Killer Concept: The Arsonist

I originally posted this on reddit, but I really do want feedback so I decided to also post it here.
Name: Jared McLair
Nationality: English
Age: 65
Difficulty: Medium
Move-speed: 115%
Looks: The Arsonist is a pale-skinned slender figure, his skin is covered in burns, he wears an eyepatch and his outfit consists of a black tank top, jeans and sandals, his left arm is charred black and has flames coming out of his palm. His weapon of choice is a dagger, on the same hand he weilds the dagger on he keeps a cigarette, his "wiping" animation is him taking a smoke.
Personal Status-effect: Burned Flesh
Survivors affected make 15/25/35% more pain-sound. (Slightly/Moderately/Considerably)
Power: Inferno:
"The entity has given Jared the ability to summon flames, not strong enough to damage people but deadly when used right"
When next to a pallet or a window The Arsonist can mark it with flammable liquid.
2 pallets/vaults may be marked at once.
Using his M2 The Arsonist can throw a ball of fire to the object, lighting it on fire for 3 seconds.
Using the power on a dropped pallet turns it into a charred pallet.
If the survivors use the pallet/vault they will take a state of damage, charred pallets are destroyed 15% faster.
The Arsonist is slowed down to 107.5% speed for 5 seconds after lighting something on fire.
Dead Lighter (common): Increases marking speed slightly
Oil Tin (common): Increases the duration of the flames by 1 second.
**New Zippo **(uncommon): Charred pallets are destroyed 5% faster.
Lighter Fluid (uncommon): Flames cause the burned flesh status effect slightly.
Matchbook (uncommon): Increases marking speed moderately.
Vodka (rare): Increases duration of flames by 2 seconds. Causes the burned flesh effect moderately.
Facemask (rare): Decreases the slowdown penatly moderately (drops to 110% instead of 107)
Waterbottle (rare): Decreases duration of slowdown penatly by 2 seconds.
Acetone (rare): Flames cause the hindered status effect for 30 seconds.
Methanol (rare): Flames cause the blindness status effect for 90 seconds.
0.5 liter can (rare): Increases limit of marked objects by 1.
Purified Alcohol (very rare): Flame duration increased by 3 seconds, survivors suffer from mangled and burned flesh moderately.
Acetylene (very rare): Survivors suffer from the burned flesh effect considerably, charred pallets are destroyed 10% faster. Survivors suffer from exhaustion for 15 seconds.
1 liter tank (very rare): Increases speed of marking considerably, increases limit of marked objects by 2.
Napalm-mix "this stuff can't be washed off" (very rare): Causes a permanent application of burned flesh at a considerable level.
Jet Fuel "stolen from an airport storage, highly devastating when used wrong" (ultra-rare): Lowers limit of marked objects by 1. Increases marking time moderately. Movement speed penalty increased by 5%. Flames instantly down survivors.
Thinner-liquid "a cheap, flammable liquid used to get more juice" (ultra-rare): Increases max-amount of marked objects by 3. Makes marking considerably faster. Reduces the duration of the flames by 2 seconds. Reduces movement-speed penalty considerably (112.5%)
Keep in mind that I am not a professional designer, this is just my idea which came about from imagining what would be cool. I would appreciate CONTRUCTIVE feedback. Saying "this is bad lol" is just as useful as "yeah looks cool"- doesn't do anything, I want to know WHY you think it's bad/good.
It seems I accidentally posted this twice lol.