapper has the ability to use his traps to passively guard the hooks for him while he goes off to damage gens and patrol.

    For the Wraith? Stalking hooks while cloaked and ambushing during a hook rescue is basically what he is designed for. Survivors need to learn that if they are playing against a Wraith, he is designed to exploit altruism. Do not attempt hook rescues because he is excellent at ambushing. IT IS YOUR FAULT THAT YOU PREDICTABLY ATTEMPT HOOK RESCUES AGAINST A WRAITH

    Survivors, you are being whiny, sore losers. You are not entitled to a hook rescue. Hook rescues are awarded a lot of bloodpoints for a REASON. Because hook rescues are RISKY. If you have been chased, downed, and hooked, the killer has every right to use whatever strategy at his disposal to make sure you stay there.

    "What I despise and absolutely hate is if killers camp / tunnel when the game just started. Why? For the love of god, you are making this game even worse than it already is."

    If you are hooked, you have essentially been eliminated. You have lost. If you are successfully rescued, great, but you are not entitled to a rescue.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    Then whats its the solution alot of killer tha tunnel me and camp says to me gid gud or adapt so i dont know how to fix this issue about camping i dont really get it why its valid but still i hope the devs do something against this and make it balance for both sides killers have BBQ so that they wont camp but still they camp

  • Laddy
    Laddy Member Posts: 20

    You obviously didn't read the thread, Tru3Lemon