Infinites are back - Garden of Joy is actually the most broken map

Apart from the million pallets on Garden of Joy and the size of the map, most of the windows in the house and especially the window at the little greenhouse are infinites and broken af. There is hardly a chance to outplay them when you're not a Nurse.

Aren't you guys testing these maps before you release them? The unbalancing of many maps and the RNG of map spawns are the biggest problem in DbD right now apart from the desync / hit validation imo.

I hope you will rework the map soon and balance the RNG in the game.

P.S.: I play survivor / killer on a 75 / 25 ratio, so I'm main survivor, and on highest MMR


  • Atomicman69
    Atomicman69 Member Posts: 1

    The map IS unbalanced, but I highly doubt they'll rework it, especially that it just got released.

  • dugman
    dugman Member Posts: 9,713

    Garden of Joy is a bit big, that’s true, it has 164 tiles versus the median map size of 156. Personally I just instinctively assumed the house wasn’t worth chasing someone inside as a killer, kind of like the Saloon on Dead Dawg, and stuck to protecting the outside which is a lot weaker. The inside of the house seems like a pain though, not only does it look like it has strong loops but it’s just too dark in some places, not being able to see the walls when you’re running in a building simply isn’t fun.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    How is the window at the garden house an infinite? if anything, you'll have to force it to get blocked, which isn't great, but it shouldn't be that bad either.

    I also get that the house has some strong windows, but in my experience so far, they haven't been that problematic.

    I guess the map might be a tad too big, and the house a tad too safe, but in general the map seems fairly balanced to me. Quite a lot of mindgameable pallet loops actually.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    I'm survivor main, probably not high MMR, have played against a high MMR TTV player on this map, and it is not broken. There's some good loops, despite not set up like older maps so they're harder to predict (still have to learn the map), plenty of lockers, same amount of windows/exits as what you'd see in Haddonfield or Coldwind, Greenhouse reminds me of another map... It's like all the other maps merged into one. It literally just came out yesterday so it will take time getting used to. But the map is fine and complaining about it this early isn't going to do anything.