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NOED Rewards Failure

Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

Three times out of the few matches played today I have actually lost due to one perk.

A reminder that NOED is a perk that rewards failure. The survivors did well completing the objective against impossible and unbearable odds only for someone to lose because the game gives the killer a petty kill.

I wouldn't mind this perk if two conditions were true;

1) The survivor objective was much easier to complete.

2) Survivor had a similar perk.

It's not a good feeling to lose when the opponent played poorly but got rewarded for it. When the state of the game incredibly favors the killer, NOED needs a change now.



  • Zexbunny
    Zexbunny Member Posts: 209

    The only change noed needs is to have a hook requirement for the exposed status . To discourage camping one survivor out. If you hate noed so much just run counterforce and small game. You can do all 5 bones in like 2 minutes.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Under the miraculous chances that they do get done, NOED just takes it all away.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130
    edited May 2022

    Dead hard is nowhere close to NOED. Dead hard can be baited out. NOED can't be baited.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    No Way Out actually requires skill from the killer to not tunnel, so of course no self respecting survivor would complain about it. I wish the NOED abusers would get a hook before 5 gens pop. If only!

  • Viskod
    Viskod Member Posts: 854

    So what you're saying is you don't like this perk that lets someone just pull the rug out from underneath you at the last minute making a would be earned victory harder to actually achieve.

  • ThiccBudhha
    ThiccBudhha Member Posts: 6,987

    How do you cleanse a totem that was blessed by a teammate, huh, Mr. Killer? It is simply impossible. Zero counterplay.

    All the killer needs do is snuff the totem at last gen and then guard it. These are very high mmr tactics.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    Not harder but impossible most of the time. It all depends on the scenario of course.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    This has always been my biggest complaint with NOED. More times than not in my experience the killer gets a very rewarding end game all because 1 totem was left uncleansed. Maybe if the exposed effect didn't happen if the killer is within a certain range of a hooked survivor it would be better. Often times the killer will down someone, hook them and use the hooked survivor as bait by staying nearby. If that doesn't happen, the killer will get 2-3 downs before a door is open forcing the last survivor to make a hard decision on whether to risk it all or leave everyone behind. When a single perk gives too much power I think that is when it becomes problematic.

  • Sluzzy
    Sluzzy Member Posts: 3,130

    There is so much wrong with what you said. The survivor is supposed to have a way to try to survive. Don't you think it is practical for a survivor to attempt to dodge a hit when a killer is about to hit you. Dead Hard should have been a built-in feature but it was added later as a perk. Do you not think it seems silly for a survivor to just "let the killer hit me" without even trying to dodge the hit?

    The other thing you are missing is that you forget the killer has many innate abilities that are simply unavoidable or uncounterable. Legion's feral frenzy. You outplayed a Nemesis? He pulls out his tentacle and hits you anyway -- right through the window. This is on demand and can use it as many times as you want during a chase. Why couldn't Dead Hard be used more than once per chase?

    There is many other killers that have tremendous advantage in chase. Pyramid head hit directly through walls, he can wait until you are in animation and there is no counterplay. If you think dead hard needs a nerf, shouldn't all these uncounterable powers be nerfed as well?

    Survivor need way more ways to help in chase, not less.

    NOED bypasses a full health state and gives a boost in speed. Dead hard is way weaker. In fact, you can't even use dead hard against a NOED killer.

  • pizzaduffyhp90
    pizzaduffyhp90 Member Posts: 901

    Survivor's objective is already simple enough you can find all the totems before NOED pops than the killer doesn't have it. Technically also the Boons are your "NOED" in a way for Survivor especially since you can apply 4 on to 1 totem and keep replacing it.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    Hahaha hahaha you got beat by one perk. At the end of the game. That can be negated. Sounds like you want to be rewarded for failure instead.

  • ThatOneDemoPlayer
    ThatOneDemoPlayer Member Posts: 5,623

    Killers don't magically lose the game once 5 Generators get finished, they do once at least 3 Survivors escape through the Exit Gates. If the Killer got a 4k with NOED, you probably made 2-3 massive mistakes during the end-game

  • Sepex
    Sepex Member Posts: 1,451

    Watch SpookNJukes latest video on his response to Otzdarva. May def she'd some light on this topic.

  • Thrax
    Thrax Member Posts: 974

    Just do bones. Take a minute from rushing through gens and do bones. Just because the gens are done doesn't entitle you to escape. It's a well known likely problem and so many people refuse to do bones. They have only themselves to blame.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,280

    I don't usually agree wit Sluzzy and i dont even agree with him now, but i do agree NOED needs a change.

    I'm not a survivor main so i dont see the game through rose colored glasses. I think NOED is a perk that helps weaker killers win some games and get kills they wouldnt have gotten otherwise.I see NOED as a perk that doesnt help people improve their gameplay because they are leaning heavily on that one perk.

    I think it should be token based so every hook gives you a token for that perk up to certain amount but right now its just a heavy crutch for a killer that might still be new or not as experienced. I also think if you lean on this perk and think like oh well i got 1 hook in the game but i 4ked in the end due to this perk i am good...but are you though? Survivors didnt find your totem and tried to maybe save their teammate and ended up dying due to this perk alone...not because the killer had experience to kill them during the game.

    To me its simpy a perk that holds people back from learning their killer or killer overally and leans on this perk to carry them.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    Sluzzy, you know survivors can dodge and evade without Dead Hard and that Killers need powers to have a chance. If you are being serious in your response this is one of the reasons why it's so hard to determine if your posts are satire or not.

  • Slowpeach
    Slowpeach Member Posts: 702
    edited May 2022

    I'm a killer main, well mostly I'm playing/learning survivor at the moment, I personally don't like Noed's design. It doesn't encourage failure since survivors don't win until they escape, that means last gen being done game is not over yet, it's simply a crutch ironically like Dead Hard. I'd be delighted if both were removed.

    It also doesn't help that not only does it do nothing until 5 gens are done, it also makes it impossible to rescue someone on hook if they are face camped which encourages very toxic/unfun but still 'valid' playstyles. Most exposed based perks or killer abilities have very strict conditions.

  • ElizaSteph
    ElizaSteph Member Posts: 106

    It’s not so much the whole perk idea that bothers me it’s that in non swfs it’s super annoying in terms of pressure. You waste time hunting for totems and cleansing them, not knowing if you’re looking for already broken ones or not, and not knowing if it is even worth it. If the killer is decent there should be a good bit of map pressure and the secondary objective becomes almost pointless to get done. I only totem hunt if the killer is clearly bad because one I’m sure there is noed and two I have the time. If the killer isn’t, then it’s a gamble. I’ve had games thrown bc I spent 20-40 seconds looking and cleansing totems when the last gen could have been poped, only to find out there wasn’t even noed.

    Devour hope is very strong, and because of this it can be found anytime. Super big risk reward. Why reward killers with noed, an almost equally strong perk, with less risk by lighting up after all gens have done?

    if it was lit already I wouldn’t care at all, it’s just annoying losing time to a MAYBE.

    I also will say to all the DeAD hArD comments, yeah it is mad annoying and unfair, but I’ve seen great killers constantly destroy great survs with dead hard, but I don’t see, nearly as much, trash survivors using dead hard destroy good killers. Dead hard doesn’t grant bad survivors nearly as much reward as noed grants bad killers. It becomes more viable in more balanced matches and that’s where I’ll say it becomes more and more unfair, but at least when I lose to a good survivor who brings dead hard I don’t feel like I’ve been cheated. I’ve played long enough to compare dh to sprint burst, and in my experience I tend to get equal if not more value off sb anyway. So when I do play a few killer games and get bested, it’s like eh, even if they didn’t have dh they probably would have beat me bc they’re just good. Now if they were god awful and managed to get a four man out JUST because of dead hard, then it’s like yeah that’s mad bull. That’s what noed is like.

    I’ve seen absolute garbage killers get 3ks against good survivors just because they get a speed boost and instadown. Yeah I’ve seen killers with it get ######### on, but that’s after it’s cleansed. If it’s still up they are almost guaranteed value despite playing horribly all game. Dead hard doesn’t grant that. You can’t play surv horribly then make a big come back and have everyone escape soley because of dead hard.

    It’s really annoying when you lose a game to someone with way lower skill because of a surprise perk or one you don’t have the time to cleanse.

    In short, I rather die to a great killer who also ran noed and and used it efficiently, than to a noob who went from zero hooks to four slugs just because of it. Same for dh. I rather die to a bunch of cracked survivors who also had dead hard than baby players who only got out bc of it, though again I don’t see that happening nearly as much. But yeah it feels very cheap when that happens.

  • Bot_Salvo88
    Bot_Salvo88 Member Posts: 1,230

    I know it sounds very stupid but have you tried... cleansing totems?

  • Ruma
    Ruma Member Posts: 2,069

    when u work on a dull totem and one second before u finish it, the last gens gens done and the totem light up for a split second.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,301

    Survivor main here. 99% of my matches are of me playing as Claudette.

    There is counter play. Avoid the killer if you’re on death hook, if he has NoED activate, look for the totem and cleanse it.

    While this may be a more difficult counter, not everything in this game needs to be easy.

  • AndyKuky
    AndyKuky Member Posts: 84

    Yes, it rewards failure.

    Failure on the survivors part for not cleansing totems. The killer is working with only three perks for the match, maybe less if they have Ruin or Corrupt. It’s not that hard to find and cleanse five totems, especially with Det Hunch.

  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,697

    we already have a survivor perk similar to NOED, it's called dead hard.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    I can tell you by that sentence that you don't play killer that often.

    You can bait dead hard in the open. You can't bait it in a jungle gym because otherwise they use dead hard for distance and reach the window/pallet. So if you wait to bait it the survivor escapes and if you inmediately lunge they use it so they escape anyways.

    Basically no counterplay.

  • jajay119
    jajay119 Member Posts: 988

    This 'rewards failure' argument is a complete nonsense and can, and has, also been applied to the hatch.

    The killer has to have hit someone to activate noed so its already not a 'failure' there.

    As a survivor main, I am fine with NOED. It doesn't need to go and it doesn't need to change. If a killer has played fair all match, not camped and tunnelled, to the point where 5 gens are done why shouldn't there be a late game boost like the hatch gives survivors?

    If survivors didn't constantly rush in for saves and get downed round the hook or trying to revive a player from the dying state NOED would lose a lot of power. Forcing survivors away from the doors for longer to find the totem and destroy it to make the match longer and more tense is NOED's exact purpose.

    If you are annoyed by it, don't engage in silly behaviour and rush in to a waiting killer to get downed. The vast majority of killers will not leave the first downed/hooked person because they know overconfident survivors running BT, DS and DH will come swarming. They hardly ever go to find and protect the hex. So get yourself and your team mates on the search for the hex and leave the other survivor downed or hooked for as long as possible, find the bones and remove the power. It's honestly not a big deal.

    I talk a lot about player attitudes being the biggest issue here and this is one of them.

  • ColonGlock
    ColonGlock Member Posts: 1,224

    Noed happens at the end of the match when you have already earned most of your points. It can be countered.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    yeah no ######### sherlock, it does reward bad plays.

  • DragonMasterDarren
    DragonMasterDarren Member Posts: 2,804

    The match doesn't end until all of the survivors are dead or they escape

    NOED is annoying, but there are several measures you can take to counter it, mainly Small Game and Detective's Hunch

  • Danielgdp3
    Danielgdp3 Member Posts: 452

    Wish there was an option to block seeing specific users posts..... can't stand it

  • sonata93
    sonata93 Member Posts: 418

    What about us who play solo-queue? Not only do you sometimes get matched with newbie survivors who don't understand totem/totem spawns, but "gen rushing" is a complete and utter myth in solo-queue. Sure, a 4-man SWF who brings Prove Thyself and new parts can be considered "gen rushers", but not solo-queue players who are actively working on gens.

    Also, try going against a high MMR Nurse or Blight with OP addons... "doing bones" is the least of your worries when you have loads of map pressure and are struggling to get gens done (especially if gen regression is in play).

    "Do bones" makes it sound so easy, but try co-ordinating this with three randos in solo-queue against a skilled killer.

  • lauraa
    lauraa Member Posts: 3,195

    DS rewards failure too. just stop dying lmao.

    I can make silly comments too.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    Or it punishes survivors who hyper focus on gens without taking notice of totems.

  • ImHexyAndINoed
    ImHexyAndINoed Member Posts: 504

    What if Sluzzy was president?