Make the survey in-game next time
The whole "what bloodpoints total do I put?" thing is really bad. I know it's verification to see if you really did play those games, but seeing how many threads about the survey and the bloodpoints question popped up all over the place...
Wouldn't it be easier to either have it in-game, or maybe add a button in the post-game screen to go to the survey, and autofill those first two questions for you (ID and points) and you answer the rest?
Or give each game a gameID, so with both the cloudID and the gameID they could verify if you did play or not.
Ooooor.. have somewhere where you can input your cloudID and verify how many valid surveys you entered so far? Because lots of people put in the wrong numbers, and then there's the issues with BBQ scores not showing or something?
But yeah making it an official in-game thing in the end-game window would prevent people from entering the wrong thing,. and it would also probably get more people to fill up the survey and collect even more data overall. Not everyone wants to tab out or get on their phone to fill it up. But having a button to do it all for you would work.