Why were the offering colors changed? :(

It used to be that if someone used an offering that was an individual item, it was a lighter gray color before it flipped on the "Offerings being burned" screen and offerings that affected everyone (like BPS) were a darker gray. Sure it wasn't ALWAYS a BPS (like Hatch location ones were that darker color too) but it always meant there was a chance.
Now every time I see the offering screen, I get excited thinking there is a chance for BPS but then I am saddened when there is nothing since they're all dark gray :(
Am I the weird one or is everyone else equally sad?
What difference does it make if still shows the offering 0.5s later?
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Because I have the memory of a goldfish and the excitement of a kid at Christmas when it's dark. So it flips to the children equivalent of socks for Christmas and I'm sad
Then it happens next match as my goldfish brain forgets that they changed colors