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What If All Survivors Were Unique

Kuinzu Member Posts: 134

Imagine a universe where in Dead by Daylight, each Survivor is a unique character. You HAVE to use their three personal perks, plus one extra of your choosing to fill the fourth slot.

[QUICK DISCLAIMER] I'm not saying this SHOULD be a feature before people rant about how terrible the idea is, I just wanna discuss how it would impact the game, I know for a fact that it would probably make the game even less enjoyable.

Who do you think would be the most meta character? Who would be the worst in the entire game?

I think it would be interesting to see how they balance the game around this. Each character would have a very specific way to play them in order to achieve your team goals. This means they'd have to balance each character around their three perks together so that they have a nice, cohesive kit, rather than balancing individual perks.

Kinda wanna have a game mode where this is a thing for a week, just to see how it would play out. This means characters with stronger perks like Laurie also has to weigh the disadvantages of having Object of Obsession and a perk that relies on your fellow survivors dying. David would also have to put up with No Mither in order to use Dead Hard.

Again, not saying this suggesting that this should happen, but what do you think the game would be like if it were a thing?



  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Terrible idea, especially since newer Survivors tend to have awful perks. Almost nobody would play anything but Bill, Meg, Jake and Claudette.

  • amazing_grace
    amazing_grace Member Posts: 734

    Yeah... I think the players everyone would usually play would be the original characters and Bill. They have the best perks and knowing soloq, people would probably want to try and keep themselves as safe as possible.

    I will say, it is interesting to think about because it would shift the game into almost having different type of characters: gen jockey, more chase oriented, or support characters. Like Quinten would be a total support character having vigil without any exhaustion perk and being able to open the doors fast.

    Least played would probably be Ace (because he would be the worst support character to play), Ash (because his perks aren't great), and maybe Yoichi (probably has the worst boon and his other two perks are only ok).

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,553
    edited June 2022

    Deathgarden did this, and it influenced who everyone played.

    The Runners (survivors) had a list of perks and powers they could use, if you couldnt get your perfect combo on that character, you played someone else.

  • Cybil
    Cybil Member Posts: 1,163

    I've thought about this before. I think it would be best if each character only used 1 of their specific perks as a 4th bonus perk. They would have to be carefully selected in order to avoid certain characters becoming meta though. They'd also have to avoid overlapping exhaustion and aura reading perks. Imo it works best when it's a perk that complements a character intended play style and conveys info to a solo queu team."Oh Bill always has Left Behind let's just leave".

    -Jake would have to use saboteur as hope and iron will would make him a top meta pick

    -Bill has to use Left Behind for the same reason

    -Characters like Claudette may have to be given generic perks

    -Obviously you can't stick something like Dead Hard or No Mither on David

    -Adam would have to use Diversion as autodidact would force a playstyle and deliverance would get him tunnel camp killed

    -Yui would have Any Means Necessary

    The system isn't perfect but I would enjoy survivor a lot more if it were like this.

  • Clueless
    Clueless Member Posts: 340

    I would like it, so it wouldn't be just up the Killer to make the gameplay fresh on a new chapter.

  • JohnWick1654
    JohnWick1654 Member Posts: 509

    Counter argument,

    survivors have their own unique passive bonuses,

    for example:

    Dwight 1% faster gen repair

    Claudette 1% faster healing


  • GillyBeannn
    GillyBeannn Member Posts: 554

    true Vanessa was the S tier counselor, but a lot of ppl who liked to be stealthy and repair objectives played AJ a lot. I've seen a mix of a lot of Vanessa and AJ players and they were both popular for what they provided depending on your playstyle

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    It was still an issue imo since some counselors just weren’t good like Jenny or Deborah. AJ had her uses but so long as you were a competent player who wanted to win Vanessa was by far the best option

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Same problem with using only their perks, eventually some people would do the math and say "X, Y and Z are the best overall, X is SSS Tier and better than Y and Z" then 90% of Survivors would be X, 9% Y or Z and the rest would be the guys who get reported because "lol he is playing W, he wants to throw".

    WoW has this problem where if you are not playing the FOTM class with the FOTM spec you cant get into any random pick up group because "he is playing literally garbage" even if the differences are minimal, people shunned by the metaslaves have very dificult times getting into groups unless they go with their guild and even then, some guildmates are reticent because "lol your class and spec suck for the next 3 months".

  • RisingTron
    RisingTron Member Posts: 508

    The game would be dead.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I wouldn't mind it... but having to use all 3 teachables is a little to much IMO

    I have tried to do that in some matches...

  • Kuinzu
    Kuinzu Member Posts: 134

    Uh-huh... Please refer to the Quick Disclaimer. It's NOT a SUGGESTION, it's a discussion of what the game would be like with this implemented. I literally explained this twice in the original post.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    I don't want the skill of identifying and tracking my opponents perks to be cheapened by survivor hard-fitting.

    There is an alternative where each survivor has one permanent perk and 3-4 of their choice, that I'd like a lot more, if only to give those survivors flavor, but still preserve the majority of the core gameplay.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    Those passives would mean absolutely nothing, and they shouldn't, either. Huge balancing issue.

    But one thing I suggested is to give each survivor a character-bound post-game BP boost, divided among the four categories. For example, Dwight would get 50% extra in objective points, and 25% in Altruism. David would get 50% bonus in Bold, 25% in Altruism. Nea would get 50% in Bold, 25% in survival.


  • Kuinzu
    Kuinzu Member Posts: 134

    Yeah, I agree. I think it'd be really interesting to see how characters are balanced, though. No longer are perks individually monitored, it's now about character's actual kits themselves. It would entirely change how the game is balanced.

    I play the game like this, anyway, genuinely. Each Survivor I play I use their personal perks plus one that fits the character's lore or fits well with their load-out. It makes the game more fun for me personally, so that each Survivor brings a different play style.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,895

    Us Dweets would be persecuted as "gen rushers".

  • Kuinzu
    Kuinzu Member Posts: 134

    Most definitely. Us Nancy players would be the 'Totem Crushers', more than we already are.

  • EntitySpawn
    EntitySpawn Member Posts: 4,233

    Bad idea for a few reasons.

    1. Easy tunnels

    2. You know exactly what people have

    3. So many perks are pointless

    4. Youd see very little mix of survivors

    5. Even if you limit to no duplicate survivors youd get entitled people quit because they didnt get who they wanted.

    While a concept to make survivors have certain benefits and perks this wouldn't be the way to do it. If the base game was better done and perks werent band aid fixes then you certainly could have survivors have different stats

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    What I would like is characters using their own perks having a stronger effect.

    So Meg's Sprint Burst would be a bit better than any other survivor sprint burst.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    What if we flip the idea, And make the character (Survivor or Killer) have 5th perk slot and it has to be one of their teachables?

  • deKlaw_04
    deKlaw_04 Member Posts: 3,660

    Tunneling would sky rocket since some players wouldnt have ds.

  • Kuinzu
    Kuinzu Member Posts: 134

    That's pretty interesting. Using a character's personal perks gives a very slight buff to said perks.

  • JohnWick1654
    JohnWick1654 Member Posts: 509

    This comment has so much sweat put into it that you could fill up an ocean,

    "Huge ballancing issue" next to "those passives would mean absolutely nothing" strange.

    Also giving survivor each bonus on certain tasks,

    how would that ever backfire hmmm I wonder?:

    Dwight - 50% bonus bp in objective,

    also Dwight, is being chased all game, can't touch gens,

    oh wow good thing I have 50% bonus on objectives...

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    On the contrary, I dont want the game to become a sweatfest and Im against any kind of metaslaving which is something small differences on characters brings to the table, there is already a lot of metaslaving around Killers, how many new "you HAVE to play Nurse, Blight or Spirit if you want to be high MMR" threads can you see every day? but since Killers play alone they cant be reported by teammates like Survivors can so its not much of a problem if you play wathever you want.

    I also know how bad the minmaxing crowd can get because I played WoW and I saw it firsthand, Ive been denied entry into Mythic dungeons because my character wasnt the FOTM class, metaslaves will diss you if you dont use current metas, there are cases in Overwatch and LoL where people have reported players for using lower tier characters and the automatic ban systems have issued punishments against them, in LoLs case even a developer expressing how picking a low tier character was similar to throwing the match and reportable, this community is as toxic as it gets and if I had to bet on how they would behave I would bet on the "players are going to actively report non meta users" than on the "they wont care if you dont play what ContentCreator™ says you have to play"

  • JohnWick1654
    JohnWick1654 Member Posts: 509

    Ok let me tell you differently than,

    you must play all the best perks, best broken items and everything to escape as survivor,


    Because it would be utterly impossible to just escape without any perks and items, eh

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    I always thought that it was a real shame that survivors are basically just skins, with no real individuality besides their looks, so boring. With killers the gameplay can vary a lot from one to the other and it shakes things up.

    I think locking in all three perks is a bit though, even though it could be interesting to see how you could balance the whole kit around.

    A few ideas hat I proposed a few times, but only got lukewarm replies was this:

    1) either have each survivor one of the 4 perk slots reserved for one of their native perks. This alone would help a lot to give them at least a bit of character.

    2) make it so that the strongest perk of each survivor, ie their meta perk, can only be used by that survivor. You can mix and match and unlook all the others, but only Laurie got DS, only David DH, only Jake IW etc. You could also rotate the locked perk regularly, in order to shake up the meta.

    3) give each character some sort of passiv, or maybe something akin to half of one of their perks native, maybe with half power or something. Claudette could get a healing speed boost or maybe self heal with 33% speed without the perk, etc.

    Any of these ideas would help to uplift the different survivors from just being skins for the survivor role, but I also understand that its probably way too late into this games life cycle in order to implement a change of this magnitude. Not only would it be a massive change to the system, it would also change the gameplay a lot, and a lot of survivors would be miffed. On the other hand do a lot of this survivors, who got everything unlocked for their few favorite characters, with hundreds of items, bemoan the stale gameplay and that they have to set their own goals, just to find something new to exlore.

    With every survivor offering a slightly different gameplay experience you would open the door to a lot more playstyles and unique experiences, but what do I know?

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    I dont think you are understanding my point, Im against differences on Survivors because a lot of people think exactly as you wrote there and when you dont play the character they want you to play they punish you, usually with reports which paired with automatic ban systems become a serious problem, I dont want to get reported for not playing the guy with an increased 1% gen repair.

    I dont think like that but I know a chunk of players do and I dont want the game to give them more reasons to behave like that.

    P.D. And no, I dont play most meta perks, only Iron Will because I like stealth, as Killer I play Myers and Jigsaw so your guess of me being a metaslave couldnt be more wrong...

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    So whats the difference with todays view on cute, scared, Dwight? :)

  • JohnWick1654
    JohnWick1654 Member Posts: 509

    THe report doesnt even work tho,

    also thinking that a chunk of players play like that, this forum would be flooded about DH removal constant nonstop, and not just sometimes a post about Dh, constant..

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Any media related to this game is flooded with "remove [THIS]" threads either DH or CoH or SWF or Nurse or wathever, its actually the norm, there are plenty of daily threads where people complain about everything and demand stuff to get pruned, and those usually get a lot of replies and vote ups, do we browse the same forum?.

    The report doesnt work now, they already planned an automated ban system time ago but community backlash made them reconsider, there are rumors they may try to implement it again in the near future.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,895

    I think for the most part we are seen as decent. I don't often see bad things said about us.

  • JohnWick1654
    JohnWick1654 Member Posts: 509

    Oh yeah, once every lifetime someone complains about CoH and than the first comment that declines that gets the upvotes, so no, I guess we aren't on the same forum.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167
    edited June 2022

    Taken from this forum today some hours ago, red are DH complain threads (4 at the same time), yellow are general complains/toxicity related threads, green are where I scrolled down to keep taking screenshots they act as a link, all of this was only the first page, didnt even care to go to pages 2 or 3.

    So yes, you must be browsing another universe forum.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    It's not that hard. '1% increase to gen repair speed' is negligible, but if you were to increase it to a point where it isn't negligible, it immediately crosses over into being a huge balancing issue.

    Also, being chased all game robs you of a ton of points anyway, having a 50% bonus to another category won't hurt that much more than normal.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430

    After playing Evil Dead, and seeing how cool and unique each character feels there. I think it would be a great idea.

    I think the real challenge is that there are too many characters and perks in DBD. So it’s much harder to balance especially because how heavily reliant on perks survivors are. Because then it makes it hard to even add just ‘subtle’ unique traits.

  • Orochi
    Orochi Member Posts: 183

    Everyone's 4th perk slot: Dead Hard

    Except me, would probably be Distortion

  • JohnWick1654
    JohnWick1654 Member Posts: 509

    And? 3 of the DH threads are created June 10 and one more,

    a more valid argument would be me seeing one DH thread created 9th June, than 10th June, than 11th June than 12th June,

  • Watery
    Watery Member Posts: 1,167

    I love this idea, but at the same time, we have all seen Identity V, some survivors are so short of the meta, they’re practically non-existent in late game play.

    I think if we went about survivor individualization a different way, like voicelines, interactions, that would be neat.

    Like for example:

    Meg arrives at the Abbatoir: “It smells worse than the locker rooms… eugh.”

    We’ve got great basis for personality on each of them here. We can expand on it by getting some voicelines.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    David would probably become unplayable tier due to basekit No Mither. Top Tier would probably be whichever character has two good teachables. So...idk, Meg? Bill?

  • prion11
    prion11 Member Posts: 361

    every game would be 3 bills and a meg. david rate crashes to 0%

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    In home sweet home, 4 or 5 free survivors. There is a survivor name "Jane" that have the best perk "Full health in 2nd life"

    In that game, a survivor start with 100% health (each has different hp), when they die, they can be revived only once for 2nd life, but they will have 50% health. That game has only 2 "Medkit" that bring back to full health per match. Means only 2 survivors can only get to full health on 2nd life. Which is why Jane is the most used survivor.

    There is a survivor who has low healthy and stamina, but "do Gen" faster. Always requires someone else to go with, or will die fast. In a game that 4v1, spread out is always the best play. Plus the "Medkit" brings to full health, its a waste to use "Medkit" for 50hp survivor instead of 200hp. Which make this survivor the least choice.

  • Kuinzu
    Kuinzu Member Posts: 134

    hahahah rip dead hard, that'd probably be the one good thing to come of it.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Well I guess Jane is the best survivor in dbd and home sweet home then :)

    F13th was similar having certain survivors excel at repairing while others at running and some at combat. You could make all of them work but some were just better options mainly Vanessa (looping) AJ (stealth + objectives) and fox (combat)

  • Mozic
    Mozic Member Posts: 601

    On paper it seems like a clever way to specialize roles and have survivors who are better suited for support, distraction, and so on - in practice the overwhelming majority of players would default to the survivors who carry the best assortment of personal survival tools (Bill, Meg, Strode)

    Given that we already have a system where any survivor can kit themselves out to cater to any available playstyle (as well as combinations that simply just do not make any sense) - the only thing that seems likely to happen is introducing arbitrary constraints that make playing survivor significantly more limited, and put a LOT of pressure on BHVR to design future survivors with self-themed teachables that aggressively synergize with each other.