Blight. Should he be nerfed, slightly reworked, or overhauled from the ground up?

Regulus47 Member Posts: 450

Blight has one of the strongest chasing powers in the entire game without much counterplay if he utilizes bump logic, so looping is unreliable. He also breaks the rules of the chase by making distance irrelevant, no matter how well you outplay him and gain distance he'll get back up to you in seconds with zero difficulty or effort. He also has the best mobility in the game with zero setup, charge time or penalties. All this comes with virtually no cooldown between uses, 5 separate chances at hitting a survivor, a planet-sized hitbox, arguably the most busted addons in the game, the best perk synergy in the game a thousand exploits that make him arguably better than nurse if they're combined with alchemist ring and crow on a good blight, and all this on 4.6m/s and with relatively little difficulty to pick up. Compare this to any other killer.

At what point do we just scrap him and try again? He's not fun to play against, he's far too strong for how little counterplay an experienced blight has, and his power is awkward and makes no sense for his character. Even making him 4.4m/s wouldn't fix his problems, I've realised. If not a full rework then a doctor or legion style rework to give him counterplay and mix up his power/give him more of a skill cap than "rush at survivor flick hit survivor do it again in 5 seconds". That's hyperbole but it's not far off from the truth, you really don't need much skill to decimate with blight, which is part of the problem. What do you think?


  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    Show us some of you playing blight then

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,247

    Regular Blight has counterplay

    Even some of the obscure techs do have things you can do, it's just not knowing about them that's the issue and I can't really blame people because they're so obscure and some of them are based on really silly things like sliding and stuff - stuff that if you just play using bump logic only you typically won't come across

    Alchemist ring is too rewarding and removes part of the counterplay to blight - which is removing his downtime after a hit. Obviously this isn't 100% a comparison but I like to imagine it like a purple Nurse addon that gives her both blinks back after a successful attack. Same sort of logic

    The speed addons are weird, I don't dislike them as much as I used to but I still think they make Blight incredibly hard to react to since they reduce survivor reaction time and only further enhance some of the weird things he can do. Maybe making them not stack or reworking them entirely would be a good idea.

  • darkcloudlink
    darkcloudlink Member Posts: 326

    I only have two problems with Blight. The hug tech and a few addons (namely the alchemist ring, compound 33, and blighted crow + rat). The hug tech is getting removed, so if they reworked those addons, I'd have no complaints.

  • lav3
    lav3 Member Posts: 775

    Won't be late to decide once hug tech doesn't exist.

    Personally I don't think he needs change because he came out when "hold W" started to be an issue.

    The only change I can agree is fixing his M2 attack range fix. (survivor is out of Blight player's screen but still getting hit)

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 7,055

    depends heavily on what the base game changes are

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,138

    He doesnt "break rules of the chase" as rangedd killers can also make distance irrelevant. Also hit hitbox does match his swing animation as he literally does sway his entire weapon from one side of his body to the other.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,224

    He just needs addon nerfs. Basekit blight is fine

  • Carth
    Carth Member Posts: 1,182
    edited June 2022

    Your argument boils down to "all killers should 1v1 me cowshed, no powers, no addons and be counterable". You can probably go through every single killer in the roster and write up a post on how they "break" the rules of chase.

    "trapper literally forces you out of loops with his traps!"

    "pig has an entire mechanic of time wasting where she doesn't even have to be near me!!"

    "plague turns off healing entirely! How is this even remotely fair???"

    "Legion can VAULT pallets??? WHAT?"

    I notice you don't actually provide any example of what a nerf would look like so I'm super curious OP how you could nerf/rework blight in such a way that he can't negate distance which seems to be your primary complaint, hell you even say making him 110% he would still be OP. What's your next hyperbolic idea? He can't move outside of rushing?

    Post edited by Carth on
  • AGM
    AGM Member Posts: 810

    Blight is fine, just needs some add on changes, like C33 and Alch Ring, and in return make Summoning Stone and Soul Chemical not garbage (hopefully by just scrapping their current effects and making new effects). And a numbers nerf on Adrenaline Vial would be nice. Oh, and fix the collision he slides off of!

    Other than his add ons, he is a fantastic, (mostly) well made killer.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    No rework required. Aside from a few obvious add-on nerfs needed, he should have at least one less rush token by default, and about 25% longer power recharge than he has now.

    Don’t see how people can take issue with five blink Nurse with add-ons, but somehow five to seven rush token Blight is ok. On a killer that already moves at standard killer speed.

    Dead Hard can extend a chase up to one time, but several rush tokens in chase is ok? And they break pallets by default? Please.