The Dredge is the best killer you've made since Blight

No suggestions (except to not nerf him), he's extremely fun to play, and no bad meme addons. He's got map presence, scare factor, anti-loop, and mindgames. And Nightfall is incredibly fun to play during. This killer is a resounding success to me so far. Great job on this one, BHVR!


  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I fully agree, but I do think Nightfall should be toned down a bit. Maybe increase the visibility range a bit, but it seems the biggest problem some people are having is even just seeing in the range they are supposed to be able to see, because even there it's sometimes to dark.

    I like her design but I think one problem many have with her is her rather limited counterplay, making her not the most enjoyable killer to go against.

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Same. I just don't like the turkey-ish appearance :D Fluff and design reminds me on the Darkness from the House on haunted hill movie, just... a bit worse :D

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146

    I agree. Right now he has brought the fear back to the game. I went to lock a locker and he grabbed me from within. It literally scared me.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    Are we just gonna pretend the og birb killer doesn't exist? I know bhvr has already forgotten about her, but she's cool, she's strong, she can control and detect from afar. and downright unfair on most loops lol. Dredge is still very good, but it could really do without the bumass auto lock/aim teleport. its giving me ptsd to when nurse used to have it.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Personally, it's fun to go against him, but playing him is unnoying and unfun. Like I literally control sloppy pile of meat. Feels slow and unresponsive. TP is great, antiloop is OK, but everything, I don't know, not feels satisfying and enjoyable. Can't say why. But I love playing Onryo and Birb lady so much still, cant wait when I finish with turkey's achievements and return to my girls ♥️

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    bhvr not making any changes to artist is a blessing, i wouldn't wanna see another top tier killer getting nerfed to dirt.

  • mistar_z
    mistar_z Member Posts: 857

    right because pinhead really needed those back to back nerfs. but in all seriousness though, its nice that they're leaving her alone for now.

  • EntityNea
    EntityNea Member Posts: 186
    edited June 2022

    I re-installed the game to play the new killer.

    Are we playing the same game? The killer is TOO GOOD.

    Like you're saying, he has map presence, scare factor (stealth), anti-loop, and mindgames. All in a single kit.

    I played him for probably 8 hours total. First 3 hours, I even forgot he had the anti-loop, and even without using it, I was wrecking any survivor team i went up against. It just felt so unfair for the survivors I was going up against, they couldn't do ANYTHING against me after a few gens popped. And that should say something, I am generally bad at playing killer, and I was completely destroying the opponents even when going up against a full team of borrowed / decisive / dead hard meta slaves.

    The teleporting alone can be used so frequently that the survivors have no chance of finishing the final generator. All I had to do was let the survivors finish the gens furthest from each other, deliberately letting some of them pop. After having the final 3-4 gens either in a straight line (no matter distance), or 3 gens relatively close to each other, it was a GG... no matter how poorly the match went for me earlier. Just had to teleport to the furthest gen from me - if passing the other gens during my teleport i could hear it's progress and if it was being worked on. Then just walk there, or if i dont hear anything just check the remaining gens and teleport back to the first one.

    It's stupidly broken and he needs a nerf, imo a longer cooldown between teleports because that thing is avalable too often.

    Edit: I first played 2 hours of survivor, and when going against him I didn't notice these things.I lost a majority of matches against him, but he was fun to play against. I just didn't understand that he was so broken until i played him myself, because as a survivor you don't really notice how often he can use his abilities.

  • Sludge
    Sludge Member Posts: 768

    I think he was designed to be fun for survivors, not killers.

    He's miserable to play, there's too much noise and his gameplay is clunky and slow.

  • Blazelski
    Blazelski Member Posts: 351

    I haven't attempted to hold a 3-gen with them it yet, but I can see what you're saying possibly being true. He may be too good. But honestly, I'm biased right now because he's just so ######### fun and I don't have fun with killer much. I think it will take a little while for the community to discover just how much potential he has and how best to play against him.

  • EntityNea
    EntityNea Member Posts: 186

    i agree, super fun to play as. I'm trying to be objective with balance when reviewing him tho, and I can't deny how difficult it was for me to lose a single match, even in the matches where i was getting so wrecked that i was about to give up.. but then late game, it turned around from them finishing 3 gens before I even got my first hook, to me killing everyone because they couldn't do gens. My perks weren't even good either, I just leveled Dredge to around ~20 and used some random mediocre perks.

    Regarding how to play against him? like, there really wasn't anything they could do, it was completely my choice to focus on regressing the generators. Survivors can't really force me to chase them, it was just a matter of patience on my end, which isn't something that can be affected by survivors in any way.

    there was one match when there were 3 survivors left with 1 generators left to do. 2 of those generators had all 4 pistons moving and I thought "oh man, this is it". But nope, i managed to regress them all back to 0 progress and kill all 3 survivors.

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Couldn't agree more. The dredge has been the most fun killer to play against as survivor.

    DEMONANCE Member Posts: 800

    so you're saying he needs a nerf because survivors in your games 3 gen and screw themselves over?

  • Libervita
    Libervita Member Posts: 248

    I agree, the showdown with "The Dredge" was the funniest experience I've had in years.

    "The Dredge" really scares me, and I love it.

  • ProfSinful
    ProfSinful Member Posts: 271

    The dredge makes dead by daylight feel more like a horror game and I'm all for that. Definitely fun to play on both ends, and doesn't feel oppressive, even with his antiloop

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    Honestly, Dredge is the reason I have switched from half/half back to mostly killer. And honestly, it's not exactly for the reasons you think. I honestly don't want to play the game as survivor against such overloaded kits as Dredge and Pinhead and I don't want to play survivor against such powerful kits as Nurse, Blight and Dredge. They're just way to powerful and you're pretty much helpless unless you are in a 3+ man SWF. I play about 1/3 solo, 1/3 2 man SWF or 1/3 3 man SWF. The only way I can play is as a 3 man SWF anymore if I play survivor.

    And to be honest, it's way to easy for me to get kills at this point as Killer. Don't get me wrong, Dredge is fun because his kit is so overloaded and the art department as DBD is just f*cking amazing. In fact, that company is probably kept afloat by the art department alone.

    But I have no qualms about admitting that Dredge is easy mode. It's funny, one game I played, I had killed 3 survivors without even realizing it and was about to down the 4th survivor and hook him until he dropped his flashlight and I was like, ok, I'll hunt the other survivors down and kill them and give that survivor the hatch. I looked and I had already killed the other 3 without realizing it, lol.

    Now I will say that Blight is even easier but Blight's kit doesn't have all the stuff you can do that Dredge has. And Dredge requires some skill besides learning to aim at trees.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,410

    Once people start getting meta perks and figuring out how to use his power, he's going to be beyond stupid to play against. Another killer with oppressive mobility and oppressive chase. Oh and I get to stare at a black screen for half the match. Feels balanced...

  • ManyAchievables
    ManyAchievables Member Posts: 667

    She is terribly designed. Super easy to play and way too oppressive in chase and out of chase without needing to commit to basically anything.

  • Jinxed
    Jinxed Member Posts: 248

    Yeah I just played against one with killer meta build and it was just painful. Maybe when people are more used to playing/versing him it will feel more balanced though. Give it a little time.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    He really isn't that op. Many people haven't figued out too well how to play against him yet either. There are a few aspects that could be toned down, mainly his Nightfall darkness effect, but his map pressure is pretty damn fine actually. Killers need good map pressure like that. Not that a cooldown increase would ruin him or anything, if it's just a few seconds, but I don't think he needs it. Killers need good map pressure and decent anti-loop to be viable.

    If anything, they should make looping against him a tad more viable by making it take a half a second or so to teleport back to your remnant, but even that is way too early to say, he does have a good amount of counterplay.

    Maybe you also went against survivors that weren't too experienced? It also doesn't really make sense that one would only notice a killer being op when playing as him. If a killer is op, you would notice it, no matter which side you play.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    I mean, survivor players probably also still need to get used to him more. I don't see him being stronger than other A tier killers. His mobility is great but his chase really isn't that oppressive at all. But who knows, both sides probably still have some improvement left.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I'm maining Dredge now and his map control is very possibly more oppressive than Blights. On top of the fact he's also anti-loop. He's a far better version of Freddy, Demogorgon and Sadako. Sadako and Freddy both being very solid killers.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Can't really agree. He is powerful, but not S tier or anything. He definitely has great map control, but it's not insane or anything, to the point where survivors can't complete gens. Not even close. I would say it's pretty much on the level of Blights, maybe a tad weaker, but that's it.

    His anti-loop is not bad, but in my opinion, Demogorgon's is probably a tad better. It moves survivors away from pallet loops but it doesn't have any range or can hit over pallets and windows. Plus he moves slower than survivors while his remnant is active.

    Of course he does have Nightfall, which definitely makes his map pressure as good, if not a bit better than that of Blight's, on top of other advantages. But it's not too crazy either. I do think Nightfall needs to be toned down a bit though.

    I definitely do not agree with Sadako or Freddy being solid. And most of the community agree with me on this it seems. Freddy isn't bad, to be fair. I think he is stronger than some other people think, but not quite viable. And Sadako is definitely not solid, which most people agree with.

    Killers need to be strong to be viable, it's simply like that. And Dredge, in general, is really well balanced actually. Not to strong, but also not to weak. He might just need a few very small nerfs in certain areas, mainly Nightfall.

  • EntityNea
    EntityNea Member Posts: 186

    I have a question then: How can survivors do generators if the killer is constantly at all of the remaining ones?

    this isn't an issue early game, but when there's only 3 or 4 generators left on the map.

    The only thing the survivors can do at this point is try try to make me get into a chase so the others can work on generators.

    But here's the thing. I'm the killer, I choose when to chase. I know that if I spend time chasing, they spend time finishing the last generator.

    The problem occurs when I can reach all 3 generators in 15-20 seconds repeatedly and regress any little progress that was done. All that I have to do is to teleport in this pattern: (K = killer, G = Generator, L = Locker, ---> teleport path)

    K --- G --------- G ------> (L) .. G

    When teleporting with Dredge, you HEAR everything happening during your movement. So I hear exactly which generator is being worked on, or where any injured survivors are. So I get to hear every location that matters during the last push for the survivors, hence I am always where i'm needed to stop any progress they made. If a chase lasts for more than 10 seconds, I stop. Go back to gen camping.

    the teleport is much stronger than people give it credit, due to it serving as both information + quick movement, with short cooldown.

  • EntityNea
    EntityNea Member Posts: 186

    i am wondering if difference in opinion on balance may have to do with playstyle?

    Different people think differently, so it's natural that different people naturally "click" with different killers.

    perhaps a reason why some people don't see how strong his kit is yet is because he's so new, and those people haven't practiced enough yet.

    Dredge immediately "clicked" with my way of thinking, and I went from being a mediocre skill level killer to not losing a single match with him since his realease. The only survivors that have escaped have been ones that I give the hatch at the end.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    He can't. If he wants to down a survivor, he will have to commit to chasing one for at least a bit. And he does have 12 second cooldown on his teleport. His teleport is also not instant. Dredge is not at all generators at once, simply not.

    To be fair, I do think the cooldown during Nightfall should be increased from 4 to 8 seconds, because 4 seconds is pretty much no cooldown at all, which is a bit much in my opinion. But it's still not that crazy, because again, its not like you are just teleporting to lockers and then injure survivors within 1 second. Good survivors will make you waste a bit of time. In most cases, lockers also don't spawn right on gens, but only very close to them.

    I still think that certain killers are better at 3 genning than Dredge.

    Who knows, maybe he will need a very small cooldown nerf. I wouldn't mind it being increased to 15 or 16 seconds foe example. Though anything above that would be too much in my opinion, because his anti-loop shares the same cooldown. Unless you add two different cooldowns to his remnant and locker teleport. But I think that will only be necessary if we actually do get some baseline slowdown for killers with a future update. Then I could see his map pressure being too good.

    I think it's still bit early to say for sure. I am quite positive his map pressure isn't op, but who knows, maybe I am wrong. I do remember this exact concern being voiced by multiple people when Demogorgon released though, and in the end, he actually got buffed a little.

    I have also had matches with other killers where I was able to win despite only having one or two hooks after 4 gens were done. One match in particular was with Ghost Face, who isn't even consider very strong at all.

    In my opinion, Dredge could use some tiny nerfs, but map pressure is not one of them. I think toning down Nightfall is needed, as well as his tunneling potential. And before they nerf his map pressure, I would actually prefer them to nerf his anti-loop just slightly, by increasing the time it takes to teleport back to his remnant from 0,25 seconds to something like 0,6 seconds, so that survivors have a bit of mindgame potential when looping small to medium sized pallet loops.

  • EntityNea
    EntityNea Member Posts: 186

    You really don't have to commit to chasing. Nightfall makes him stealthy, and teleporting charges nightfall. So all you need to do with 1-2 gens left is to aggressively regress the generators and ignore chases, then once Nightfall triggers you have a good chance of creeping up close enough to a survivor to get a hit in without needing to commit to a long chase. After the hit, teleport back to the most active gen, sneak attack other survivors. Eventually you'll get a down.

    Not to mention, you would be surprised how often I've managed to pull people straight off the gen with this tactic. i've pulled people off generators more than I have been able to with any other killer, and i'm not even particularly trying to do it.

    This is my experience at least. So far I've had one loss (3 survivors escaped) out of however many matches I could have played the past 3 days, been playing for about 8 hours per day.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356
    edited June 2022

    Don't get me wrong , I am sure you are very good with Dredge, but you getting many grabs is a bit questionable on the survivors side. Dredge is not a stealthy killer, not even in Nightfall. He emits pretty loud noises, you can hear him from 16 meters away, if not more. You can also see him far beyond your visibility range, so I have no idea how survivors are letting themselves get grabbed from gens.

    I can definitely see why the cooldown on his teleport might be a bit too short during Nightfall, but in normal his teleport is not that crazy, and it surely won't allow you to defend gens to a point where survivors can't progress them. The 12 second cooldown and slow teleport speed makes sure of that. Not to mention that his locker teleport, and his anti-loop, the remnant, share one cooldown. And again, even during Nightfall, you shouldn't be able to sneak up on survivors that easily because of the sound he makes, which is even directional.

    I can see Dredge needing some very small nerfs in the future, especially if killers ever receive some baseline slowdown, but right now it's too early to tell in my opinion. One good thing about Dredge though is that there are numerous easy ways to nerf Dredge though. I could see the devs not wanting to nerf the cooldown of his teleport during Nightfall, because the idea that Dredge can be lurking everywhere at any time seems like one the design intentions of him. But they could make Nightfall take a bit longer to activate, so it happens less freqquently. Or decrease it's duration. Who knows.

  • EntityNea
    EntityNea Member Posts: 186

    I don't know what to tell you really, from my experience the cooldown is short enough to regress all remaining gens.

    let's say there's 3 gens remaining, Gen A, B and C. What you do is stand at Gen A, you teleport to the locker closest to Gen C while making sure to pass through Gen B. This way you're putting pressure on all 3 gens simultaneously, because.. You have Gen A covered, and you hear if survivors are at Gen B, and you're about to be at Gen C. You never have to search for survivors to be at the correct place. And 12 second cooldown on a teleport is a joke. I didn't realize it was that low.

    Imo the cooldown needs to be much higher to fix this issue. Something like 30 seconds. But in some situations this will be too much. It's only really needed to prevent the constant gen pressure

    So here's my suggestion: You know how he has teleport charges? You usually use this to teleport additional times between lockers. Instead, allow Dredge to teleport with a very short cooldown for as long as he has charges, but each charge takes something like 30 seconds to recharge.

    For example, if you then have 3 teleport charges, you can teleport 3 times on a short cooldown, but it'll take you 30 seconds to get each charge back. This way, you'd be more encourages to follow up on chases, and would make it harder to gen camp like i've been doing.

    About me being good? I'm really not. I am pretty bad as killer, 90% of my playtime is as survivor but i try killer from time to time. Most of the gen grabs I've gotten happen when i teleport to an unlocked locker around a corner from the generator, during nightfall, and then i just go in for the grab. I have to admit that when I play as survivor, I can't always hear him during nightfall either, there's so many weird ambience noises and it's super dark, so i understand people messing up like that

  • AnchorTea
    AnchorTea Member Posts: 1,019

    BHVR should take more risks with killers. Actually make them engaging and oppressive.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    30 second cooldown would throw this killer right into the trash bin, but you realise this yourself.

    The idea with charges taking 30 seconds is also too extreme in my opinion. Though to be fair, I do get the idea behind it, being able to teleport up to three times with very low cooldown, but being balanced by the higher downtimes Dredge would sometimes have on his teleport, to force him to go for chases or patrol gens like an M1 killer. But this would nerf him too much in my opinion. 60 seconds with no teleport, just so you can teleport twice again? That would hurt his map pressure way too much. Not to mention that his locker teleport is used for chases as well, to counter holding w. It's one of the aspects that makes his chases so interesting.

    Keeping all that in mind, 20 seconds would maybe work, with a base cooldown of 8 or 10 seconds to his teleport in general (you can't make his base teleport, such as his remnant teleport, have too little of a cooldown, or outplaying him with his remnant wouldn't have enough impact), but even that might be a bit much, killers need good map pressure, and he uses his locker teleport for chases as well.

    It would also make the part where he can teleport from one locker to the next using his charges completely obsolete, unless those would be affected by other charges? And I doubt the devs would want that.

    12 seconds is definitely enough in my opinion. Demogorgon has a 10 second cooldown on his teleport. If you just regress the gen A, and then teleport to gen C, why on earth wouldn't survivors hop back on gen A? Even if survivors are working on gen B, he will have to walk to gen B from where he teleported to near gen C. If a survivor is at gen C, and he kicks it to regress it, a good survivor will just hop back on gen C. Or the Dredge commits to a survivor at gen C, then he won't be able to defend gen B or A. After 12 seconds, he can teleport back to gen A or B, however one also has to take the travel time into consideration. Again, he comes out of the locker, and if he just kicks the gen, to then patrol other gens, any survivor at gen A will just hop back on it.

    He will need to put time into chasing survivors, hitting them, and at some point also downing them, picking them up and carrying them to a hook. Survivors will still be able to do gens despite his great map pressure.

    And this is also only when gen B is somewhere right between A and C, which is not common. You have to move pretty close to gen B while teleporting to hear if someone is working on it or not, because the teleport sound itself is quite loud. Not to mention that in many cases, gens don't spawn right next to lockers, only close. And survivors can just wait and lock lockers during the late game as well.

    I can maybe see BHVR increase the cooldown to 15 or 16 seconds, but that's it. And probably only if the upcoming perk update will add some form of basekit slowdown into the game. But 30 seconds per charge never.

    I guess not having to wait for all 3 charges to be recharged would balance this out a bit. But it still seems so overboard, because at some point, dredge will only have one charge, he teleports, and now he has to wait almost 30 seconds to use his teleport again. Or I spend 45 seconds wondering around the map as an M1 killer with no map pressure, just so I don't have to wait so long for my next teleport after I teleport once. It's just way too long. And even though I obviously don't know what BHVR plans, I am pretty sure that they will not nerf his teleport like that. It already goes against the design philosphy of Dredge.

    Like why would they want to make their new killer too weak, especially one they obviously put so much effort into? And why wouldn't they not just nerf his remnant teleportation first, to allow survivors for even more counterplay during chases? Or tone down his Nightfall, where he is particularly strong? Map pressure is something that should always be a good part of a killers basekit. Killers without map pressure suffer greatly, unless they have an insane anti-loop power, like Pyramid Head. And even he still has a bit of map pressure in form of not needing to hook survivors, and his immense tunneling potential.

    Also, not once have I been caught off guard by a Dredge during Nightfall. You can always hear him from a decent range, and see him. You simply have to pay attention. He also makes a loud noise when exiting a locker, that can be heard within a decent range. So I have absolutely no clue how you were able to get those gen grabs. Since you yourself said you aren't an experienced killer player, and don't play killer a lot, it's very likely your killer mmr is just very low at the moment, too low thanks to your experience with killer as survivor.

    Of course you are entitled to your opinion. And you even have said you enjoyed your times against Dredge. But I would advise you to play more and increase your mmr on killer. Again, I am not sure if Dredge might need a cooldown increase to 15 seconds or so, but I think you'll notice that survivors can still get gens done despite his map pressure, if they play well enough.

    I am not against nerfs to Dredge, because I can't say for sure if he is perfectly balanced or a tad overtuned, but I am positive Dredge doesn't need any big nerfs, if anything, just very small ones. My favorite idea still being a small time increase when teleporting back to your remnant, so survivors have a bit of mindgame potential when looping Dredge at pallet loops that don't break line of sight.

  • EntityNea
    EntityNea Member Posts: 186

    "why on earth wouldn't survivors hop back on gen A?"

    because with Dredge, i know where survivors are and i stick around to regress the gens more than they can work on them. By the time they've moved, I've regressed the previously worked on gen and i'm ready to move on to wherever the survivors went. Like, there's no moment when I don't know where they are when there's 3 gens left because teleporting gives so much information on top of making me move fast.

    remember, survivors have to walk to generators too, they're not magically there. So if i always know which gen they're trying to work on and can be there within 12 seconds, they can't do jack #########.

    i think you're misunderstanding how you'd play with a 30 second recharge rate on stacks which add up to 3 stacks. You're saying you'd have to wait 60 seconds to teleport twice in a row... yeah that's the dumbest way to possible use that kind of mechanic. The idea here is that you CAN teleport 3 times in quick succession, but obviously if you do so you'll get a longer cooldown afterwards. By the time you've done 3 teleports in a row, you likely almost have another charge again due to time passing since your first teleport.

    The idea with is that you save quick teleporting for when it matters, but you won't be able to teleport every 12 seconds for the entirety of the match, which honestly is broken AF.

  • Zeur
    Zeur Member Posts: 23

    only way i have learned to play against him is by pressing w away from loops and when he tps back track like u would with spirit pallets are not ur friends when hes using his ability distance is and when he tps pallets are ur best friends again. my problem with this killer is he is so over kited that new players like my friends are actually turned away by the nightfall mechanic because they feel helpess they cant see where pallets are they dont really know map layouts well and even when they do find pallets they have to worry about his tp back most new survivors hang around the edge of the map as well and they hide in lockers and this killer 100% forces them to be in bbq at all times pretty much or get pulled out of a locker. Im sure hes fun to play against but i think bhvr is going to have an issue like they did when legion was first released of people A.) dcing out of matches b.) just giving up and going next match c.) leaving the game like a good chunk of the player base did when legion was released a swift fix to nightfall would fix this for new players tho.

  • TheLastHook
    TheLastHook Member Posts: 495

    Lockers aren´t everywhere, plus it´s confusing to select them at times and easy to miss click. And you can only do it three times at most, then there is a more than reasonable cooldown. Like dammit, Dead Hard is about the same.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Yeah I do get that part, but I still think it's way too much, because there will be situations, especially early on, where you are going to use yout teleport more frequently. And I am absolutely certain BHVR will not nerf dredge this hard.

    I really need to know though, are you using Call of Brine with him? You realise it takes 40 seconds to regress 10 seconds of gen progress, and that's only when one survivor is working on the gen? How are you staying close to one gen that long, without survivors just finishing another gen? Any smart survivor team will split up on at least two different gens.

    There is no way that works against good survivors, not even withg Call of Brine. And as I said, in many cases, you won't have lockers right next to gens, and you won't have one gen right between the other two gens, so you can hear the third gen that you are just passing.

    During Nightfall of course his map pressure becomes stronger, and he can definitely defend gens very effectively, of course at the cost of downing survivors most likely, if he is really just teleporting from one gen to another.

    In general though this all just doesn't add up. 12 seconds of cooldown is not broken at all, and it seems like most people agree with that. The more I play with him, t he more I think his basekit is totally fine. The only thing I could see needing a nerf in the future is his Nightfall, aside maybe from a few minor aspects, but maybe they'll also just increase the time it takes to activate Nightfall, or the duration of Nightfall, we'll see.

  • Yords
    Yords Member Posts: 5,781

    She may be unique and strong but her counterplay is very boring. I am shocked that the one killer related to crows has zero interaction with the crows on the map.

  • Fnatic47
    Fnatic47 Member Posts: 396

    You trolling right... He is fun to play ? 50/50 yes. He is the best killer made since blight ? No at all...

  • Libervita
    Libervita Member Posts: 248

    I agree.

    The killer needs more time to watch, and the survivors I've met have come to know how to deal with THE DREDGE.

    When the ability is cast, the Survivor will observe the angle and surrounding objects, and quickly pull away from the Killer.

    Most of the survivors I met had the basics of dealing with THE DREDGE.

    And when encountering experienced survivors, THE DREDGE will have a hard time dealing with survivors.

    Unless these survivors are disturbed by their own teammates or the environment.

  • EntityNea
    EntityNea Member Posts: 186
    edited June 2022

    I really don't know what to tell you, I'm talking from my experience with him, not some wild theories based on numbers.

    And as said earlier, i'm facing meta slave teams frequently with the usual dead hard / borrowed / decisive.

    No, I'm not using Call of Brine with him, I used whatever perks I had by the time I levelled him to 20. Only perk I had that felt like it did something was Fearmonger since that is pretty useful against dead hards.

    you're saying "You realise it takes 40 seconds to regress 10 seconds of gen progress" and "12 seconds of cooldown is not broken at all"

    You do realize that the survivors won't even get 10 seconds of progress if my teleport cooldown is 12 seconds? Like i said before, I end up knowing exactly where they are, so I am THERE the moment the survivors touch the generator. By the time they've given up on the generator it's been minutes of me aggressively protecting it. I mentioned this before but there was a match where there were 3 gens left, of which 2 of them had all 4 pistons moving. I managed to regress both those gens back to 0 progress, and kill everyone.

    It's all about patience. If gens are about to pop, don't commit to a chase.

    Edit: I also forgot to comment on that you're saying there aren't lockers near every gen. Yeah that doesn't matter. If there aren't lockers near the generators, i just let the generator complete. basically, let the survivors do the gens that you know would be harder to defend when there's only 3 gens left on the map. Most of my matches start off with survivors doing 2-3 gens before my first hook, i just make sure they don't do the generators I want to be there for the "endgame". That's when I start killing.

    Post edited by EntityNea on
  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Yeah I am also speaking of experience. There is just no way you can defend all three gens enough to have them regress to 0% again if the survivor team is good and knows how to do gens. During Nightfall you can definitely defend gens very effectively, but outside of Nightfall, not to such an effect.

    12 second cooldown, plus teleport speed, plus lockers often not being right next gens, plus being able to lock lockers, balance his map pressure more than enough. And in general you won't always be able to defend the 3 gens that have lockers right next to them. In most cases, there aren't three gens that are right next to lockers. There's most often always at least a few meters distance or more. Not to mention that smart survivors might want to prioritise those few gens that do have lockers right next to them anyway at the start of the match.

    Again, the regression is key here. Yes, a survivor won't be able to repair a gen for more than 10, probably 12-14 seconds though (you need to keep the travel speed in mind) if you teleport, kick a gen, and then teleport back to the other gen, and kick that gen. However, in that case, you are doing nothing else than teleporting to a gen, kicking it, maybe getting a hit against a survivor if they don't gain enough distance, and then go back to the other gen. Smart survivors will however notice what you are doing, and be able to predict when you will teleport back to the gen, so they'll make sure they will gain enough distance to you to force you to commit to them, instead of even getting to kick the gen, so you'd just be going back and forth, regressing gens, with survivors still progressing them faster when you are gone.

    A gen regresses 2,25 seconds of progress in 10 seconds. So if you do this back and forth, the survivor will slowly be gaining progress on you, because they can still progress the gen much faster than you can regress it. So again, there is no way to teleport back and forth from gen to gen, with a cooldown of 12 seconds and travel speed of 12 M/S, and regress it enough, without the survivors being able to progress those gens. It's mathematically not possible. Even with the addon that decreases the cooldown to 8 seconds, which fair enough, I could see getting a small nerf. Even with Call of Brine that won't work. Not even with Ruin most likely, though that could come very close.

    And this is still not taking into consideration the 3rd gen, that, even if it spawns right in between to other gens that you can teleport to, you will also have to waste a few seconds walking to in some cases.

    During Nightfall, you can definitely defend gens very effectively. Not sure if you can really get on that as well, force you to commit to them, or just heal up, and wait out Nightfall perhaps. After that, they will be able to do gens just fine again.

    Also, in your example with two gens being almost done, and regressing back to 0, the survivors just played extremely badly, or they forgot where those gens were. Hell, after you went to kick the one gen, and then teleporting to the other gen, one survivor could have easily jumped on the gen to finish that gen, and they would have been done. But even if not, after a bit of regression, they should have been able to progress the gens fairly quickly again, as I have already explained in this post above.

    To be fair, this discussion is probably kind of pointless. I am absolutely certain they will not nerf Dredge's map pressure in any noticeable way, especially not the way you would nerf it. Not going to happen. It would butcher Dredge and so many people would be pissed. Not to mention that barely anyone complains about his map pressure, if anything, the complaints are mostly just about his Nightfall being too dark. And a few complaints about his remnant, though those will surely get less and less the more people realise just how much counterplay Dredge actually has.

    And to be fair, I can see them nerfing Nightfall. At the very least, making it a bit easier on those people that struggle too much with the current drakness effects, such as the vignette effect darkening the edges of the screen. Maybe nerfing the cooldown during Nightfall. Or just making it take a bit longer until Nightfall activates, cause I do feel like just teleporting around fills the Nightfall meter a bit fast.

    But a nerf to his teleport base kit? Definitely not, unless the game does get some noticeable baseline slowdown added in the feature, with the perk update for example. Then I can see them nerfing the cooldown to 15 or 16 seconds, absolutely, but anything beyond that, most likely not. Surely not 20 seconds or anything above that. I am sure they have no intention to make this killer weak, especially since this killer definitely took a lot of work.