Tell me how to counter a nurse

Tell me how to counter this killer that 99.99% brings double range, double recharge, or a mix of both who is also very well capable of bringing any of the meta perks and gets insane value out of them.
Let me predict the answers:
- Break LOS
- Run back at her
- Use Dead Hard
Yeah, these aren't effective. With her having that second blink, you're bound to get hit unless you have dead hard. Oh but guess what, even if you make her whiff whether if you have DH or not, she's right behind you. What do you want me to do? I don't even blame the survivors in my lobby who kill themselves on hook. I'm done with her.
- Every map have strong areas against nurse.
- Play her yourself with these add ons and try to understand why you lose.
- Train in 1 vs 1. Btw you are not supposed to loop a killer for 5 gens. Dead hard and god pallets have made this game easy mode for survivors against most killers, so you should probably lower your expectations against a nurse.
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Rework / Nerf her good addons and she is fine.
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Pray that she's bad, you're not in solo, and she's decided not to bring her best addons. Provided those 3 things are correct, you can actually do some really fun things vs her consistently.
It's just a shame that every bad nurse uses her best addons because, well, they're garbage and the great ones do it anyway because they're her best addons.
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Pray that she's bad
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Who said I wanted to loop her for 5 gens?
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just watch good survivors play against her like Knightlight or any comp survivor. They’re the best examples IMO because they’ve learned to survive well against a competitive nurse without the use of DH.
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I almost always kill myself on hook because she's just too boring to play against. Sorry, but I'm not forced to play if it's not fun for me, so these guys that are saying "because of people like you..." Stop it. I have the rights to choose.
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The only titles that can make some mind game against her are Walls. Most of the time Walls title stand alone. You have to mind game inside a single title, you cant mind game leaving the title because you will not able to reach to another Wall one before she realizes it and coming with 32m blink, which is certain down.
There are some few case where 2 walls title spawn next to each other: Crotus, most MacMillan maps, nasty Suffo pit middle area, Lery, Racoon, Game down floor. Which are mind game able
I dont use DH so its always a downside vs a good Nurse.
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Pray to God that she's new to Nurse
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Watch YT videos about it. Pretty sure theres ton of them
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Hi Nursies today I will tell you a big nurse guide of how to play as nurse
"You Realized it was a bad video and then that's the reason why that nurses suck today."
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Best you can do:
- Pray she is new.
- Pray she has not strong add-ons.
- Pray she has not strong anti-gen perks.
- Waste her time as you can. (If they are good.)
- Genrush, even Nurse is falls against generator speeds. (If they are good.)
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Run earlier. This is the most consistent one that survivors mess up. You're straight up throwing against a good Nurse if you get found near a 40% gen. Get away from it if you hear a heartbeat at all. You shouldn't be within 2 tiles of a gen by the time she gets there unless she has double range.
Break LOS. People say this doesn't work, and I guarantee they aren't breaking LOS like they think they are. Use the entire map, not just conventional tiles. You have the entire map available against Nurse. It's not enough to only break LOS for the first blink. She has a second blink.
You can move in a lot of different directions. Survivors tend to only move forward and backwards in straight lines. It's a holdover from M1 looping. Tip: a Nurse can't hit you at 10-12m on her second blink if you sidestep it. Don't give her a static target in a straight line. She's a projectile. You wouldn't run in a perfectly straight line against a Huntress.
Don't animation lock yourself on pallet vaults, window vaults, or long drops without Balanced. This should be obvious, but players still do it.
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Yo-Yo, loop near walls, move up and down terrain RPD is a good example of this, if you run back towards her on a second floor of a map she has trouble short blinking as it might force her to go through the floor and then she’s only got a limited time to get back up with a short blink and in that time you’ve got plenty of time to get some distance or to try and keep line of sight hidden again. (A good example is the computer room with a totem on second floor in RPD with the pallet, it’s super easy to force a nurse to blink through the floor there.)
Ive seen quite a lot of people complaining about nurse on this forum in game when I play nurse and they just try to throw pallets down in or run in a straight line.
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Most good nurses I know about actually don't usually run their best add-ons because they make games so painfully easy it's not even fun
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The ones I know about in EU do 💔💔
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Don't forget stealth is a thing
Nurse is a slow killer outside of blink, she doesn't have the time to fully search an area like a 115% might.
Outside of auras helping with landing blink attacks, tracking perks also minimize stealth play which is why most Nurse players run at least one tracking perk of some kind if not multiple
Also one trick that I'm trying to master is learning which objects the Nurse simply cannot easily blink through and use those to your advantage.
For example: On most macmillan maps there are 2 pieces of geometry that spawn that Nurse has a hard time blinking through easily, those would be the big pile of wood logs and the water tower. You can run a Nurse around these for a decent while if you're decent and make a good read or two.
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Yes but killing yourself on the hook is very unsportsmanlike behavior because of your "sacrifice" you make the job of the other three survivors that much harder. I always stay in it to the end even if I'm being face camped, because if the Killer is camping me hes not patrolling gens.
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You don't.
Every match I play against Nurse knocks ten years off my total life span.
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2 other things :
Understand how long she has to charge her blink for her to reach you from her current position
Hug walls, objects, anything with a hitbox incredibly tightly. I can not tell you the amount of times I have missed a hit on a survivor because it seems like my saw has locked onto the wall rather than the survivor.
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You hope that she is bad.
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hide until she DCs
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Breaking LOS is still hard AF.
Her second blink is so forgiving so she'll use her first blink to estimate your location and that second blink to secure the hit.
Those are good but an experienced nurse will undoubtedly land a hit after a few seconds. Her second blink really grinds my gears.
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You pray that another big bug comes out and disables her for a month again.
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Just... git gud. Seen plenty of good nurses get ran for long enough for 1-2 gens to get completed even on gideons.
Not as simple as "do this" if it was really like that then nurse would be horrible. You gotta know WHEN to double back or keep holding W. Unlike all the other killers you gotta learn how the nurse plays to play accordingly.
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Very little, I hardly got 'countered' during my Plaid Flannel gaming. I wasn't 'good' but I am good at killer and understand maps quite well. Even strong survivors didn't actually last long.
Just bring a SWF to gen rush and hope to not get a nurse next game. It's abysmal gameplay, especially solo. But it's also cheap dopamine for those who need loads of DBD W's.
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I can accept camping, don't think I kill myself if I'm facecamped. I kill myself only when I'm playing against nurse and I'm really not in the mood to face her. She's the only killer that in my opinion is way too strong with almost no counter especially on her best maps.
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If it's a short corrective blink, then it's fairly easy. The goal is to make that second blink distance longer and preferably have it involve obscured/broken LOS. Which is why it's so important to do your work early and make distance.
Break LOS and turn your camera to get an idea of where the 1st blink is aiming. Most Nurses will blink to the corner. Don't stop moving (unless she's obviously going for a prediction blink) and break LOS from her anticipated landing point. This is why we're looking at where she's aiming her first blink. Once LOS is broken for the second blink, assume she's going to prediction blink it. Make some distance and sidestep it left or right. I promise that will cover you against 90% of Nurses. It takes practice.
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I see a ton of good tips so far.
Somethings I don't think have been said:
- You can count her remaining blinks based on the orbs in her hand. This is niched but incredibly useful in some scenarios
- Play her. No. Seriously. ######### play her. Learn how she feels so at the very least you can identify her add-ons. Being able to understand her distance and fatigue duration opens up so many strategies you wouldn't normally have
- Draw better angles, you can put her in positions where the straight line to you is filled with nonsense which is not only good LOS, but it can force her blink to miscalc and come up very short
- She cannot shorten her blinks if you double back on a second floor. Similarly, identify the basement early and if she doesn't know where it is yet you can make her jail herself for a set of blinks and a free escape
- Recognize that if every chase lasts more than 40 seconds, you're losing because gens aren't being done not because Nurse is unfair
All the people on this thread going 'pray' and 'hope' are incredibly lazy, and I don't know how they're not embarrassed by contributing so little but still feel the need to post.
You know, save for their own personal angst. Sad.
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I'm pretty good at dealing with the first blink, but most of the nurses I face know how to position themselves with that first blink to help them secure a hit with the second one. They never go for a prediction 2nd blink, they'll just blink directly behind or on top of me. Prediction blinks are easy to read and deal with so I'm assuming nurses just stopped doing it too much
I always run early too but it won't really matter if she has range add-ons. She'll be behind me in a few seconds. Speaking of add-ons. Double recharge is a pain. I've made nurses whiff several times, but it won't matter because she'll have her blinks already before I can make it to a decent tile or obstacle to break LOS.
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In truth, she has no meaningful counterplay. She is the one Killer that practically ignores every aspect of the game. I am by no means an incredible Survivor, but I can last a decent chase against most Killers except Nurse.
I can only beg to get lucky with tall walls, but even then with her new bugged addons it's pointless to even try. If she isn't bad, it will be a quick match or a painfully slow one where the Survivors keep being slugged back and forth until she can slug all or we bleed to death.
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You can't ... as soon as the killer is a bit experienced. This is fact by design regarding the ability of this killer and the usual defenses from the other side.
With both iron will and dead-hard, you may be able to extend the chase a little bit, that's where recharge/distance add-ons come in :)
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God forbid you have to play differently against Nurse instead of holding W and pulling pallets down!
I don't understand people who hate versing Nurse. I love it because it's different and challenging (if the Nurse is at least decent).
One big thing I've noticed playing as Nurse is most survivors are too predictable. They use the same mind-games every chance they get. The key to beating Nurse is being as unpredictable as possible. Literally, even if it seems stupid, if it's a mind-game you haven't done so far that trial, do it. If you're positioning properly, the Nurse will have to prediction blink most of the time, and so you can waste a lot of time by moving in really weird ways.
Leave gens extremely early. If you hear a heartbeat, leave the gen. People give way too many free hits by staying on gens until the Nurse blinks on top of them. You will win more games if you don't give a Nurse free hits, it is not worth it for that extra 5-10% gen progress.
Break LOS literally every chance you get, it does NOT have to be at a tile with a pallet and/or window. Use the rocks, trees, EVERYTHING to stop her from seeing you. A lot of survivors tend to run to pallets or windows, even against Nurse, and sacrifice distance to get there. This is a mistake. Forcing the Nurse to blink to catch up to you wastes a lot of time, rather than taking a risk and hoping she messes up using her blinks to hit you at a jungle gym.
One last thing: try and abuse the best parts of whatever map you're playing on. Obviously some maps are way easier for Nurse (Midwich), but make sure you identify a spot on the map that is the best place to loop her. If you're on Coal Tower for example, the long line of tiles that go from main building to shack is a really difficult spot for Nurses to try and chase survivors. There are so many walls and LOS breakers that, unless the survivor positions wrong, the Nurse is forced to prediction blink nearly every time, or just drop the chase altogether. This is the same reason maps like RPD is hell for Nurse.
Basically, a TL;DR is: Don't be predictable. Leave gens early. Break LOS every chance you get. Abuse the map to your advantage.
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That's the neat part, you dont
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As many have said break LOS asap. Once you load into a map just look at where the main buildings/jungle gyms are so if you have to loop you can get there asap. Be unpredictable. Don't use the same mindgames against her you'd use against other killers.
Iron Will is amazing against her (same goes for Spirits). If you don't want to loop her and just want to get away, Lucky Break can be a pretty decent perk! Combine it with IW and you're all set! :)
Also if you have a flashlight you can burn her and stop her from blinking, though I wouldn't do that if you're the one in a chase, it's a great way to help a teammate out.
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Pray she's bad and if she's not, give up on hook. Save yourself the agony.
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A hard to play killer that - according to you - is also hard to counter. Seems pretty even.
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how to counter nurse. D/C
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The best advice so far.
I would add to check her hand. The Nurse will often fake her intent. Fake yours too. Way to many survivors stop playing mind games against her.
Also, when she is on cooldown she doesn't see far at all. Take advantage of that. She isn't deaf though.
Finally: play her. That way you'll learn her blink distance and many limitations more easily. You'll also see what survivors do to beat you.
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Second best advice, although a Nurse will often blink in reverse to quickly check a tile and maybe second-blink a hit.
It's true that detection is the biggest weakness of the Nurse.
As for hard-to-reach places, it will work even against very good Nurses : everybody makes mistakes.
Third best advice. Don't we all despise auto-miss?
And then on the second page there are way too many good answer : this thread is a gold-mine.
It also show why so many players have an issue with the Nurse (praying doesn't help, neither does giving up, taking the game hostage will get you banned, ...)
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Most important thing, be unpredictable. Forget everything u know about looping. Make erratic, but smart plays. Remember that killers expect certain plays/movements. Nurse games are all about predicting the survivors next make their job as hard as possible.
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there is none, if she is good you lose no matter what gimmick u try, there is no counterplay.
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Recently faced a nurse who was just slugging and shaking her head no to everybody. She brought meta perks too.
I wanted to leave so badly.
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inb4 no mither profile pic guy comes in and ask for a vid of u playing as nurse and telling You how balanced a range addons nurse is..-
Oh-.... Wait! He's already here