They changed Mysteri Box?

Or is that because of my mod? I swear it used to be just a normal box?
EDIT: I found a normal box. So it's not because of my mods.
Mine looks like it always has. But you're not the only one reporting this so who knows...
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The boat is a boat, but the mystery box could be anything... it could even be a boat! You know how much we wanted one of those!
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Also an acceptable Mystery Box meme video :D
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I love your icons!
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it's a special mystery box icon that was used during winter events, dunno how you got it to appear tho
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Thank you!
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They're called *Winter Gifts* and they replace Mystery Boxes during every Solstice Event. They were special in that they tended to reward the unique Event nodes more often than regular nodes.
Did you find this one in a fresh Bloodweb you just generated? Or did you happen to find it on a character you last leveled during said events?
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It looks like its part of the icon pack, maybe there are 2 different kinds of mystery box coded in the Bloodweb and the icon pack only affected one of those while leaving the other with the regular image.
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It was a fresh Bloodweb on Pinhead
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only people who change their icons get stuff like this, mine are working fine and look the way always has
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my game is vanilla and it happened to me.
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I've heard from my web of sources that we're getting them back for Anni but I can't find where I heard it from to confirm or deny.
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Not every solstice event
only the 2018 Winter Solstice did these show up, I guess theyre bringing them back for the Anniversary Event
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They were only absent during 2021's Solstice event.
They appeared in both 2017 and 2018, while 2019 and 2020 didn't have the event to begin with.
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maybe so, I spent 4 mil BP yesterday and even recorded me doing it, and no odd packages in web. But hey could happen I guess, but the two threads I have seen about this both had changed icons I believe.
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I'm guessing it's going to be used during anniversary and some are slipping into bloodwebs before they actually turn on the anniversary in couple days.
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2017 had normal looking Mystery Boxes, its just that they were half price, commons were 1500, uncommons were 2000, etc.
2018 is the only one that had the gifts, they didnt just replace Mystery Boxes as they would appear multiple times in 1 bloodweb
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No, 2017 definitely had the Solstice Gifts.
Video is dated 15th of December, 2017. Nine minutes and thirty seconds in, one appears in Jake's Bloodweb.
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oh damn I could of sworn it was just regular mystery boxes