What's up with the emblem XP bonus anyway

rooCraah Member Posts: 138

A mini-event leading up to the DBD Anniversary event, giving double xp from emblems, highlighting how useless emblem xp is

I just played a 10-minute-or-so game as Dredge, killing 4 survivors and getting 4 iridescent emblems. I got a total of 614 xp for the game, of which 36 was the emblem xp bonus. In other words, the no-event emblem xp bonus would have been 18, and I would have earned a total of only 596 xp for the game.

It pretty much outclasses old-school +25% in one score category bloodpoint offerings in how useless the reward is, and doubling it barely helps. How come emblems are such a small factor in xp, with 95% of your xp just being based on playtime?


  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,031

    They gave us every bonus they could the last three weeks. Blood hunt. Double xp last week. Double dailies this week.

    I don’t think the move is to ask for more when so much is still planned next week on top of what we’ve already gotten.

    Its a nice small emphasis by the developers. Let it go if this makes you upsetti spaghetti.

  • Thasard
    Thasard Member Posts: 268

    Ok, but can anyone explain what we use emblem xp for? The Twitter feed has a lot of people asking what it gets us in the end and we're discussing in a stream and no one has a clue what it does besides not a lot?

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 6,813

    I think it's just so that the way points are earned is split up. BP is earned through certain things, emblem points are earned through certain things, and there's some overlap. You earn no BP or emblem points simply for time spent in a match, so XP is rewarded for that instead and emblems give a slight bonus but being good at the game isn't required to get a large amount of XP. It makes a kind of sense, especially with Rift Fragments being rewarded for XP. If someone's not great at the game and struggles to complete challenges, requiring them to be great at the game to earn XP to get Rift Fragments would just be cruel.

    (If a large amount of XP was rewarded as an emblem bonus, BHVR would have to re-balance the way Rift Fragments are rewarded or risk people finishing the Rift too quickly.)

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,789

    Yeah, I played a few matches, but the bonus is not enough to make it worthwhile for me. It was barely noticeable.

  • Pepsidot
    Pepsidot Member Posts: 1,659

    It's a nice passive, more iri shards = more cosmetics for me.