Onryo already needs a buff
So after seeing what dredge can do and then looking back at Onryo who is slowly becoming my main has been absolutely insulted with the better teleporting kit dredge has compared to the smol girls teleporting kit. Why is it that Dredge can teleport almost wherever he wants almost when ever he wants (with what little cool-down he has) compared to Onryo's 100.....yes, ONE HUNDRED second cool-down on her televisions. She teleports too a tv and then it is unusable for 100 seconds. This just seems stupid and unnecessary to me.
My opinions for a fix:
- Her TV's have no cool-down when she teleports to them (why should her own power punish her?) and still keep the cool down when survivors take the tape. (At least from the very start they've got a somewhat second objective to keep them busy)
- If taking her cool-down away is out of the question then give her more add-ons to reduce the god damned cool-down (1 add-on to reduce the cooldown....seriously?) or cut it in half or something god damn
Her TV spawns and cooldowns certainly need adjustments.
Although, I think that there are still reasons to play Sadako over Dredge. For me, it's not wanting to hold W and Nightfall being hard on the eyes, as well as her stealth.
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Oh absolutely, her stealth, manifest and de-manifest are perfect its really just the cool-down
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Sadako hasn't had her full balance pass yet, they'll probably do one in the next midchapter patch.
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Already needs a buff? I think you mean still.
Afaik nothing has happened in this direction since her release. I mean nothing meaningful.
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Like how they buffed ghostface and actually nerfed him?, or how they dunked on slinger and replaced his gun with the cringe launcher and gave him artritis? Or how they made the twins have to go through 5 cooldowns before they can take a step? Or the amazing hillbilly changes?
I have so much faith in our devs to handle it in a good way based on previous events
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Adjust her teleports, Condemnation needs to be a serious threat, lose the lullaby.
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I desperately wish condemned would lose the mini mori and gain a variety of effects, with exposed being the last stage of it. It can't be powerful so long as it can immediately remove a survivor from the game. And honestly? That's boring. I don't play DBD to effectively boot someone to the lobby. I play it for fun chases and the interplay I get with survivor.
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you mean how they made slinger take actual skill to land shots on instead of abusing a mechanic that is physically impossible to react to? boohoo, slinger players actually have to aim before shooting and give survivors an actual chance to react. The only bs nerf he got was to his TR, period.
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Ghost Face was buffed, not nerfed.
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To reveal him now you just have to look in his general direction, and if you somehow fail the reveal, the reveal progress gets saved for some time, making it incredibly easy to just deny his power without any drawback on your part.
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Yes even tho he now objectively takes more skill, the time to react is high and coupled with the sensibility restrictions of ADS dodging the shot is easy af if you can see the killer, now add to it the TR change so you can hold W before he can even see you, now you have to actively try in order to get harpooned by him.
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Ah, but what if I put tinkerer on Sadako!
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what makes you think that? they're updating 40 perks and adjusting the perk/grind system in next midchapter. that's a lot of work to change that many perks.
Its way more than what changed in September last year.
She has way too many flaws in her ability such as
1) no reliable way to build condemn stacks to .... mori survivors
2) telegraphed tv's that emit directional audio cue when used
3) lullaby rendering undetectable ineffective
4) longer cooldown for mobility(compared to other killers)
5) very poor form of invisibility for chases
dunno, I think they're too busy with the perks to make changes for her. I think she needs to be postponed till november before any changes occur to killers themselves.
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As I root for Sadie very much, and see how many people concern about that too, I duplicate my thought about buffs from another post:
Double-triple curse rate / double TVs number / drastically remove TV cooldown / curse on hit / Iri videotape into basekit / remove manifest speed penalty / ignore pallets while demanifested / make lullaby whole map wide or remove it at all.
Hope devs do at least something. Not exactly from my list, but anything.
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But fully marking someone prevents them from revealing him entirely and also lasts 60 seconds. So if you switch your strategy a bit from the prior method of always going for 99% Marks to fully Marking and treating it like mini-Haunted Grounds triggers then you can Mark from a little further away and either get the hit then if they're out of position or get them later and meanwhile they can't break you out of Stealth if you're stalking someone else.
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I'm thinking that because they've also talked about having a more regular internal schedule for balance passes on new characters which seems to be roughly six months after release they do a pass. And this mid-chapter coming up would fit the bill for Sadako.
And she's not nearly as flawed as you're making her out to be. She's roughly on par with Wraith overall, about a 2 out of 5 star killer. If they do end up buffing her they only would probably need to tweak a couple of things. And a bunch of the changes that are commonly suggested like reducing her TV cooldown times or giving people passive Condemned buildup or removing the lullaby are presumably not that complicated to program, especially the purely numerical tweaks like changing a cooldown or how long she's invisible, etc. None of it is a big rework.
Also note that she doesn't need a "reliable way to mori survivors", she just needs her Condemned to be enough of a threat that if survivors don't deal with the stacks then it becomes a way they can get killed. But the killing isn't the main thing, it's the slowdown from getting survivors to run around touching TVs to get rid of stacks rather doing gens. It's a bit like how Pig's traps aren't a "realible way to kill survivors" but are instead something that provides her passive slowdown since if the survivors don't deal with them they become a threat. (And by the way, if she uses her Green add-on that curses survivors who revive and heal each other it's not uncommon for her to get a kill from it because of how much that increases the rate the stacks go out. So while it's not too common base kit to get a kill with Condemned that particular add-on makes it quite a bit more of a threat.)
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Also note that she doesn't need a "reliable way to mori survivors", she just needs her Condemned to be enough of a threat that if survivors don't deal with the stacks then it becomes a way they can get killed. But the killing isn't the main thing, it's the slowdown from getting survivors to run around touching TVs to get rid of stacks rather doing gens.
Judging from her meme bloodpoint add-on, it is definitely not suppose to be slowdown. The condemn mechanic is entirely designed to kill survivors. Its part of her lore, die in 7 days. You just don't notice it while playing survivor because the mechanic is extremely under tuned to the point it does terrible job. Nobody really bothers with her tape mechanic for how weak it is.
Its because only way to build stacks is for survivor to be within 16 meter of TV Projection or grab a tape. Also healing if Sadako uses her ring drawing add-on. All these actions are based off the survivor actions, not the killer. Overall, building condemn just takes forever.
In-game, when you hit survivor with m1, a japanese Glyph written glyph shows up with the word "Cursed". I think that her M1 attacks should fill 1 bar of condemn, similar to how freddy puts people into dream world automatically after hitting them with an m1 attack.
Overall, her gameplay loop is suppose to be TV TP(1 stack of condemn)->hit->survivor heals(Spread 1 condemn from green add-on), rince repeat until the survivor is at 7 stacks in which you can mori. Overall, you get 2 stacks of condemn per TV teleport hit, but overall its gameplay is just way too slow and ineffective.
If she applied 1 stack of condemn on m1's, She would build 3 stacks of condemn assuming the survivor completes her gameplay loop. After two times, You'd have 6 stacks of condemn build-up and picking up the tape gives 1 condemn stack, So your in Mori territory.
Just that single change alone would improve her likely hood to mori by a lot. She still has problem #2, #3, #4, #5 for her to become real threat since other parts of her kit have major weaknesses.
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Why does that add-on mean "Condemned isn't intended for slowdown"? That's like saying Bubba's chainsaw isn't intended to down people because of Speed Limiter.
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I mean if you do that, whats stopping them from realizing they are now exposed and just opening their eyes for you?, if they see you approach ( even if you use cover in non-indoor maps its easy af to spot him coming for you) then they just go to a loop and dunk on GF like the m1 killer he is, Sprint burst helps with this too.
Now this is a problem pre-nerf ghostface had too, still completely making that playstyle you mentioned obsolete against people who use their eyes, but since he had it before I guess its not very related to the changes the devs did to him.
If I have to say something good about the changes is they made some addons be less bad that before, but ghostface got overall nerfed if you aint playing against people who deadhard into walls.
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Personally, I didnt see any change in that regard. You still don't reveal him even when you're looking right at him 90% of the time...
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They already are going to have their eyes peeled for you anyway, Marked or not. Plus Marking them actually has the benefit that it can scare them off gens without you even needing to actually go after them immediatelh.