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I salute survivors who stay on hook

Member Posts: 1,579

Against a face camping bubba.

Thank you for giving the rest of us time to pop gens.

I wish you luck in your next match <3

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  • Member Posts: 1,579

    An incentive would be appreciated. No one booted up the game to be camped to death.

    I stay on the hook too bc I know how much it'd suck for the others.


    I have the same ideology abt it too bc if you don't like what they're doing, why help them do it? At the very least, help your team by giving them time.

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    I'd love for that. Honestly it could be up to BHVR to really fine tune it and it doesn't even have to be a whole ton but just...SOMETHING for sitting there being the marshmallow to the killers campfire

  • Member Posts: 419

    Ive spent so much time on those hooks that i should get a memorial plaque on there or somethin lol but ima keep hangin in there in the hopes that bubba gets my face 😁

  • Member Posts: 1,684

    Something needs to be done about bubba fadecampers. Like how is this still a thing?

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    That would be pretty nice tbh.

    It's small, but it's something!

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    I always do, play it out to the bitter end you may still get out.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    The devs want us to be better at hockey I guess.

    Right. A face camping bubba should only get 2 kills maximum tbh.

  • Member Posts: 5,270

    I'm happy to hang around for a while

    Unless you all decide to come over and stand 16m away doing nothing, so me being there doesn't accomplish anything

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Good thread, @Mazoobi . I salute you guys as well. Y’all the real MVP’s. Especially the ones who do not try to Kobe last second, thus giving us a few extra precious seconds to get to the exit gates, once the last gen pops. You guys are not alone- I too, do the same for y’all.

  • Member Posts: 495

    It depends SOLEY on how the team mates/killer is acting. If they are face camping, I usually don't want to give them the satisfaction of seeing my team mates die, so I will let them pop genies. I do wish they would give points for staying on the hook like Hanging On! 500 points! For like, if someone is leaving you on the hook, and you go from strike one, to two and three without being removed.

  • Member Posts: 8,600
    edited June 2022

    I'm hanging in there for the full duration and I appreciate it when others do. Punish the camp. Don't reinforce it. Do gens though. Don't stand around the hook doing nothing. Save or don't, but make a decision quickly.

  • Member Posts: 1,579

    Of course! Just trying to acknowledge the good deeds of some players :)

    An incentive would definitely be good but knowing BHVR, we'd have to beg on all fours if we want any form of incentive for this BS.

    Exactly! Don't let the killer get an easy win.

  • Member Posts: 707

    Stuff like this is why I run Kindred. If the killer wants to visibly throw the game to the whole team then let them. Still it’s annoying though when your team responds to this by crouch walking up to your hook and end up doing nothing or worse unsafely unhooking you,

    Only time I suicide on hook is when there is only one survivor left and they are wounded and can’t make the save so the hatch spawns sooner. Especially if there are too many generators left.

  • Member Posts: 286

    If I see people do gens, I stay. If i watch ~10 seconds of nothing, I leave. Simple as that.

    That being said. I recently had an "afk until all gens are done" Wraith in soloQ. - I tried to do totems and I smh tried to communicate to teamies ... but ways of communication are limited in soloQ. I found myself more or less next to him when the last gen popped and was prompty moved to the basement to be basement camped. I wasn't annoyed by it or felt the need to leave or dc or whatever (I did take my chances and failed the skillchecks anyways but hoping that the teamies would get the memo and not come for a rescue. Two got the memo, one didn't). And I wondered why I found it more funny than anything else; as far as points, pips and MMR is concerned I lose about equally as much in both cases and in the Wraith case the match even lasts longer so it's more time wasted, technically. But the difference is: it happens once in a blue moon and it's quite clear the Wraith player does it for the fun of it. Everyone who's in on the joke has a good time. But with basement / facecamping Bubba... it happens so often that if there was a joke to be in on, it just isn't a joke anymore.

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