Hi my fellow Foggies,
I live in Vienna / Austria / (Western) EUROPE. I have a very stable internet connection. No VPN and I play via Steam.
If I test (CHROME) my connection incl ping via an official platform I get to a ping of around 11ms, DL / UL around 20k.
I log in - PUFF - PING goes to 60+, and more so often it just snaps into the RED (600+) and teleports me all over the place (1652), shows the icon in the upper left corner of the screen going red and I can´t even throw plattes, enter lockers, vault windows or anything else. Times just freezes. Or I find myself stuck at an obsticle or wall after a few seconds although I was running around the map from my POV.
I have deinstalled and resinstalled, deleting files, verifying files, adjusting NORTON settings... all of the troubleshooting I could find online.
I don´t know how to put it without beeing slammed with the current situation going on, but it mostly happens when there are players from Russia (Eatern Europe) in my lobby (killers). Am I beeing sent to Eastern EUROPE Servers? And if so, is there any way I can block this? I do not worry about MMR and only a little bit about loosing my items. But mostly I feel bad for my other teammates and it ruins all the fun for me,
Thank you, Linda
Hi there,
first of all about the Easter European players: No you are not sent to an Eastern European server, as there actually is none. Those people are getting connected to their nearest server which is also yours, and I would guess it’s the one in Frankfurt, Germany (there is another server in London iirc, not sure if there is another in Western Europe)
There is currently a known issue that BHVR is trying to fix with an upcoming update where players experience rubberbanding during matches - though this doesn’t really explain your high ping and it’s not really teleporting or the other issues you are experiencing.. I would suggest creating a thread in the technical issues section of the forums or look if there is a (current) thread with the same issue and see if you can find a solution there:
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Funny coincidence. - The day I arrived in Vienna last week I started to have the exact same thing happen (maybe not quite as extreme). And for me it's not at all related to rubber-banding. Since this is a new place I was wondering if it was the wifi here - but that has a stable ping with ping spikes 70ms tops. Maybe it's a Vienna thing 😅
But ye, if it gets to the point of being too annoying I'd say post in the technical issues section - though I wouldn't hold my breath.
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Well, welcome to Vienna!
The city with the grumpiest people but also the most livable City from 2009 to 2019. After that obviously we lost our server connection to dbd and puff - there goes our status. Just kidding. About the server thing, not about the grumpiness unfortunately.
Besides that, let me know if there is anything I can help you with. And I mean ANYTHING. I am more than glad to help as I had to work on the Canary Islands, Florence / Italy, Ilse of Man, NY and South Africa over the last years and I know how out of place one can feel in the first months.
Servus then I guess,
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Thank you for the warm welcome ^-^ - But Vienna people grumpy? Nah. - I found everyone pretty friendly so far; but maybe that's your accent. To my German ears you always sound nice. Even (or especially?) when you talk smack about us during ESC ^^
I would send a dm but since dms aren't a thing on these forums; there is one thing I do wonder: Where does a girl go to grab a budget-ish drink solo? I'm used to small-town bar scenes and the people I know here don't do drinks at all so I'm a little lost on that front 😅
LG Javi ^-^
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I'll get back to you and post my ID - so you should be able to find me and we can have a chat. I am away over the weekend.
Bis dann, Linda