I played dbd and the results of SBMM

So I actually found out that it doesn't matter of what MMR you are it depends on you're SBMM. I know this isn't right but you can here me out about this. (I'm not preferring to anyone on the forums).
-If you on ash ranks then you most likely find campers but it matters on MMR but if you're playing red rank then you know that you're gonna face campers because it depends on your SBMM not MMR
-In either side if you have good SBMM and MMR then you're most likely gonna face with good killers but rarely a tunneler and camper. But if you are playing as killer then you gonna see some toxic survivors or good survivors playing the game which mostly the reason why that killers tunnel and camp.
-I remembered in 2021 that the SBMM was getting tested and me and my sister were playing with a good blight and that's when before the coldwind farm was reworked. Even I saw a poor huntress getting 5 gened by red ranks.
-MMR got reworked but I think that the SBMM isn't reworked probably.
I know this sounds stupid but I don't wanna make people mad and then they go on the comments and say this isn't true but I cannot un see this on solo q. Players who play solo q I feel bad for. I wanna see SBMM reworked again and then find a way to punish unsportsmanlike people on a server until they find a way to make it a good game. Just like they did with Max Payne and Titanfall. It's just my option, but I wanna hear options about it.
They aren't 2 separate things
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Technically they actually are two separate things. MMR is the Matchmaking Rating you have, it’s a number that goes up or down every match. SBMM is the matchmaking algorithm that tries to pair players up based on their MMRs.
It’s useful to understand that relationship. For example, your MMR itself is probably a pretty good reflection of how good you are with a specific killer or as a survivor in that, if you are in a match with everybody having around that same MMR, it will usually be a close match with 1-3 deaths. But because of how the matchmaking algorithm has to handle people with outlier ratings and people who leave lobbies and swfs with MMR gaps and things like that it can’t always pair players up who are close in MMR and you get matches that can seem more lopsided.
So SBMM and MMR aren’t the same thing, the latter is a numerical rating that the former uses as a guide to pair people up when it can.
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But still incorrect from op argument. Sbmm uses mmr to match you against people
Its a tool using a data, like every other game that works this way