Probably the worst game in balance I've played

lav3 Member Posts: 758

Feels like devs have neglected DbD's chronic problems too many times.

These days, someone insists DH nerf then some agree for its nerf.

And there are others saying it's fine because of Nurse or Blight.

Now someone insists Nurse nerf then SWF is mentioned because they are equally unfair.

Of course, some people defend and say SWF is fine but Nurse is BS.

Next? Gen rush VS Camp/Tunnel. 2nd chance perks VS slowdown perks.

Don't you feel ashamed devs(balance team)?

This is all because how you managed poorly so long and denied many good feedbacks.

Seriously, even streamers who have game knowledge would know how to make DbD better than you.

I have no idea how this game has come so far.

And in terrible condition when having both SH and RE content.

Thanks for making and changing things nobody wanted and ignoring serious problems very long.

"They are doing well." ?

Do you think balance team would have made MMR and released Sadako if "they are doing well"? 🤣

Maybe it's time to stop being stubborn, fix core problems.


  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 5,553

    While normally I'd agree, I'm cautiously hopeful at the moment, as the 6th anniversary roadmap placed a lot of emphasis on game health and fixing the stale meta, and lessening the SWF-solo gap was something they brought up in the recent Q&A (though without a date attached, unlike the topics of the anniversary stream.)

    We'll see what things look like when they get to the 40-perk overhaul and the related core mechanic changes. Do I think it will be perfect (or avoid any laughably horrible decisions that don't get fixed for a few months), hell no, do I think they're actually trying to fix the complex mess of compounded issues with the game, yes.

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    Yeah, pretty accurate. Balance for both sides is a joke. Both sides have things they can do/use to basically guarantee victory with little effort (nurse/blight/SWF).

    When they changed the huntress' Red one shot addon it just proved that they have no idea. It was a terribly unfun and unbalanced addon on a super fun killer. So what did they do? Make it even less fun to use, and equally as unfun to go against. No creativity, no sense of balance.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,347

    I am almost positive that at least 95% of this community would completely ruin this game with their "balance ideas". This game has some serious problems, but fixing them is anything but simple, because the most problematic issues are dependent on on the game's fundamental design. And it's not either side that has problems, both sides have to fight with serious issues.

    At the core, you have the problem of gen rush, camping and tunneling. But it goes much further. No matter how you balance the game, certain maps will end up being survivor sided or killer sided. Perks vary immensily in power. Such as killers. Buff killers in general, and you will absolutely need to find a way to nerf Blight and Nurse, and probably A tier killers as well.

    This game's balance is all over the place at this point, and yes, BHVR is to fault for this, to a certain extent. But i do think balancing a game like this isn't nearly as simple as most people would want to believe it is.

    BHVR made a lot of mistakes, but for a game like DBD, the game is actually not that badly balanced. Right now, I think the game's biggest problem is that it is balanced for the wrong reasons. And then of course there is the gap between solo and swf survivors, but I feel like that can be tackled once the game has been balanced in a more healthy way. If it ever gets that far.

  • DuoVandal
    DuoVandal Member Posts: 44

    My biggest worry about the perk balance overhaul is that some okay gen defense perks are listed in there for possible changes.

    Now I'm not assuming this 40+ perk overhaul are ALL Nerfs, but I imagine many are. And there's a lot of gen defense perks that work okay but aren't extreme and I feel like if any of these get worse or Nerfed then the already awful gen rushing meta is just going to amplify and there won't be a reason to play. High MMR matches/SWFs can get all gens done between 2-4 minutes which in of itself is actual insanity, no amount of gen defense can stop this as it is.