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Dredge is so boring to play against..



  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Chaining pallet loops isn't boring, not to me at least. I wouldn't just call it holding w.

    The fact that he can teleport to lockers also makes holding w not just a simple task of actually only holding w. Mindgames are possible. And there are possibly some other things you can do against him.

  • HPhoenix
    HPhoenix Member Posts: 598

    Its a huge break from Blight/Nurses that I been dealing with as of late. I do like the idea of being in the edge whenever night comes around thou. But, give it a week or two till surv learn how to deal with him.

  • Moonman157
    Moonman157 Member Posts: 102

    I think he’s cool, his anti loop is strong but not nearly as oppressive or annoying as Artist. Nightfall feels different and exciting, and the teleport mechanic is great. Plus any killer with good mobility is less likely to camp or tunnel.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    Why would they balance the game around killers like Clown or Ghost Face? They would have to nerf like 75% of their killer roaster, if not even more.

    I can however definitely see killers like Dredge getting a small nerf if killer ever get some baseline buff, like some slowdown. No idea what they would do with a killer like Nurse, but Dredge is easy, just increase the cooldown of his teleport a bit. And/or increase the time it takes to teleport to his remnant very slightly, giving survivors slightly more mindgame potential while looping.

    But I would never expect some baseline changes that buff killers so much, so that Clown or Ghost Face would become viable. That would require so many changes to so many killers, or the game would be really killer sided.

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,356

    They defintely should make the actual visibility radius around a survivor brighter, because I am pretty sure the intended effect is only to not be able to see outside of that range.

  • whammigobambam
    whammigobambam Member Posts: 1,201
    edited June 2022

    Honestly, most boring part is the crying in my ears for no reason. Give me no mither Jeff all day over those awful sounds.

    Tldr; Dredges strongest aspect is to annoy you without interacting with you.

  • ClarityOfWill
    ClarityOfWill Member Posts: 205

    This is the problem I'm having against him. He looks fun to play / against, but the sounds made in nightfall (particularly the childlike wailing) triggers panic attacks for me and for that reason alone I genuinely cannot play against him. Sadly unless a certain blue checkmark gets involved again we're unlikely to see any kind of audio accessibility option added. Shame really, but there's 27 other killers available to vs so it's not all bad.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    It's an issue of mine.

    I usually only have fun when I win

  • LaUry
    LaUry Member Posts: 100

    Dredge is actually really fun to play against :D

  • Zozzy
    Zozzy Member Posts: 4,759

    Boring is facing a cookie cutter blight for the 70th time or a fully stacked range and recharge nurse.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    Is that some kind of new trend? I mean this has been said against LITERALLY EVERY single new Killer the past year.

  • Hex_Ignored
    Hex_Ignored Member Posts: 1,851

    No, onryo is "fine" in the eyes of people who make post like this

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    True forgot about that, onryo is a very fun and unique killer

  • Buffy101
    Buffy101 Member Posts: 126

    I dont enjoy going against him at all and personally I feel he is at an extreme advantage. He can teleport to any locker he has a perk so you can see survivors no problem near a locker and other added perks that he can definitely use to increase its difficulty more. BBQ, No way out, surveillance, discordance and more.

    And I can never see in his stupid darkness! Im just Wandering around with no clue what Im doing so he always ends up finding you. Im console so its just really not fun for me. Whenever I see those locks on lockers I know its gonna be annoying. Especially going against a veteran PC players.

    Im Ok at the game but not great and Ive been playing since last September so Ive definitely practiced a bunch.