Dredge retains Bloodlust while using his power

Makes the "just hold W" option even less possible.
Only Killer I am aware of that retains BL while using Power.
most likely a bug (if it's true, I haven't experienced it yet), powers always cancel bloodlust
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To clairfy: It is retained while holding your power, not when you teleport.
Still: very strong doing the anti-loop revenant trick.
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Bloodlust takes awhile to kick in, if you have a killer hitting multiple tiers in bloodlust you should win unless your teams not doing gens. Plus the drege moves so slow while holding his power you can easily get to a new tile.
Cant say iv had any issues versing him, had fun surprisingly
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I'm not really sure how fast the Dredge moves while holding it's power, but I hear it's pretty slow like the Nurse? My guess is it's intentional because it's still not moving as fast as it was before triggering it's power. Unless it is, then I'd be certain that'd be a bug. Good catch and definitely something to look into.
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While it does take awhile, if you initiate the chase then get to a loop in about 5-6 seconds, you will get a bloodlust while you mind game with your power.
When you let go, you retain the bloodlust.
not a huge deal but seems like a bug
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If you're putting up chases before you get hit that are long enough for the killer to get bloodlust you should be able to win.
Seems good to me personally, especially when you learn to use stronger pallets to break bloodlust plus the hit does it too.
I'd say its intentional considering he moves so slow but I was just sharing my experience/opinion but I'm more competitive than most when it comes to it
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While holding your power you move at 3.68m/s, which is the same speed as when you’re carrying a survivor.
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No no, its the "Dredge power not canceling Bloodlust tech" and it adds a lot of depth.
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So basically with bloodlust, The Dredge with the power activated moves at?:
Tier 1: 3.88 (Normally 4.8)
Tier 2: 4.08 (Normally 5.0)
Tier 3: 4.28 (Normally 5.2)
Don't hesitate to correct me if my math is off. I'm terrible at it anyways! 😀
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The issue isn't how fast he's moving while holding power.
It's the bloodlust you retain after dropped your power. While moving at full speed + bloodlust.
Ignore me if this is already known lol.
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Dredge moves at 90% while holding his power if hes getting bloodust while in a loop its safe to say you wasted alot of his time
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I'm not sure why people are disagreeing with changing this.
Having killers bloodlust you around pallets is already kind of annoying, but at the very least it means they can't use their power or they reset the bloodlust timer. Dredge gets to ignore this since he can keep channeling his power and never lose bloodlust. Which means that even when you are forced to run away from the tile, Dredge might already be moving faster due to bloodlust so you can't even punish his bad use of his power.
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Yeah not sure why people are defending this either...
People keep saying "Well it takes awhile for bloodlust".
So? Imagine if it was Huntress or Trapper getting Bloodlust after putting away hatchet or while setting a trap.
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If he didnt keep bloodlust, survivors would hold w even harder bro
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I think so? I’m not sure exactly how bloodlust is applied and whether it’s a flat number or a multiplier based on the killer’s normal speed, but it’s either the numbers you listed or something close. Either way this seems like a bug to me (and if it’s not then it should be changed imo).
Yeah I know. They had just asked what the normal speed was without bloodlust.
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Tier 1 is a 0.2 increase, tier 2 is 0.4, and tier 3 is 0.6. Yeah I don't know if it's intentional or not.