Message to you. Do what you want with it.

Every fun game that has been played at any moment in history has been ruined for the loser and even for some fellow winners if the winner was a bad sport.
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Translation (I think lmao):
'Every fun game that has been played at any moment in history has been ruined for the loser and even for some fellow winners if the winner was a bad sport.'
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There is some wisdom in that.
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I've had several killers say they had a blast in my matches even when they didn't get a single kill. For some people the fun factor isn't determined by how often you survive or how often you get a sacrifice.
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This is a philosophy I've carried for years regarding gaming. I make a lot of my own fun, or make the fun with friends, or with the Twitch communities I'm a part of, or alone in the soloqueue, or as killer. Dead by Daylight, for me, is easy to come back to and enjoy because there are so many ways to play.
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And then you see the endgame chat.
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Or by cheaters
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There’s a lot of wisdom in that, and it’s why I try to be a good sport whether I win or not.
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Yep. It all depends on the individual. Sometimes people get what you were doing while others assume a toxic intent. It really all comes down to how each person feels what a fun match is.