I lost a game solely because of the Technician

Funchal Member Posts: 43

This perk is one of the most counter-intuitive things I've ever seen in a video game.

My teammate Feng (clearly a beginner) was on one of his misadventures playing this game, where he had a notable difficulty performing SkillChecks. The citizen managed to make the generator last twice as fast due to its consecutive failures (yes twice, I counted).

BHVR, I imagine the idea was to help new players get used to SkillCheck mechanics right? so why does this perk punish you more than it helps you? this is almost a Killer perk, seriously!

Remove the extra penalty, and for the love of god, remove the 3 second pause if you fail the skillcheck, this perk brings almost no benefit, it punishes the player more than it helps, this is a design joke, god have mercy!


  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    Yeah, Technician is basically a killer perk. It's obviously designed to be training wheels for beginners (as anyone with experience in the game should not be failing more than the odd attempt at a great or the sneaky skillchecks that always manage to appear when you let go of the gen), but worsening the repair penalty is much more damaging than silencing the noise notification is helpful. It makes it less likely the killer will chase you at that moment, but at the cost of gens taking ages, which makes it more likely the killer will find you anyway, because killers will patrol generators whether or not they have indication that anyone is there.

    It would still be a bad perk even if it lost the repair penalty, but at least it wouldn't make noob teammates into walking grenades.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    You lost ONE game. It's a good perk because then the killer isn't notified where you are. Also, killers need all the gen regression they can get to have a semi-advantage in this game. But I wouldn't dwell on one game, plus I'd just move to another gen if they kept doing that. Then the killer can deal with them and not you. Maybe it needs a buff, and maybe we will see that. But don't worry about ONE game with ONE bad player. That's just how RNG solo queue works. Trust me, I get a lot of bad players on solo queue and that's why I have a build to keep ME safe, not everyone else. Sure, I still lose but I have a better chance of winning solo queue games because of it. Find what works best for you and go from there. I really hope this ONE experience doesn't ruin all of DBD for you. I wouldn't.

  • Funchal
    Funchal Member Posts: 43

    You know what else doesn't make the killer get notified where you are? ...

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    A perk designed for new players shouldn't punish you, the way they changed technician makes no sense to me. Let's compare it to a lot of the other typical beginner perks out there:

    Dark Sense: Gives you information for doing objectives and the endgame, pretty good for a beginner - no downsides to running it

    Deja-vu: Tells you where generators are throughout the game, has a small niche for more advanced players since it can be used to break 3 gens. Also no downsides to running it

    Lightweight: Simply makes scratchmarks disappear faster, no downside

    I get the added penalty was added because the generator explosion is always prevented but that's not enough to warrant such a downside in the first place.

    Plus the perk is insanely punishing at level 1, missing a skillcheck with this perk results in 15% regression on a generator the same as Pain Resonance (A killer perk). It's hilarious

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    Can't control what other players do. You also can't control who you queue with in solo queue. Hard lesson to learn but I had to learn it recently because I was losing all the time due to other players not playing so well. Now I just run Lithe, Dance With Me, Quick and Quiet, and Windows of Opportunity. I had to learn the only thing I could control was my own playstyle. So yeah, you can tell other players to get better at the game all you want but that's not the best solution, at least until the Devs decide to buff the perk.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,291

    Honestly the penalty should have been failing a skillcheck puts the perk on a short 20 second cooldown if anything. Even so that is too much because you're using a perk slot to avoid failed skillchecks alerting the killer. An entire perk slot for what it does.

  • Funchal
    Funchal Member Posts: 43

    I almost stopped reading at "it's a good perk"

    I lost ONE game because this perk is unpopular because it's HORRIBLE and everyone knows it. But for sure I would lose MORE games if it wasn't the case

    But you know who doesn't know that? the BEGINNER player.

    And guess what audience this perk was clearly created for? for you for BEGINNERS.

    And guess who will be harmed by the failed design of this player made by those who don't understand anything about this game? ALL OF US

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    I run Lithe, Dance With Me, Quick and Quiet, and Windows of Opportunity. Sometimes I'll switch WoO with Spine Chill, but overall Quick and Quiet let's you fast vault and quickly enter/exit lockers without making a noise. Dance with me removes scratch marks for 3 seconds when you fast vault and Lithe is a vault speed boost. When I see the killer coming, I go for a vault as fast as possible because I have a really good chance of losing the killer immediately. This build also focuses on what I can control in the game so I'm not having to worry about other players making mistakes like constantly damaging gens. I know when I see that happen, I just leave them to their own devices. Sure, it can be seen as rude but hey, I want to win, right? I at least have to try to win, so I do my best to do so.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,707

    If anything it should reduce the regression penalty, not increase it.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    It is a bad perk in multiple different ways though and this thread is a prime example why

    OP clearly came across a newer player who struggles with skillchecks and they have a perk that punishes you more for missing skillchecks. The perk also doesn't help you with hitting skillchecks or making it any easier. The new player in OP's case would've been better off without the perk to begin with if you ask me

    The perk also has no use for anyone but new players - even intermediate players rarely miss good skillchecks but even if they did they understand when to leave a generator and when to keep going.

    A perk typically should have some usage for new, intermediate and expert players.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    I can see that and then adding less regression than normal. Love the idea regardless.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,063

    You're missing the point, though. This thread isn't complaining that a game got ruined, it's saying that Technician needs to be changed because it penalizes survivors for running it and it's a noob trap instead of helpful like it should be. The anecdote is an example for the argument, not the point of the thread.

    Also, no, it's not remotely a good perk. Nobody with more than 50 hours in the game has any reason to run it, and if you do have a reason to run it because you aren't good at skill checks yet, you're going to nuke gens into oblivion. Sure, your skill check fails won't bring the killer over, but an 80s gen taking 140s will.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,762

    In which case you're actually better off using Corrective Action

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    I did say it could be changed. I didn't have any ideas at the time and I'm open to suggestions, but overall the devs make those decisions. It's not a horrible perk. I wouldn't use it in solo queue. I'd probably use it if I was teaching a friend how to play the game. And I did offer other better perks. My overall approach was to tell the OP not to feel defeated over one game and to try something different.

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    Yes, but the OP was upset about losing the game because another player couldn't get all the skill checks and they even asked for a better way of not being caught by the killer. I get everyone wants to talk about the perk and how bad it is. I was just trying to offer a solution to the OP.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    Yeah I respect your opinion of course. I just think the perk is bottom of the barrel tier trash but I'm speaking as someone with over 2k hours so ofc I'm gonna say that.

    New players already have it kind of rough with modern DBD since the game's only getting more and more complicated as time goes on. When I was a new player for example, Legion and Plague were the newest killers so there wasn't a huge amount for me to wrap my head around

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Technician is atrocious, it makes gens take ages and sure, they wont hear the explosion and check the gen but they will eventually patrol the gen and find you anyway.

  • Funchal
    Funchal Member Posts: 43

    Who needs an enemy when you have a friend to make a suggestion like that... xD

    The best suggestion would be not to actually start playing this game.

    And also League of Legends

  • Funchal
    Funchal Member Posts: 43

    Tonight I will definitely change my nick on Steam to "Technician is fine" and I will do this wonderful performance

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    Sorry you feel I was being negative. I was only trying to help. Have fun with League of Legends.

  • GreenDemo
    GreenDemo Member Posts: 276

    I mean the penalty should stay, but tune it down how bite the bullet does it. And maybe just remove the sound of the gen being worked on, instead of just reducing it. Or yknow what, keep it reduce, but apply it even if a teammate doesn't have it (please !)

  • Araphex
    Araphex Member Posts: 696

    Thank you. I never use it but I have thought about it when a friend was interested in playing and wanted to learn with me (never ended up happening though). If it's trash, it's trash. I just thought the OP wanted assistance so they didn't have to worry about losing one game over another player who played poorly and couldn't hit a skill check. I guess they didn't like my response. Oh well. I try not to worry about what other people think because it brings me down and I'm dealing with enough in my personal life as it is. But overall I'm glad to know you respect my opinion and are overall respectful towards me in your response. I've always had a terrible way of communicating things, especially on the web, and that's why I say that. I probably have over 800 hours (not sure how I'd check since I'm on console) but I'll take your advice on the perk. Just figured that's what everyone else would talk about so I tried to think outside the box and see if there was another solution to help the OP. Oh well. Can't please everyone I guess and I definitely won't worry about it. Now I'm rambling lol. But I hope I got the message across. Thanks for your respect and advice!

  • Zeidoktor
    Zeidoktor Member Posts: 2,064

    I think I can appreciate the logic up to a point.

    Original Technician had no regression but whether or not the Killer got an alert was RNG.

    Current Technician makes the noise alert more consistent, but i think we can mostly agree there has to be something to offset the penalty-free failure, given how abuseable that would be for non-beginners. Enter the increased regression.

    The regression probably is too much, I don't use the perk enough to know, but I can at least see why it's there.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    The citizen managed to make the generator last twice as fast due to its consecutive failures

    Well at least they had more time to practice skillchecks...

    Jokes aside you bring good points, as a perk aimed at beginners it shouldn't punish failure.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    It really says something that Bite the Bullet is so much stronger, and Bite the Bullet isn't even a good perk :p

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    I don't understand how a Beginner perk is on a PAID character.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Technician is ass of a perk ever since I remember. Never run it folks unless you crazy toolbox technician troll unrepairman

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 8,970
  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167

    Bite the bullet does so much on top of that

    It completely mutes grunts of pain and healing noises

    removes essentially any regression from missing healing skillchecks and removes the notification and even let's you apply that to people you heal too.

    Bite the Bullet is a prime example of a perk that's amazing for beginners but can even be used by advanced players. You can use it to heal in dangerous situations or even try to use it midchase.