Buff Blindness

Blindness isn't very scary on survivor side, unless it's something long term like Third Seal, and that's a Hex.

I suggest that Blindness should be buffed to be more impactful and scary. In addition to its current effect, I suggest the following:

1) Blindness should have the same screenedge aura as Boons, but in black to slightly obscure vision.

2) Blindness should hide the Red Stain.

Altogether these would certainly be a scary effect worthy of notice and make the target feel the sensation of having restricted visual information.


  • Blazelski
    Blazelski Member Posts: 351

    1 would be visually annoying, but 2 is a legitimately good idea that Otz suggested, and it seems like the one that makes sense. After hemorrhage, Blindness really is the last status effect that borders on useless.

  • nikodemo
    nikodemo Member Posts: 774

    just because it would inconvenient and "annoying" doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. it's a nice way to represent visual impairment without it being broken.

    the fact that one can be "blind" and still see perfectly is a bit silly. if the Boon aura can stay, i think it's a good enough feature to reuse elsewhere for other purposes.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    The red stain being hidden is already a part of the undetectable status, so that won’t happen. The main change I think blindness needs is that all add-ons apply it for at least 60 seconds. It’s pretty stupid that some only apply it for 15 seconds. They should also streamline the rarity of them all to uncommon or common.

  • nikodemo
    nikodemo Member Posts: 774

    undetectable removes the red stain AND the terror radius.

    oblivious removes the terror radius but not the red stain.

    we don't have anything that removes the red stain but not the terror radius. blindness could be that.

    increasing the duration of current blindness is still sort of meh, but it's certainly better than the useless 15 sec. but it's still not a status effect that evokes any real fear or detriment except in the rarest of cases.

  • Presidenten
    Presidenten Member Posts: 23

    Blindness is already pretty good effect against solo survivors, but yeah it needs a buff against swf. I can see removing the red stain to work. But making you see less would just be annoying.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    I disagree completely.

    Blindness should disable certain awareness perks such as Spine Chill and Premonition.

    It should also remove the player's ability to see other player health conditions or generator numbers on the HUD.

    Adding a disgusting vignette and giving the killer a major benefit of Undetectable for free is of a particularly unpalatable taste, in my opinion.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687

    These are all changes that negatively effect solos and do literally nothing to SWFs that can ask their team mates for this information. We should be moving away from that balance direction not towards it, blindness is already a status that is plagued by this problem, it doesn't need to be that way even more so than it already is.

  • AnxiousRiddle
    AnxiousRiddle Member Posts: 14

    Blindness IS strong, though. As strong as status effects should be. It robs any aura perks, it robs you of seeing survivors down'd, and where, and it robs you of seeing who is on the hook.

    In fact, blindness has removed my ability to get to a body in time for a flashlight/pallet save, it's removed my ability to effectively navigate to hooks (especially indoors), get pickups, etc.

    Status effects aren't meant to be mini-perks, let's stop acting like they should be.

  • Valik
    Valik Member Posts: 1,274

    That's what it's there for.

    It is an anti-information affliction.

    One cannot say 'anti-information harms a certain subsection of players, thus it must be made to be less anti-information and more generally imbalanced'

    If the philosophy we should be moving towards is 'anti-information is illegal', then we should just cut the losses and remove Blindness as a status effect altogether - make all Survivor information perks base-kit - and give free BP to solo players.

    God in heaven forbid a status effect actually preform the task that it was intended to - to the direct and intentional detriment of the opponent.