Garden of joy needs some work

I've started noticing it since the realm reborn stuff that the collision on the environment has been kind of bad. circle things have square collision and so on. Garden of joy is the worst of this. With characters getting stuck on round objects like the O2 tank next to killers hack. I also hate the bushes. They are dumb to play around. It hurts ranged killers more. Nothings worse then playing huntress or slinger and get a clutch shot blocked by a square hitbox poking 2 in out of the bush.

Just my opinion I'm not sure what everyone else thinks but the house is stupid dark. I'm ok with kind of dark or dim but to me it seems excessive. We havent had enough time with it to determine how strong the main house can be, but I've seen some god windows. You know the ones, like old ironworks window. I have a feeling that if someone memorizes the house layout that its too strong with certain windows open.

Art and concept is neat. I like it a lot on that level. Just please rub sandpaper on the collision PLEASE


  • eisenbuns
    eisenbuns Member Posts: 105

    I'm a huntress main and I really appreciate you saying this. I felt like I was going crazy but like... every time I get this map, I honestly just stand tf still and let survivors do gens because it sucks all the joy out of playing my girl. Why do the TREE TOPS have collision??? PLEASE. :(

  • ArchAbhor
    ArchAbhor Member Posts: 847

    same huntress is miserable on that map. I cannot stand the bushes.

  • FlamingFurball
    FlamingFurball Member Posts: 12
    edited June 2022

    It's painful to play Hillbilly on as well. I feel like I can't even use my chainsaw within a foot of the bushes without running into them. Admittedly leaning to play Hillbilly on new maps is always a challenge, seeing what has collision and what doesn't, but the bush hitboxes just feel wrong. I agree that the map is really cool and for the most part the loops feel fine, the collision just needs some tweaking.

    Another small thing I noticed was that there is a pallet that leans up against a fence when dropped, so the tipped up end of the pallet is fully exposed when dropper. If you chainsaw into this edge of the pallet you bonk instead of sawing it. I understand why the happens from a mechanics standpoint, but as a gameplay experience it's unsatisfying that you can only cut through pallets from the intended angle.

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