What's your favorite thing about the new chapter?

Personally, I really like the Dredges gameplay. It feels strong, but not too strong. The only complaint I have is his M1 felling kind of weird, I can't really tell what range I should be at before I swing.
The flashlight perk with its ability to give a killer a status effect this most likely paves the way for future perks similar
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I like the Killer, but from Survivor PoV. He actually feels scary to play against. To play as... ergh, he feels super sluggish, the tp outside nightfall is way to slow, his cooldown is way to long. He feels really clunky to play as.
Other than that... well... that's it.
No wonder people like mid chapters more, they are more interesting.
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Haddie is probably my favourite survivor since elodie’s release and is going to be one of my most played characters.
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The nightfall aspect of Dredge's power is interesting.
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It didnt have any gamebreaking bug and the Killer doesnt feel either useless or broken.
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I kinda like everything about it 😊
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Nightfall and jump scare lockers.