I don't think the map spawn rates from the community event were turned off
I haven't gotten the new map a single time, but I've gotten Gas Heaven like 3 times.
I've played about 7-8 matches now and I've gotten the new map at least twice. I've gotten gas haven like 3 or 4 times and a corn offering was used once.
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I've played on it quite a few times, seems fine to me.
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All my games were in the new map... and btw, new Haddonfield is crap when compared to this one >D
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Yeah, I think you're right. I did see the new map three times, but I got a metric ton of Coal Tower today with a side of Gas Heaven and Ormond. Actually, I don't think I played on a single map that wasn't those four and didn't have a map offering involved, and I played like 15 games today.
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Can confirm. I literally went from Coal Tower to Gas Heaven to Ironworks of Misery back-to-back all day long, with a few Dead Dawg thrown in between...
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I've still not gotten it. Plenty of Dead Dawg, Coal Tower, Ironworks of Misery, etc. Almost all the maps I've gotten are the boosted ones from last week. >:(
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Jumping between Ormond, Garden and Saloon. Quite happy tho cause usually I only land on Autohaven
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I've only gotten the new map twice. Big sad
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People here will say they’ve got the new map but the point is, the community choice maps are still in high pick rate and I think we can all agree that’s it’s been enough. I’m so tired of wreckers yard and coal tower.