Do you think Wesker has been in the realm longer than we realise?

The_first_ghost Member Posts: 31

With project W being announced the trailer has shown that wesker was watching when nemesis attacked meg so we can assume he was in the realm then and I think he must have been there even longer to have his own room with cameras. I think he could be like the observer and just watch but I want to know others opinions.

Best Answer

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 291
    Answer ✓

    that's a pretty cool way of thinking, even though the visuals could be just for the teaser (thus no need for a logical explanation for him having a room and cameras), this explanation works pretty well and is quite interesting!


  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    Honestly, he's a sneaky lil bastard. I mean, he was sneaking around as he was a STARs member, so he's probably waiting to make a move.

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 291
    edited June 2022

    true true, that's a pretty good point. I wonder how would be his stance towards the Entity, if he would a guy like Ghostface, who likes it and goes along with it, or more like a rebellious Trapper, I can imagine him trying to be a cunning type that pretends to go along with whatever the Entity is up to while in secret he's just gathering information and planning his own thing. I'd bet he would get along with pre-blight Blight.

  • Lekitzul
    Lekitzul Member Posts: 495

    Honestly, I think he would be really fascinated. He kinda reminds me of the Blight, how he was a researcher sticking his nose into stuff. So much so he Blighted the other killers? (I haven't gotten to all his story yet, I just know the Blighted Cosmetics for every killer) Wesker was fascinated with infected people and the virus. So he'd probably be interested. But I bet the monotony would get to him.

  • HexDaddyissues
    HexDaddyissues Member Posts: 328


    weskers a sweaty boi