Auto aim is trash

Can we have a ptb where auto aim is turned off? just to see people opinions on it? Half the time I hit a corner because of it.


  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 729

    You should try hitting someone on the hook when they´re being taken by the entity when the survivor is behind you.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    I would definitely like to see the aim dressing disabled for a test, to see if it actually is providing any real value to the experience. It's possible it is actually a good addition and things would suck without it, but I'd personally quite like to know that for sure.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    I still don’t understand what aim dressing actually is or why it makes you hit objects sometimes. Is it that in reality you actually did miss the survivor, but graphically the system wants to show you hitting the closest object? I don’t get what’s happening under the hood here.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 7,617

    The way I assume it works is that there's enough of a gap between the aim dressing system checking if you got a hit, and that hit actually landing, that it can turn the camera in such a manner that the hitbox no longer actually collides.

    All the system does (according to previous statements by the devs) is turn the camera when you get a hit so it looks a little nicer, so my assumption is that it does so too overzealously and actually prevents the hit that it's trying to pretty up.

  • H2H
    H2H Member Posts: 713

    My favorite is when I get auto-aimed into nothing at all. There are spots on some maps where there’s nothing there, but if you swing your weapon you’ll get a nice CLACK of hitting an object. Feels real great to get auto-aimed into the magical there-but-not-there air object during a chase.

  • xfireturtlex
    xfireturtlex Member Posts: 419

    Omg, its soooooo bad on consoles! Plz fix! I get screwed over at least once per match by this.

  • Arkmenhah
    Arkmenhah Member Posts: 68

    TFW you are about to hit the survivor unhooking, but get autoaimed to the recently unhooked survivor during his I-frames.

  • GoshJosh
    GoshJosh Member Posts: 4,992

    It's especially miserable on Eyrie of Crows. It locked me onto some stupid bush by an exit gate with one of my Coup stacks, literally cost me the only kill I was gonna get that match. Happened at least twice that match.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Yeah auto aim is awful. A survivor could be right in front of me and auto aim will lock onto the air beside them instead of the actual survivor and cost me a hit. The same things happens with walls and corners. It's ridiculous.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    I was grab validated at a loop and THEN Aim Dressing made me miss. It was actually so gnarly I just stood there a while computing how badly the game wanted that survivor to get away.

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    Another lesser known maybe not as impactful thing this causes. If a survivor wiggles just right back and forth it can throw off an autoaim if you dont lunge for it. I think its cause because of a short attack might hit if everything was moving forward but if you swing when they wiggle the auto aim will correct to where it thinks they will be. Then the survivor will return to center of that wiggle and you will miss because auto aim "corrected" it to the side. So if it didnt exist I would swing forward and hit no matter where they wiggled. Lunging prevents it. I know its autoaim doing this because it turns my camera when i didnt turn it. Long winded I know. Anyone else ever experience this?