Flying Killer + more monster killers

The idea of a flying killer has been roaming around for a while and I'm not sure if players are still wanting one, but I wanted to share a suggestion that could help be an influence toward one. Since we got the Dredge and Demo, more monster killers would be cool, right?
In Filipino folklore, there is a creature called the "Aswang" that is commonly known as a humanoid vampire-werewolf thing... In the media, it is portrayed closer to a vampire.
The thing about the aswang is that it is capable of detaching its upper half body from its lower half to hunt its prey at night. It is known to have huge wings and can only fly while detached from its lower half. It is said that if the aswang can NOT find its lower half before sunrise, it will die. It is also said that if the lower half is coated with garlic, the aswang will have a harder time reconnecting to its lower half and may cause it to die as well.
I believe this could help influence a fair flying monster killer in the game as this folklore creature already has counterplay.
I attached an art I saw that could help people envision the aswang.
A flying killer could be fun, though they must have a cooldown between takeoff and landing, otherwise this would be probably too strong. But I would love to see some of the maps from above.
Or one of my favorite monsters, thats pretty close related to the Aswang, the Penanggalan from Malaysia. Its another vampiric creature, but the kicker is thats the head detaches from the body ... with all the innards and organs floating in the air! So cool. This head and sack of intestines float around, hunt people and suck them dry. When they come back, full of blood, they are too swollen to wriggle back into their body just like that, so they will bath in vinegar in order to shrivel up a bit before they can get back. Thats why the vinegar scent will give them away during their day job, posing as a normal being of their society and why they sometimes try to mask this scent with heavy use of perfume.
One trick to expose them is to sneak into their house while they are hunting and turn the headless body on its back. This way they will re-attach the wrong way and expose them for the horrific being they are, the next day. Another way to get rid of them is by filling the body with broken glass and earthware, so that they cut open when re-entering.
All in all the Penanggalan is so evocative and interesting, but I guess that it would be a bit too gruesome for DBD.
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Oh, interesting! I've never heard of the Penanggalan! Good to learn some new things!
I hope we get a new flying killer soon since that's a concept that hasn't been touched yet. As long as the devs do it right of course!
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Sounds interesting but unplayable on indoor maps like rpd and lerys and unplayable in buildings
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would be awesome but would create a lot of problems for looping, hiding, and the indoor maps will have to be reworked, tho definitely would like to see one
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True but the devs could add some utilities to circumvent this. Idk how but they could try.