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There needs to be a punishment for bodyblocking

Member Posts: 78

I cannot stress how silly this braindead “move” is in DBD. A survivor can make a ton of mistakes but it all goes away by another survivor(or majority of the time the entire SWF) bodyblocking the down/hook/exit gate/gen.

its the most infuriating tactic next to Shift+W that I can think of. I cannot express how many times a kill is denied by a survivor blocking an entire walkway just for me to hit that survivor and they either sprint away or another troll player steps in front of that survivor to block.

if you add in 2nd chance perks you might as well consider uninstalling for awhile.

devs please make an anti bodyblock perk or realistically speaking some kind of punishment system(maybe a hindered status like an anti bloodlust) for this horrible horrible annoying “play” in the game.

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  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 2,252


  • Member Posts: 5,295

    Ive yet to see a survivor body block bubba or anything that is a one shot :P

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Indeed, Bodyblocking could use an upgrade to make it easier for Survivors to block the killer.

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    Do you mean to say that it leads up to a permanently bannable offense? Or perhaps the info is outdated? A few days ago I was held hostage for an hour. I recorded it all and sent a ticket to support with the player's steam64ID and the video proof and they were not permanently banned.

  • Member Posts: 6,226

    If you're talking about hooks - bodyblocking does come with a penalty. It's called getting hit, often multiple times if not paired with sabotage. If you injure the whole team or get another down, it's not a bad trade. If bodyblocking is that much of an issue in your games, run Starstruck. Kills bodyblocking dead, far more effectively than other perks like Forced Penance or Mad Grit.

    If you're talking about chases or gates... I don't know what to tell you. The survivors are a team. They can work together to help each other and this is one of the ways they can effectively do that. It can be very annoying and definitively lose you games, but at the same time, there are times you can benefit from players are throwing themselves at you to save a teammate - especially if you take the free hit and then continue chasing who you were chasing.

  • Member Posts: 78

    This is the issue. Half the time they will stack 3 healthy survivors deep in front of one hook to stop you from hooking while throwing flashbangs, sabotaging and teabagging at once. It is utterly infuriating.

  • Member Posts: 6,342
    edited May 2022

    Survs bodyblocking for each other is smart teamwork at the cost of health states to protect each other, particularly if one is on death hook, and one of the few plays to directly counter hard tunneling (as opposed to relying on perks).

    BT bodyblocking under a hook, while exceedingly annoying, is quite permissable in the rules, and also a direct counter to the prevalence of face camping going on these days.

    As pointed out above, there are ways for the killer to counter bodyblocking, with perks, or powers, and also smart game play.

    Truth be told, if three or four survs are still alive once the gates are powered, the killer should expect teamwork like bodyblocking to get everyone alive out.

  • Member Posts: 6,342

    I can totally see Jane or Jeff easily stopping smaller killers like Legion or Amanda dead in their tracks. But DBD doesn't go out of its way to include realistic physics in these cases, so...

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    Yes it is originally a temporary offence (unspoetsmanlike conduct) which can escalate over time. Sorry if the comment wasn't entirely clear on that, it's been a while since I've slept

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    Your brain would have exploded in 2016. Bodyblocking is fun for them and points for you.

    If you want to turn the tables just run Starstruck, Agitation, and Iron Grasp.

  • Member Posts: 285

    Do bones

    on a serious note there are literally perks to counter it so maybe try them?

  • Member Posts: 2,651
    edited May 2022

    I could MAYBE see this being a valid complaint, except there are literally MULTIPLE PERKS, to counter this , not to mention this causes more survivors to get hit and injured.

    Something else I also just thought of is if you are getting three man bodyblocks, thats three survivors not spread out on gens, so thats a VERY good thing as a killer.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    It is super common in my games, but yeah, it doesn't bother me, really. Thankfully. I probably wouldn't play this game if it did... Because it happens a LOT when I am not on my precious boy.

  • Member Posts: 286

    What everyone else has been saying.

    And as far as bodyblocking that does not occur while you carry a survivor is concerned: you are aware there is a score event called "protection hit" i.e. it is an intended and rewarded game mechanic. (As is holding shift+W. srsly. reading the op post I wasn't even sure if it was just bait/sarcasm/trolling but seeing the follow up, I guess not...?)

  • Member Posts: 7,063

    theres not a single post of yours that hasnt put a smile on my face

    Thank you for making my day a little better Grandpa :)

  • Member Posts: 1,878

    Starstruck does the job as far as blocking the hook. For the thing where they all block for each other when running for the gate, it sucks but you've already lost at that point, if they're all still alive.

    I do think it would be cool to have a perk that gives you a buff specifically if the survivors swarm you, like if three or more of them are within x meters.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Ok, then there should be punishment for camping also. Body blocking is fine and is a legit strategy, and one of the few counters to camping/tunneling/etc.

  • Member Posts: 6,987

    Huh? How does bodyblocking counter camping? Do you mean when there are like three of them trying for an endgame unhook? You hardly need that. A bit overkill, but I guess if no one has borrowed... If anything, bodyblocking makes face camping way easier.

  • Member Posts: 2,426

    Make forced penance 1-shot? It is an anti-body block perk.

  • Member Posts: 3,611

    Yeah, I meant like when the whole team body blocks. Very situational, but it can still work regardless.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    Perks arent a solution. There's not enough perk slots to fix all the games issues.

  • Member Posts: 5,295

    I've got 3 stacks of devour hope on my trapper. before I hit anyone I was chasing somebody around the shack. They stepped in a trap and I picked them up so there was no notification. I make my way to the basement stairs and 2 survivors jump down to body block. Let's just say 3 people were hooked in the basement after that :P

  • Member Posts: 869

    If body blocking is, at some point, hindrance enough to refer to it as "denying a kill", then something has already gone irreparably wrong in your game and body blocking isn't really the issue.

    The situation I can picture being like this is when you tunneled a survivor to deathook for 5 gens and now, with the gates opened, the rest of the team comes to ensure their safety. This isn't a "survivor mistake". It's pretty much the killer playing into their hands.

  • Member Posts: 178

    eats popcorn watching the killer tunnel the survivor

    I wish I could do something for you but... munches...preventing the killer from hitting you is bad you know

  • Member Posts: 707

    Like many things complained about here in moderation it's not an issue.

    However when over abused it is incredibly annoying to the point of 'holding the game hostage' but because it's a fringe case and nothing is done about toxic behavior in general, it just thrives. What a surprise. As killer I just try make the game fun for others so don't run meta at all, and do stuff like 'no reverse bear trap Pig', so coming up against this? I just give up. I sit near gates and wait for 5 gens and let them out. Stop wasting my time, the game is already easy enough for you, and I know I'm bad, big deal so what I don't care.

    Bodyblocking is especially obnoxious when paired with Boil Over. As it stands even with only one survivor to hook with no interference knocking someone down in certain spots some hooks can be 'barely' reached. If it's sabotaged bad luck. If you get bodyblocked bad luck. Only option is slugging but you can't possibly know that in advance and that's also considered bad manners and I'd rather take the L then take part in the toxic arms race.

    Personally I think the killer should be better notified of someone body blocking them. It's sometimes hard to tell if you can't move because of boil over/wiggle or someone is actually blocking you and that costs you precious seconds, as does swinging the weapon.

  • Member Posts: 186

    Tbh, it depends on how frequent the body-blocking is.

    If it's on normal dose of it taking time from them, it's ok.

    Problem starts when you start stacking things like WGLF + We'll Make It + healing buff (probably Circle of Healing)/another Survivor for essentially invincible Survivor (healed faster than M1 cool-down duration).

    Or stuff like Botany + Circle of Healing + beefy Med-Kit for potential sub-7s SELF-healing.

    Yeah.... It all depends how stacked Survivor is for this.

  • Member Posts: 901

    SO Survivors can't help there teammates to break free from the killers grasp or take a hit to protect there teammates?

  • Member Posts: 3,347

    There is one, they get hit.

    Use Starstruck if you want people to not even try. And if they actually take a down to get someone else off your shoulder that's just plain respectable, especially if the one sacrificing themselves have more hook states left than the carried survivor - that's just being a good teammate.

    Use Mad Grit if you get goofy survivors trying to bodyblock even when it doesn't really make sense.

    Use Forced Penance if you get actually good survivors that bodyblock intelligently and properly.

  • Member Posts: 905

    is it banneable? I have played games where another survivor stands in my way (when i'm a survivor) and just remains there and I can't push them or move through them or anything and i'm just there in a corner or a closed room or something trapped for some time until they decide to move...

  • Member Posts: 905

    I can confirm this was my experience for the first like 2 weeks of the game. I still firmly believe survivors should be scared of the killerz and not just be trolling

  • Member Posts: 905

    the problem with that argument is that not all persk are availbale for everyone...

  • Member Posts: 707

    According to the 'games rules and report system' thread here yes. There's a lot you can't/shouldn't report for (toxicity among them) but holding the game hostage is one of the things you can. The problem is how do you define that. I mean obviously outright bodyblocking a survivor as either another survivor or a killer forever without moving yeah 100% reportable. Doing things however like making no attempt to win the game and just constantly stopping the killer get hooks with bodyblocking/heals/boil over/sabotage etc.? That's more murky even though it can be theoretically impossible for the killer to make progress but good luck proving that.

  • Member Posts: 3,108

    The killer should be able to just push past survivors without needing to hit them

  • Member Posts: 34

    who bodyblocked you 😆

  • Member Posts: 118

    If body blocking is a "braindead move", then what are camping and tunneling? That aside, there are even challenges for survivors doing protection hits.

  • Member Posts: 22,850

    It's been previously defined by the mods as refusal to allow someone to move for a period of time around 2 or more minutes before the commencement of the EGC. "period of time" is hardly set in stone but around then is when it goes from possible to guaranteed hostage situation.

  • Member Posts: 508

    "There needs to be a punishment for bodyblocking."

    Meanwhile Mettle of Man, Breakout, We're Gonna Live Forever...

    There are literally perks that encourage bodyblocking, I mean.

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    I for one hate body blocking. I get infuriated because of it.

    The worst part is the survivors are brick walls for some reason.

  • Member Posts: 78

    Mad Grit? Iron Grasp? Starstruck? These are your counters. If those aren't good enough or accessible to you, go for a hit, drop the survivor you're carrying and chase the freshly injured one. Come on, this is a non-issue.

  • Member Posts: 2,557
    edited May 2022

    I try to play nice and ignore the unhooked and go for the unhooker, survs abuse this but if you bodyblock me with BT going to down you

    I have them block doorways etc,... well if you wanna get hit you about to get hit. I will wait out BT and eat a DS but you going back on hook

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