Why do people care about "Good game manners"



  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259
    edited June 2022

    You didn't even read what I said I clearly said thats wrong in my post so "Ah yes" maybe you should learn to read before you type.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077
    edited June 2022

    ...What did I just read?

    But okay, let's try.

    When people talk about being toxic, they aren't talking about someone saying 'GG' (where did you find this, by the way? I've literally never seen someone complaining about this in DbD). 'GG' or 'GGWP' is mostly just a reflex (I know that GLHF and GGWP were standard in my SC2 days). If someone's upset about that, then yes - a bit thin skinned.

    However, there are certain things that are unambiguously toxic. Flashlight spamming, for example - obvious reasons. Teabagging from the exit gates, especially when you know you lucked out with the map or got mismatched, is pretty damn toxic.

    See - it's easy to forget that you're playing against real people.

    Boundary aggression. That's such a useful term.

    No, I think that being annoyed at people being nasty is a natural, human response and it comes down to realizing that you're playing with/against actual people.

    I really dislike this trend of 'oh hey, someone went out of the way to be obnoxious, but it's your fault for getting annoyed, not theirs for annoying you'.

    MMR isn't perfect, but it's miles better than SBMM was.

  • StarLost
    StarLost Member Posts: 8,077


    How you act towards other people when there are no rewards for being nice and no punishments for being awful is a genuine indicator of your true nature.

    Yup. I've been saying this for a while.

    I'm no snowflake, but I do think that having a good community tends to retain people, and having a toxic mess of a community tends to drive people away.

    LoL is a good example of a game that realized this - legendarily awful community, Riot introduced the Tribunal and the Summoner Code, and within a few months it was night and day.

    Look at WoW, for another example. Horrible community that was left to fester for a decade. A ton of people jumped ship for FF, which has a legendarily awesome community, partially because it's slightly overmoderated. Now WoW is instituting a 'social contract', much like LoL's 'Summoner Code'.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713
    edited June 2022

    If you’re offended by someone saying they thought it was a good game that’s a reflection on you, not them.

    Also “tunneling” is a meaningless buzzword, nobody even agrees on what it is let alone it being something unfair or unsportsmanlike.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684
    edited June 2022

    Dude.. or dudette idk.

    Ive had many people on PlayStation write me gg after they killed me and I know 100% it’s meant to rub their victory in my face. There are definitely people out there that write gg for toxic reasons. I’m not saying everyone is like that, but a good portion is, considering how toxic this community is in general.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Again, sounds more like something in your head about other people saying they thought it was a fun match when you lost.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    No you’re wrong. But hey, you don’t need to believe me. Have a nice day!

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,226
    edited June 2022

    Eh. If the player was overtly nasty during the match (like nodding and hitting on hook, shaking head at every down, faking hatch, bleeding people out - not strategic things like camping/tunneling, but stuff that's only done for BM) and they say GG at the end, that's probably mocking and you're better off not responding and moving on. But someone who throttles you in a typical game and says GG? I doubt they're intending anything bad by it - GG is just a rote thing to say and they're following the script.

  • legacycolt
    legacycolt Member Posts: 1,684

    That’s what I mean. I wish I could take it back because I confused people.

  • Marcavecunc
    Marcavecunc Member Posts: 2,057

    It's a game, just remain polite that's all.

    But yeah people think the other side saying "good game" after stomping you is them rubbing it in your face.. it's not, they're just being polite.

    Had a match the other night vs this group that all had flashlights (along with the macro to make them click super fast) and a shitload of double chance perks, and all they did was try to get flashlight saves at the worst angles possible, either when being picked up, or baiting locker grabs. I ended up killing 3/4, 4th one got lucky on the hatch spawn otherwise they were dead as well. It was a frustrating match, but at the same time, it was so fun because I knew there was always one of them around me at all times (to be fair, they only did 1 gen super early on then all 4 were around) so I'd slug as much as possible before trying to hook someone, but they all had unbreakable and other perks to pick themselves up all the time. The endgame chat was wholesome, everyone had lots of fun.

    So just make the best of it, be polite to others, don't be a dick on purpose in-game, or at least remain civil about it at the endchat. And if someone's being a dick, it's a game, just move on to the next match, chances are you'll never play with them again.