Perk idea for qol

As a killer I hate when survivors finish a generator right in my face, or get off it to get hit rather than grabbed and finish it. Thankfully merciless storm can mitigate that to some degree but it doesn't help if you're walking to it when it pops with no time for a smack. My idea is basically to make a perk that triggers when a generator is completed. any survivor within 10 meters of the generator is exposed for 16 seconds. these are just working numbers and not accounting for tiers but the general idea stands. I don't think this would be too powerful, or even meta at any rate, as it would be somewhat situational. And you have to lose a 5th of the game to have it trigger. So you'd either have to camp a gen and be positive they'll do that one or just have survivors do it in your face.

Partly I want it because I think its kind of an issue thak killers can't do anything to counter just tapping to not get grabbed (except noed but that's a boring perk and doesn't cover mid game gens done in your face) (I mean i would even advocate that killers should have some innate ability to kick people off a gen to prevent that but I feel this idea is more likely to be accepted. The other part I want it is just because it'd be so satisfying to do that to someone who was confident that I had no counter play.
