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Most Important Survivor to P3

Pr0p3r9 Member Posts: 111

With the upcoming changes to prestige and perk leveling, I've become curious which survivors everyone is planning to p3. In the upcoming changes, characters that have p3 will give their tier 3 teachable perks to all survivors, while p1 characters will give their tier 1 teachables to all survivors.

It seems straightforward enough: the priority survivors to level are the ones with the most meta perks. But it's not really that simple, in my opinion. Take David for example. Dead Hard at tier 1 and Dead Hard at tier 3 only have a 20 second different exhaustion timer between them. This doesn't even matter for the most part because killers will normally commit to chase and hook you after you've shown Dead Hard anyway, so having a shorter exhaustion timer is meaningless.

Now look at Yui. Lucky Break has a 20 second difference between tier 1 and 3. Any Means Necessary has a 40 second difference between tier 1 and 3. This is a lot of value in the difference between the tiers. That 20 seconds on Lucky Break is enough to heal yourself with a medkit and have time left over to use the perk again later.

While it might be a priority to get survivors like David to p1, I would argue that it's more important to get survivors like Yui from p1 to p3. I was curious about the order other players are prestiging their survivors.

At first, I got all survivors but two at p1-1. Then I p3'd them in the order of Dwight, Yui, Bill, and Jake. I was torn between Cheryl and Elodie for the next (Soul Guard's endurance timer and Repressed Alliance's progression requirement vs. Power Struggle's wiggle requirement), but I decided that 10% earlier wiggle activation on Power Struggle was too good to pass up. This is where I'm currently at for leveling.

I'd like to hear the order that the community think survivors would best be leveled up. Is the value of tier 3 on a meta perk generally worth more or less than a more drastic tier difference in a niche perk? What's going to be your approach to prestige coming up to the midchapter?


  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,453
    edited June 2022

    I don't care cause I already have P3 + all perks on my favorite surv. I'll be prestiging all the survivors I can to get their stupid FOMO unique reward, but I've already P3'd the meta perk carriers anyway.

    Although, consider that the perk rework might shake up the perk meta a bit. But that's probably just wishful thinking. I just hope I have enough energy to get it out of the way before midchapter comes.

  • Pr0p3r9
    Pr0p3r9 Member Posts: 111

    The perk overhaul will contain "nearly 40 perks." Assuming that nearly half of what they adjust is on the killer side and nearly half on the survivor side, that's slightly less than 20 perks perks side. Generally speaking, I think that it can be said that most perks will stay the way they are. The ones most in jeopardy of being changed are the meta perks like Dead Hard and bt. As I also hinted at earlier, it's off-meta perks that tend to have the biggest difference between p1 and p3 anyway. I think that trying to plan out the prestige order is still worth the effort that it would take.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Nearly 40 perks (exact number to be confirmed), including all the META Perks listed above, will undergo changes. “It’s an intentional attempt to shake things up,” explains Matt S, Dead by Daylight’s Design Director. “There have been adjustments to certain controversial perks in the past, but this is the biggest collection of perks being changed at once.”

    I mean I don't see any survivors or killers in particular that are going to be a major priority when even the exact number of perks is nebulous enough that it's a floating variable and everything that is currently meta is definitely getting changed and we have no idea how anything off meta will change. At this point it is literally just p3 whoever you want and see what happens later in the year. This simply one of the few times in this game where we don't have to think about something.

  • Pr0p3r9
    Pr0p3r9 Member Posts: 111

    Nearly 20 survivor perks out of ~80 isn't so many that the exercise becomes futile. The vast majority will stay the same. As I also have already said, meta perks also tend to have the least utility from tiering up. Dead Hard's exhaustion timer doesn't matter very much. Unbreakable's recovery speed matters much less than the fact it lets you pick yourself up in the first place. 20 seconds on ds isn't as impactful as it sounds because most survivors use ds aggressively in lockers in the first place.

    Taken together this means that survivors with meta perks tend to be a low priority for getting to p3 anyway, but it doesn't mean that the general premise of trying to create an order of priority for p3 in survivors is a useless task. You might get bitten on one of your perks losing value, but as a trend, thought-out choices for which survivor to p3 first are still worth it.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140

    If we go with how perks are at this very moment, Bill. Bill has Unbreakable and BT. I love BT, I wish more survivors would run BT instead of farming me off the hook without it.

    Anyway, I already have a large number of my survivors at P3, including Bill. I'll be happy when the changes go through and BT and WoO and WGLF are automatically unlocked on all my survivors. I will unfortunately have to P3 Claudette at some point, even though I don't want to, because I really can't live without Empathy. I feel blind without it.

  • InvadeGames
    InvadeGames Member Posts: 415

    so you have to p3 a killer before another killer can have their rank 3 perk? that sounds lame and grindy to me bleh

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    i think it’s not a requirement to get teachable on tier 3 on other characters, you can still unlock and level them the old way. But this is an incentive to prestige and will unlock the perks on everyone more quickly especially on new characters.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,140

    Yeah, like Mooks said. You can unlock teachables the same way you can right now, but if you P1 a killer, then I think all killers will automatically get tier 1 of that killer's teachables unlocked on them. P2, tier 2 teachables. If you P3 a killer, then that means those teachables will not show up in any killers' Bloodwebs in the future, they'll just automatically already be tier 3 on all past and future killers.

    I am really looking forward to this change.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    None of them... to be honest

    The Prestige system is meant for newer players not for players that have been playing for awhile

    At least that's my opinion on it