What is your biggest problem with entitled survivors/killers.

Begin with S or K and then a line between them to make it easier to read, thank you.


They complain about camping and tunneling.


  • kaoraku
    kaoraku Member Posts: 247

    Not only entitled survivors complain about camping and tunneling, and many cases they are right.

    I hate it in them when they swarming the hook, and then complain that you "camped" and/or slugged and such. Or when you hook somebody, and you cannot get to the corner, and they unhook already and again - cry about that you camp.

  • Verconissp
    Verconissp Member Posts: 1,587

    I hate the fact that they Also can play killer But also say that Camping and Tunneling Is Wrong...

    Mini rant cause it's a funny story.. i have one rule i go by which is "If you bm me, i bm back," fine and dandy,

    im at 2 gens ish left and i haven't had a kill yet so i wanted to force a somewhat early kill before the 2nd to last gen pops,

    i decided to camp / tunnel one out which resulted in a 2k cause of that, then got the other 2k a few minutes later which netted me a 4k,

    Then i got insult after insult from the swf (surprisingly all of us were ttvs and only 3 of them were live,) Keep in mind im playing Slinger on Cowshed (or w/e the cornfield map was)

    can't name them of course, BUT:

    TL:DR: Killer Bad, Killer shouldn't camp and tunnel unless i play killer <--- Survivor mentality

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,591


    Honestly I think we all could take this game a bit less serious from time to time, including myself. A Killer tunneling you doesn't mean they hate you personally and survivors teabagging or clicking doesn't mean they want to annoy you specifically and ruin your experience in the match. Same with gen rush, camping, slugging etc.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    Easiest one of my life:

    Survivors: when you dont camp but patrol an area that happens to have a hooked survivor, because you know protecting the generators on the opposite side is a waste of pressure and time, but still are called a camper. Let alone if you want to secure a kill in the EGC(my personal rule is if the final gen has popped, the killer has no reason to not camp or tunnel if they desire to do so) they always call it camping and tunneling.

    Killers: when they spend 2 minutes chasing 1 single survivor who obviously outplayed them during chase so much that the only reason they are downed is due to bloodlust 3, then camp and tunnel because 3 gens have popped and "I will keep playing like this untill survivors dont genrush". We didnt rush, you were slow.

    TL;DR to the bit below: While entitled survivors are more common, they are less of a pain to face than entitled killers.

    And to be honest, I dislike entitled killers a lot more than entitled survivors, because at the very least, entitled survivors sometimes try to give their opponent a fun match or a match they can learn from. Where entitled killers think that any game that has less than 3 kills is a loss. Per week, I face at least 5 killers who slug for the 4k and refuse to hook the 3rd survivor for ages even if it means they bleed to death, I've been able to turn at least 1 of those matches per week into 2k's by simply being a pain in their ass and picking up my teammate over and over again untill we finally finish the final gen(its much easier to do if they also have Adrenaline), then they've been blaming me that I was dragging the match out. I only face about 1 SWF group who has dragged a match out for further than they should in about 5 months time.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    As a counterargument to the "its not possible": I personally say that quite often too because I know from my POV it shouldnt have been. I know that there can be a slight desync, especially when it comes to projectiles, but it shouldnt have been possible from my POV.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 542

    Are we talking about bugs and desync, because that's not game design or balance, but rather just DBD not functioning entirely as intended. For example I think base Huntress is perfectly balanced, however I still get hit by hatchets that in no way should have connected. However I know it goes both ways. Its just something everyone either has to deal with or is a breaking point for them as a player.

  • TeleportingTurkey
    TeleportingTurkey Member Posts: 589


    "god forbid you play / use what I dislike, this is an unforgivable offense"

    If killer gets mad at you for using something they hurt their pride, they do everything in their power to make the match miserable for you, same for survivors except they just start BM`ing and trashtalking, because they aren't changing their playstyle in any way.

  • Wazzzuppp
    Wazzzuppp Member Posts: 4

    so basically like how soundsmith describes war pigs in the stereotype videos for tf2 gotcha

  • ImAJoke264
    ImAJoke264 Member Posts: 163

    Tunneling and camping are valid strategies, and camping doesn’t always have to happen when the survivors are swarming a hook, complaining about getting tunneled all game is… ok I guess, but entitled survivors throw a hissy fit over it

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    Neither because I don't let what they say or do bother me. Except macro clicking flashlights. K or S, that is annoying and I hate it. But that's outside of your question.

  • neb
    neb Member Posts: 790

    To be fair, "make the match miserable for you" might just be them trying to win. Obviously if they trash talk you in the end of the game, you know why they did it.

  • ImAJoke264
    ImAJoke264 Member Posts: 163

    no, the reason killers say everything the survivors do is toxic is because, flash light clicking, t-baging, t-baging at exit gates, killer tunnels/camps the killer should delete the game, etc. Most if not all killers consider looping a strategy and not toxic, and doing gens isn’t toxic either. I t-bag as survivor in chases to get the killer mad and so they make mistakes, but not at the exit gate when I can just leave.

  • dspaceman20
    dspaceman20 Member Posts: 4,699

    I'm not talking about legitimately toxic things the survivors do I'm talking about just playing the game and existing

  • AnxiousRiddle
    AnxiousRiddle Member Posts: 14

    I was literally tunneled off of hook after running a killer for 4 gens, which wasn't the issue, but I was then told "get tunneled, (homophobicslur)", with repeated visits to my stream under different accounts telling me they were going to drop-kick my child. As a survivor. To claim that only killers get "killer should delete the game" type endgame chats, or worse, is a falsehood. Survivors, good survivors, get just as bad trash talking from both the killer AND their teammates if the teammate feels they didn't preform to their standards. Pretty frequently.

    Flashlight clicking is used to spin a lot of the time. Most of the time it doesn't work, or it's used for the same reason you do-- to get the killer to chase them or make mistakes. Is it BM? It can be. But nodding is seen the same, nod when they screw up a save or click and then go down?COPIUM. But killers BM just as often, if not more. Nods, hits on hook, camping at 5 gens, tunneling at 5 gens. Slugging and watching the team bleed out. Dropping next to hatch and telling you to crawl while so they can shut it in your face. Slugging you at door, waiting for you to crawl before picking up (when no DS is possible), standing in front of hook to wait for you to wiggle so they can hook you. Over-slugging you until bleed out despite being able to hook you. There are tons of things killers do to be dicks, but no one calls it out.

    And that's not to mention the teammate BMs. I had a claudette THROW A GAME locking a nea into a corner when I was playing huntress, because nea Kobe'd in her face by accident. She legit just went upstairs in double story on preschool while nea was doing a chest and stood there until nea got crows. There's a reason that side is so cynical.

    The community DOES baby killers and it DOES demonize survivors. That doesn't mean killers don't have valid complaints, but they're also hand-held by the entirety of bhvr, streamers and players.

  • TeleportingTurkey
    TeleportingTurkey Member Posts: 589

    I don't think when killer wants to get you over other survivors and then slugs you for the entirety of a bleedout timer while nodding their head is them trying to win.

    As for survivors, I rarely see changes in their playstyles except they start teabagging/clicking.

    Of course, trashtalking in endgame chat or entitled excuses.

  • BigFatAl
    BigFatAl Member Posts: 43

    This issue is far too specific. A sense of entitlement infects every aspect of the world.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904

    The problem of entitlement is its not self reflective.

    People don't even realize they are entitled and if you point it out to them they get defensive or deflective.

    Like overconfidence in ones abilities, its often the bastion of the unintelligent. Typically the less intelligent people are the more confident they are in their lack of ability and the more they feel they deserve success as a result.

    Even if they do demonstrate some proficiency they are still not accepting of any outcome other than the one they feel they deserve.

    Input random chance and competition into that scenario and you have the basis for a lot of the whining on the forums.

    You often see highly entitled posts i.e. "I deserved to escape because of X". These posters often get defensive fast and can rarely conjure a competent reply if someone doesn't agree.

    They are usually the first to melt down at you during endgame chat too and there is typically no point in engaging because the really entitled ones are too dumb to understand their own point let alone yours. Because you can't expect coherency from a toddler tantrum and that's what a lot of entitlement is, "I want this... I didn't get it... waah its all everyone else's fault!"

    Random PVP with strangers is so much fun.

  • WeenieDog
    WeenieDog Member Posts: 2,184

    Just the hypocrisy of the people who say things like that

    Say they want a "chill game" while bringing in meta perks +items + addons+ offerings. Then complain about getting rushed or tunneled.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    This applies to both sides equally, because when it comes to complainers, there's equal guilt across the board on these ones:

    -When people act as if everyone playing the other side are all dicks that terrorize poor abused [survivors/killers] for no reason and deserve to suffer, without realizing that they are also being dicks to other players unprovoked and they're doing exactly what they claim to hate.

    -When people whine about strong perks/addons/items and how that's the only reason they lost while they're also running strong perks/addons/items. Bonus points if they complain about something that their behavior directly caused to happen (i.e., killer complaining about genrush when they camped the whole game, or survivor complaining about being tunneled when they bodyblocked for the unhooker.)

    I can never resist getting into a pointless argument when one of these things rears its head in endgame chat.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970

    Using perks is a bad thing apparently

    The amount of entitled killers I've seen message me hate for using soul guard is stupid do people forget the perk exists or something?

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,478

    S and K

    they ######### and moan too much